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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Small Bug

    I was unable to reproduce this, can you explain me how it exactly happens?
  2. Someone could of performed a buyout instead... when someone does a buyout, the auction ends immidiately.
  3. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Not Bug But Exploit=> Gold

    Good find on this bug/exploit. We've adjusted this that heldenian winners can no longer sell arrows 1-by-1. This way they can't abuse the bug to make endless money.
  4. WhiteFang

    Aution House Rares Added !

    It was you with the Dark Executor bid?
  5. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Gold Reward

    When you kill enemies you get reward gold.
  6. WhiteFang

    Game Update 01/08/2013

    After some more feedback we've been adjusting the game some more as next: - Fixed: Buying items with full-load dropped it on the floor without discounting gold. - Fixed: Cannot deposit items when dropping on warehouse keeper. - Fixed: Day/Night time are reversed. - Fixed: Client Crashing sometimes when logging in close to mining rocks. - Fixed: CityHall Dialog wrongly remembers its state. - Fixed: Observer Mode caused client crashes. - Updated: Name Change Contract UI in CH has been implemented (needs testing) - Updated: Removed corrupted drops again after the feedback from the community and instead increased primary drop rate a little bit. - Updated: Item Upgrading is now safe to +3 - Updated: Hell-Fire damage adjusted for testing damage in beta - Updated: Reworked monster spawn displaying on mini-map. - Updated: Invisibility Potion, Power Green Potion and Super Power Green Potion have a different sprite now. That should make it easier to find them in your bag and on the floor.
  7. WhiteFang

    Aution House Rares Added !

    Auctions you bid on need to finish their bidding time. Once the bidding is finished and either buyer or seller access the market place (auction house or cash shop), the transaction is processed. And auction with a buyout is processed immidiately when the buyer confirms the buyout price.
  8. WhiteFang

    Windows Mode Client

    A different resolution gives you more view of the map... without more view, you'd get black borders... But with more view you have more advantage... and you'd see entire elvine/ares map in 1 screen at 1920x1080 lol... and the maps are not MADE for that. There is only an X amount of tiles treshold outside the walking-border of the map (about 20 tiles). We're experimenting with 800x600 resolution in different ways, and so far it has shown me some decent results. The only limitation I got with it is not being able to move my mouse outside the 640x480 playing rectangle. Allowing to go outside also brings the additional ability to make longer lines in blizzard... getting a 1080p resolution, you'd shoot blizzard from the left side of town right to the opposite side xD Making it windowed isn't that easy as color schemes in HB are different. With the screen exclusively locked to 640x480 transparency works correctly, but without it (e.g. when I run it in debug), the game isn't exclusively locked onto the monitor and needs to share resolution, so it becomes a 32-bit resolution (instead of 16 in exclusive), so colors increase, colors change, and transparency looks like shit. Work needs to be done in order to be able to go windowed mode.
  9. The new algorithm has been applied. Please keep me updated if it's going faster now...
  10. WhiteFang

    Game Update 01/08/2013

    This should be resolved now. The update is applied and all changed files are available now.
  11. There is a warning when you attempt to activate a 2nd booster when you already go an activated one in your bag... it's just not checking your WH or the floor (which belongs to EVERYONE) for this...
  12. They're not abusable... you limit the activation of a 2nd one for the stupid people who don't understand that having 2 active boosters will NOT double their effect... but you can active, drop it, active a 2nd one, and take the 1st one , that way you have 2 active ones... True, but the effect only applies once... so the 2nd booster will go to waste. Seems that we also have to limit this kind of things for the stupid people lol...
  13. They're not abusable... you limit the activation of a 2nd one for the stupid people who don't understand that having 2 active boosters will NOT double their effect...
  14. Active Boosters are re-using an existing system, the "limited item system". Limited items are items that last for X amount of time, their time can be frozen in WH or during logout or dropping them on the floor. When you double click a booster, it'll just create a new item in your inventory that is limited, and that item gives you the actual boost. The boost is only applied once, so having 2 active boosters doesn't give you double the bonus. All limited items have always been working separately, each ticking down their own time when it's in your inventory. So having 2 active boosters is pointless as only gain the buff once, and it'll still tick down from both items because that's how limited items work (individually and not depending on one another). We've already taken action against unknowingly people by not allowing you to activate a second booster if you already got one active. But now people use their warehouse to do this kind of stupid things... Yet preventing to pickup or hold a secondary active booster won't be good, what if you get a booster from an EK and you can't pick it up! or if you acidentally dropped yours on the floor (cuz you died, crimmed what ever) and activate a second one (cuz you got none) and forgot about the first... you go pick it up but you can't do it because you already got an active one... Maybe a warning should spam your *censored* if you have 2 boosters of the same kind active in your bag...?
  15. WhiteFang

