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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Official Time Schedule

    Go to www.helbreathnemesis.com, there is a huge countdown there, and on the right side is the exact server time it is right now.
  2. WhiteFang

    Toh 3 Teleport Pad To Dc Bugged

    Yes, poison & invi are suposed to stay when moving along maps. That number 6 is a good find, I'll fix that.
  3. Ya know, you didn't come around in-game the last few days. I've seen hell-fires, cancellations, earth-shock-waves and many other very rare spells pop-up. The fact that the web or forum didn't get updated with the exact current phase is because you didn't read the small letters at the bottom of the page saying "All times are in Server Time (24h notation) and are subject to change at any time without notice." If we delay a phase because it isn't ready yet, then there is a very good reason. For example the questing was delayed more then a week in order to devote more time to other and more important issues that are occuring such as people having problems with bumping and disconnecting. I guess questing can wait for that... Or would you rather prefer to have a bunch of quests in-game but yet bump every 2 steps you take? I don't think so! So that's why we delayed them as we were very sure that the questing phase would run smooth from the beginning without much problems or bugs in it as this system has ran in the past for nemesis 2 and continued to run throughout the beta without any reported problems, yet with few and incorrect quests available.
  4. WhiteFang

    Game Update 18/08/2013

    More additions & changes: - Added: Exp Block command: "/blockexp" (and "/unblockexp" to unblock exp again) - Added: Toggle party interface & mini-map dots can now be changed within the party dialog. - Added: Choose Recall Point by CTRL + Click on the Mini-Map. (obviously only works in your own town. Doesn't matter where you actually click, the game will calculcate the closest recall pad to the position you clicked) - Added: Over 150 new quests to next beta phase - Added: 2 new Npcs, 1 for each farm: Elena for Elvine and Aeron for Aresden. They live near the recall pad and hand out low level quests. - Added: GM-Status bit that shows GMs as if they are from the town "Game Master". This should preserve their neutrality even more - Changed: Teleport Request Handler has been re-written on the server-side to work more efficient and have less overhead to manage the code. ** Known Issues ** - Recall point not saved when logging out - Elena & Aeron wander off too far from their recall pads - Possible quest bugs or issues. - GM-Status doesn't show - Dot on mini-map is too fat for recall point - Elena & Aeron don't attack enemies
  5. WhiteFang

    Dk Armor Quest Bug

    take the armor and put it in your bank. You can't abandon it as it's an auto-assigned quest.
  6. WhiteFang

    Stats Changing Bug

    Can you provide me a screenshot please?
  7. WhiteFang

    Stats Changing Bug

    After deducting stats, you need to add them again before you can deduct another 3.
  8. WhiteFang

    Stats Changing Bug

    make sure you don't have an angel equiped. If you got one equiped, TAKE IT OFF ! If you don't have angel, then I need to look into it. Report back if this is the case please.
  9. WhiteFang

    List Of Bugs I've Found

    Since last game update of 19/08 some of your bugs are no longer in or need re testeing: 1. retest please 4. retest 5. GM bit is implemented, feel free to test with it.
  10. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Cant Log In To Elvine Town..

    It's been fixed.
  11. WhiteFang

    Game Update 18/08/2013

    Fatal error can be because you're missing .NET Framework 4.0 If it ran before on the same computer, then provide me a SS of the error.
  12. WhiteFang

    Game Update 19/08/2013

    Some minor changes: - Added: Holding down CTRL button in town will highlight your chosen recall point. (It's drawn top-most instead of bottom-most) - Changed: Elena and Aeron now fight back when they get attacked. And can also be killed themselves, their respawn time is 1 second. - Changed: Elena and Aeron have a smaller spawn area and should now stay closed to the recall pad. - Changed: Elena and Aeron had their looks slightly adjusted to match the spirit of the town in a better way. - Changed: Recall point dot on mini-map is now medium sized instead of fat sized. - Fixed: GM status displaying as traveller and travellers displaying as GMs. - Fixed: Getting jailed from another game server didn't initiate the force recall time. - Fixed: Beholder necklace users were able to see GMs.
  13. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Ilusion + Invis Bug

    You're illusioned, which also means you don't see player names and don't know who's who unless you have a monster memory not to get confused.
  14. WhiteFang

    Game Update 18/08/2013

    Max recall level to farm is 120, after that you become combatant anyway and recall to town. Elena and Aeron offer quests until level 140. Some of these quests are also for above level 140 as you can train in those areas above lvl 140 (such as ML, dungeon, hunt zones or collecting-quests) Quests that start at level 140 are given by the cityhall officer (for now, this will likely change to specific npcs wandering around the maps). Later on the idea is to have more quest npcs like Elena and Aeron all around helbreath, they will give specific quests for their areas. Once those npcs arrive, the quests that are now located on Elena, Aeron or CH officer will be replaced by quests that push you towards those npcs (e.g. go help my friend X in map Y)
  15. WhiteFang

    Game Update 18/08/2013

  16. WhiteFang

    Game Update 18/08/2013

    When you open party dialog (CTRL+P or from character dialog (F5) -> Party) you now have 2 options added there to toggle the party interface and town dots on mini-map on/off as desired. (this can still be done by commands too, but by dialog is much easier now)
  17. WhiteFang

