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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Game Update 03/09/2013 - V5.43.002

    Oops, that's an item that didn't make it yet to the game. I forgot to remove it from the list before posting it. The items are scheduled to be added. The idea of them is that they summon a specific NPC right next to you for 5 minutes. You can perform actions as you would normally with those npcs in their appropriate maps. e.g. a bank summon potion summons a howard npc next to you so you can use your warehouse for 5 minutes. There are 2 versions of these potions, one you consume and the potion is gone. and one permanent which you can keep on using again and again and again and again for ever ever ever and ever after.
  2. WhiteFang


    I love to enlighten you and explain for the 12045873028210457120389102784012840128th time why we have this feature. First of all, Invulnerability extends safe-zones. As in MANY areas (except apocalypse) we've taken AWAY the safe-zone areas. The removal of those areas was made due to the reason people running to safe-zone and start shit-talk the entire map. And then the opposites summon on top and make the guy die, with the only purpose of stopping the shit-talking as they won't gain an EK from killing him anyway. And we want to get rid of stupid shit-talkers, so one of the side-effects already is consuming MORE sp to talk in various chats. So only the minimum/required amount of chat is spoken and shit-talking is reduced. The other action against it was removing safe zones. Now if we look at the core-existance of safe-zones, we know they're there to give the people time to load the map data and get ready for what's in the new map. Often safe-zones used to be located at points where you would spawn coming from another game server. To ensure people don't get raped when they spawn in a map and didn't fully load yet, there must be some sort of protection. This protection is the Invulnerability. It gives slow and fast computers sufficient time to fully load all required data to start playing in the map. On the other hand, making a box and wait for a player to spawn in it from another map, not always/yet fully-loaded and rape him in the ground required absolutely ZERO skill in helbreath. It only requires 2 people to make a box. As we prefer to have a PvP action where SKILLS are required, we simply introduced this Invulnerability buff to occur on EVERY teleport, to make sure you can load your map and not get raped because you're still loading. The reason why Invulnerability also protects against summons is simple, as I mentioned before, raping your enemy who's standing in a safe-zone doesn't gain you an EK. It has no other purpose than forcing him out of the map and stopping his shit-talking. As there are no more safe-zones around now, people can't stick to a border of a map in a safe-zone to shit-talk. So the ability to hit an enemy being in their "safe-zone" using summons becomes obsolete, so Invulnerability protects against it. Besides, how annoying is it to find a left-over dragon at the recall pad and DIE the moment you spawn... The invulnerability buff has fixed times, 7 seconds on teleport and 15 on server change. That you see less time only means your loading time is variable and isn't always "instantly" as you would think. Time starts ticking the moment you're connected, but that doesn't mean your map is loaded and all required data is received to start playing. The exploits you mention, only 1 could be a potentional issue, that's the first one. The second one is your fault for not damaging him while he runs away... fly him a crit, a fire strike on his *censored* or a bow shot will get the 10-seconds counter reset... keeping him from getting the buff upon teleporting.
  3. WhiteFang

    Crusade Time Wrong On Website?

    this one got fixed recently.
  4. WhiteFang

    Angel Upgrade Requirements?

    There is no explicit list of it, but throwing your angel in the upgrade window shows you how much points you need. The formula to calculate it by yourself is also very easy: Majestics Needed = 10 + (for 1~Current Upgrade Level { + Counter }) So if you have an angel +5, and want it +6 you need: 10 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 majestics = 25 majestics. Another one, from +15 to +16 you need: 10 + 15 + 14 + 13 + 12 + 11 + 10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 130 majestics.
  5. WhiteFang

    Increasing Ping?

    stop using Wi-Fi... it helps :)
  6. WhiteFang

    Exp Place

    You can find all this info in the nemesis Game Info section of the main website. But to help you out, here is a link to the dungeon Lv2 map showing all pits: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/portal/index.php?action=map&id=22
  7. WhiteFang

    Nice Suggestions.

    Is the "load reduction" significant enough to not implement perma updated dots? ive been getting a lot of feedback agreeing that it would be WAY better than how it is right now, i actually find it more useful to locate farther partymembers rather than really close ones. If you were on the beta, and remember the days before we did some D2 running tests... then you know the load is very heavy. It's the reason why we changed observer quests to only be validated every 10 seconds instead of every time you run. With party update, it updated every time you run (if in 20x20 range), otherwise every 30 seconds.
  8. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Aresden Map Is Down.

    fixed it
  9. WhiteFang

    Exp Place

    Good exp places for 180 are: - ML Ogres (1 pit on each side available) - ML WW (1 pit on each side) - IB Frosts (2 pits available) - D2 Cycs (3 pits available) - D2 Crayfish (1 pit available) - TOH3 DE (3 pits, but must lure out "trash" mobs first) In a small group you can also exp here: - IB IG (2 pits available) - AMP is recommended (if with 2 ppl, one could go mage) - DV/SW - no pits, kinda hard to solo, a small group can handle some more - Garden - no pits, hard to solo for wars, with a group it becomes easier - D3 - no pits either, gets rough sometimes so a small group is recommended
  10. WhiteFang