    Crashes/visual Bugs In Game? Post Them Here!

    at the end was like i said or was something else? im just curious It's still pending on the update though, next update it'll be fixed. The issue was a collision check between body and mouse which occured when your mouse moves over the mining rock before the game sprites were fully loaded, causing the body sprite not to exist yet (being NULL) which causes a crash.
  16. WhiteFang

    Auction House

    the top 50 shows the "most recently added" ones. perhaps I could look into a sorting option in the auction house...
  17. WhiteFang

    Aution House Rares Added !

    It's not an error, there is always a 5% minimum increment to bid. Once someone bid the max limit, you can not over-bid him because we limit a maximum bid value (of 10k in this case). Yet the auction house still enforces you to bid 5% more on the item (which is 10.500 in this case). Anyway, in realit we won't see biddings go up to 10k... or are you planning to spend a fortune in auction house? if so, i'll gladly up the limit to your desires :P
  18. Is it ok to just validate the files that people will abuse? E.g. walking sounds/paks etc... Not it is no, people tend to edit many paks or sounds. For example if we would only check let's say walking + running sound, people will edit or delete all others, so only those 2 sounds remain... so they once again gain an advantage over others. For paks we'd have to check all, since we don't want people replacing big mobs by small mobs so they can hit ppl behind the big mobs (e.g. mana stone, arrow/cannon rowers, ettins, tws, etc etc...), neither do we want people to modify their tiles to make a grid or black/white coloring of them. Adding "just" those mobs + tiles to validation is already the majority of the pak files. Same goes for maps, if they can't edit paks, they'll edit maps and remove objects so they can look behind them and find people easier. So we don't want people to be going around doing that either. Last one is contents, we don't like people manipulating their shops to attempt and find an item we forgot to disable selling, or don't like them messing on the magic spell names. So to prevent all this kind of trickery, we need to validate about 90% of the files, so I've taken it the easy way and just validate all files used by the game as this additional 10% of files (background music, quest translations, etc...) doesn't take much more time or effort to validate. But as I mentioned earlier, I'm still going over this new algorithm that'll allow validating any file much faster. It'll literally validate about 850 files in less than 2 seconds.
  19. WhiteFang

    Dont Know If You Remember This

    It is a very old feature since v2.19 in hb int, it has been disabled in neme2 because the system is out-dated and only allows a single mob-spawn to show up atonce. I reworked this system for neme3 and it'll get enabled in the beta on the next game server update.
  20. WhiteFang

    Auto Updater Updated 30/07/2013

    Updated the auto updater again with an additional fix for windows 8 users. Hardware Accelleration is now automatically disabled to get better FPS while playing HB.
  21. WhiteFang

    Auto Updater Updated 30/07/2013

    Thanks to Aengis we found a possible solution for windows 8 users and people who seems to lagg alot and disconnect often when running or casting magics etc... We've changed the auto-updater to automatically assign affinity of 1 core to the helgame.exe process, doing so has proven to solve problems for certain users. If you experience an improvement (less laggy, less DC, etc) please let us know! If you experience more lagg now, let us know also! (because then we need to adjust it and make it setable in options so you choose to have affinity on or off) P.S. Auto-Updater will update itself on your next start-up.
  22. WhiteFang

    Not Sure That I Like "corrupted".

    Anything is possible ;) You wanne make it hard? kill 100 WW with magic-missile LOOOL :P reward: 10k contri
  23. WhiteFang

    Playing Nem 3 On Windows 8

    Did you try the new updater to see if the alt-tab gets fixed? the one at nemesis.com download? with the "did you try the new updater" I meant: "did you try playing the game and alt-tabbing after I made this post?". As I changed the auto updater using affinity, this could possibly solve your alt-tab problem, so I suggest to run the auto updater (to get the latest version) and start your client, login, and try alt-tab again. Then post results here if it's still crashing, or if it's resolved.
  24. Yes it is required to validate the game files every time you start playing. I am looking into a method to speed up this process of validation and have a new theoretical algorithm developed to test this. The first tests on it have shown a huge increment in speed, now it's a matter of fine-tuning the algorithm and making sure it is working as desired. I expect it to be ready by the weekend.
  25. WhiteFang

    [Nog A Bug] Non-Exsisting Account

    You should be able to login... also remember you put first letter as capital right...