    Question About Donations

    Your idea is interesting, yet there are some aspects that have proven in the past not to work at all: - Pay2win is a bad system in an mmo, giving out permanent mp/hp/mr/dr sets is a pay2win. If you pay for the pack, you already win immidiately vs others upon opening. I for one am extremely against pay2win situations as it has proven to be the worst in nemesis 2, no matter how much $$ you ask for the items. People WILL spend it to win (1000$ for cancel, and (crazy?) people DID PURCHASE IT!) Besides, I don't know if you heard or read the beta reward topic. Everyone who participated from day 1 in the beta will receive a huge reward shortly after opening, those rewards include boosters from the cash shop and also a very special unique dye (never seen before!) if they participated all the way through.
  18. WhiteFang

    Things To Test During Beta

    Engel, the hero cape should be upgradeable and consume the merien stone while doing so. with "items that say they cant be upgraded dont use the stone..." you mean that there are items you can put inside, upgrade, and don't consume a stone?
  19. WhiteFang

    [Not A Bug] Ilusion + Invis Bug

    It's one of the side effects of illusion, you're already in a disadvantage of being illusioned, so this invi thingy isn't a big deal actually and I think I'll just leave it like that.
  20. WhiteFang

    Game Update 16/08/2013

    We've fixed and added some more things to the game today: - Added: Sell option for the Sorcerer has been added. You can now sell your spells again for Gold (you get 50% of the purchase cost back in gold). The same dialog is also used to reverse a rare spell back to its corresponding manual (This requires you to have 1 Reverse Spell to Manual Contract). - Added: Additional message to indicate that you can't equip an angel while stat changing. - Added: Quest Dialogs now show item descriptions when hovering over a reward with your mouse. - Changed: Movement has been increased by removing the observation check, it caused a slow-down on the code as the quest progression check is quite heavy to process. - Changed: Observe quests now require you to observe the area for up to 10 seconds. - Changed: Quest completion dialogs won't pop-up every step you take, it'll occur only when any kind of quest progression is checked. (It used to spam you because of the observe objective checking, but this was moved to only occur every 10 seconds, so in the end you'll still be spammed every 10 seconds to accept the reward but no longer every step you take.) - Fixed: Dark Knight/mage and Hero armor dialog displayed the male item when the character is female. - Fixed: It was possible to upgrade DK hat with Merien Stone. - Fixed: Quests that allowed choosing a reward didn't properly validate the chosen reward causing the reward to be lost when your bag is full. - Fixed: When contributing to your guild you could input a negative value. - Fixed: Crusade Build & Teleport point displayed on the floor outside of middleland.
  21. WhiteFang

    [Small Visual Issue Only] Sade And Mision

    You likely already picked some of the items "by accident" when hunting ogres, then your progress is counted... but you prolly dropped back on the floor because you thought you didn't need them and later on gone to WH and taken from there. im quite sure that it didnt happen, let me get ingame and check it, i still have some items on the wh I've made Farjat do this test, and it worked as expected...
  22. WhiteFang

    [Small Visual Issue Only] Sade And Mision

    You likely already picked some of the items "by accident" when hunting ogres, then your progress is counted... but you prolly dropped back on the floor because you thought you didn't need them and later on gone to WH and taken from there.
  23. WhiteFang

    [Small Visual Issue Only] Sade And Mision

    The teleport and build point is indeed a good find, something visually small and not really a bug. About the ogre quest, let me explain you the machanism how the "pickup" type of quest works: - You must pickup the item from an NPC drop. - Having one in WH, does NOT count towards the progress. - Having one in bag does NOT count towards the progress. - Someone else picks up and passes to you does NOT count towards the progress. - Dropping a picked up item will decrease the count again. But it does NOT matter if you pickup a fresh item or take one from your bank or other people to equalize count. (e.g. if you pickup 2, your progress will say 2. if you drop 1 on the floor, your progress will say 1. so to put count back to 2 you can pick any of the item or take it from your bank or get from other people. But to get it to count to 3, you must pick a fresh item from an NPC.) - You must have the amount of items in your bag as stated by the quest to complete it (they will be deleted !)
  24. WhiteFang

    Giant Frogs

    FYI: Frogs have been in the same gen-level as hellhounds (which drop berk & chain hose) since v5.35 ... My patch notes say: Giant-Frog (Added v5.35 patch 3 - 04/08/2011) So it's been in for 2 years already !
  25. WhiteFang

    Giant Frogs

    Their power can be compared to rudy, so perhaps adding giant frogs to the rudy drop pool would be acceptable. Making them drop either of them gets a little harder, there is no real "purpose" on doing it, so I'm not going to change the drop pools just for that purpose. Those frogs become quite annoying for low-levels and when they're in big groups. But I can see the idea of some random frog spawns around D2 and ML-mines as they fit the setting of the map. Where as for D3 or D4 they don't fit the setting accordingly (lava instead of water-ish environment). Likely we'll see them return in Middleland Mines Lv2 later on in the Golden Era.