    Nemesis 3 Experience Table

    Nice try! that trick doesn't work :p The party exp is distributed BEFORE the level multiplier is applied. Same goes for XP Tablers. BUT, XP Boosters DO boost your party with more exp! (same for XP weapons)
  11. WhiteFang

    Corrupt Auto Updater

    What's the error it's saying? or what are the symptoms that are showing up? I've just downloaded it myself, ran it, and it just works fine for me.
  12. WhiteFang

    Add Pgp And Spgp To Alchemy Lists

    PGP already exists in the alchemy list: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/portal/index.php?action=item&id=296
  13. WhiteFang


    Please read and execute: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=34218#entry390898
  14. WhiteFang

    Corrupt Auto Updater

    Reboot your computer, after it rebooted download the auto updater again from the nemesis website. OVERWRITE the existing auto updater and run it to start playing again.
  15. WhiteFang

    Update V5.43.001

    Moments ago the world server crashed, but got saved from rolling back. To ensure everything is properly saved we're have shutted down the game servers. We will use this opportunity to update all servers to fix several bugs and also add a couple new stuff: - Added: You can now join party using CTRL+P while targeting a player who's in peace mode. - Added: CTRL+N now allows you to attack neutral monsters (rabbits, cats and unicorns). - Added: Auto Attack Mode (CTRL+A) and holding down CTRL now shows the appropriate cursor when being able to attack the target - Added: Beholder Necklace Users can now attack invisible players. - Added: Monster Display on mini-map when a summon wave is summoned. - Changed: Party dots on mini-map are now smaller. - Changed: Party size has been increased to 16 players. - Changed: Handshake timeout was extended to 8 minutes on account change, and 5 minutes on initial login (was 5 and 2) - Changed: Full-Trim size of boots has been reduced from 2 to 1, this makes them more appealing. - Changed: Guild Admission and Succession tickets can now be given to non-guildmasters - Fixed: Several crashes related to party in game server. - Fixed: Several crashes related to character saving and loading in world server. - Fixed: Ghost bumps (= bumping against "air") are reduced. - Fixed: Players were able to join a full party. - Fixed: Missing notify messages from the "choose recall point" feature. - Fixed: Missing notify message from "no recall maps" - Fixed: Missing items that are supposed to be logged.
  16. WhiteFang

    Client Failed To Shake Hands With The Server!

    No, the servers are up and running. When you receive that message you can try to run the auto updater again to see if it's resolved. If it keeps appearing, you can try to go to the Options (before clicking start game button) and change to Nemesis 3: The Golden Era [Mirror 1] If the problem still persists when using the mirror, you should look into your router and DISABLE ip-load-balancing because that makes the handshake fail. If you don't have IP load balancing, you should check if you're using a proxy such as LaggLess for example. If you're using one, you must proxy BOTH auto updater AND helgame.exe through SOCKS5. If the problem still persists, post here again and provide me the following details: - Country - Internet Provider - Network Setup (PC directly to modem? PC through router to modem?...) - Nemesis account name
  17. As the bug finder list isn't that long, it'll be handled manually. Try to get in touch with my in-game regarding this to receive your reward.
  18. WhiteFang

    Game Crashes

    You require 12 STR and 100 dex to equip a knight hauberk.
  19. WhiteFang

    Game Crashes

    It happend EVERY time? or just sometimes? Can you try to figure out the exact conditions on which the game crash? (state of your character, quests, party, switching game server or not?)
  20. WhiteFang

    Nice Suggestions.

    I like some of the suggestions and will look into how we can add some of them. To get back to FedeD, when party members are in a range of 20x20 coordinated of yourselves, they get updated very fast (this is to support quick raiding movements). Once they move out of that range, their info is only updated every 30 seconds. (This is to reduce load and because people outside 20x20 range likely have no connection with you and don't need the fast-paced-updating.)
  21. WhiteFang

    Command /who

    Adding those numbers will only bring inbalance to the game even more. Helbreath is known for restoring its own balance. Yet if it's needed, Administrators will play gods and rebalance the server by moving individual characters or entire guilds.
  22. WhiteFang

    To Gm

    The server is located in the USA, and distance causes higher ping ofcrouse, that's something we cannot fix. I'm not sure how good your connection to the USA is, but I know alot of players from the asian region use a service called "LaggLess" to connect and play nemesis.
  23. try to delete the helgame.exe you have right now and run the auto updater again.
  24. WhiteFang

    Crusade Time Wrong On Website?

    The web banner is incorrectly, I am looking into that.
  25. WhiteFang

    Annoying Bug

    Put all your stats so the "level up" disapear. Then your scrolling is fixed.