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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Bag Bug

    This is indeed an issue. It'll be fixed on the next update.
  2. We still require more info regarding this TP issue. @bother: the d3 teleport will be fixed on next server reboot.
  3. This will be fixed on the next update.
  4. WhiteFang

    The Recent Change Of Pace

    True, I'm even thinking on Helbreath in 3D now lol
  5. WhiteFang

    Broad Sword/bastad Sword Drops

    This suggestion has been taken into account. Expect some additional drops for different mobs in the next update.
  6. WhiteFang

    The Recent Change Of Pace

    Sure am having fun, both in learning new things (such as the Unreal Engine) but also going to parties and enjoy dancing around many girls. It's got to be a free bird, I just dance up to any girl I like and party a bit with here and can freely move on to another one :p
  7. WhiteFang

    Nizzie Wand Drop

    Both Nizie and Minotaurs will be moved one gen pool up, making them drop equal to Frosts/Liche.
  8. WhiteFang

    Civilians Taming

    I've investigated the issue. A fix will be applied in the upcoming update.
  9. WhiteFang

    Ctrl+G Guild Note

    Thank you for your input and suggestions, I've noted down the following features to be added as future guild abilities: - Guild Message of the Day (GMOD): A Message set by a Guild Master/Leader/... (buy ability to set) - Buy GMOD feature (one time purchase) -- GMOD can be accessed through CTRL+G (button/link to open GMOD screen) -- GMOD shows up at login (re-use the battle field/shutdown dialog box) - Can be disabled to show up in settings (client-bound setting) -- GMOD colors: Use different colors (one color per line) in the GMOD, also text formatting like bold, italic, underline. Eventually other fonts? (must investigate possibility) - Guild Events (GE): A system to create guild events - Buy GE feature (one time purchase) and can be created by other ranks (buy ability to create) -- GE can have: Date & hour (expressed in server time), Title, Description, Creator. (Can use description to input gathering location, what you do, where you go) -- GE announcing: Announced GE to each individual guild member at X time before event. (enable different X times like 5h, 3h, 2h, 1h, 30 min, etc... at a cost of GCP) -- GE overview: Additional page to be accessed from the guild info page (CTRL+G) and lists all events (upcomming and past) with info and ETA. (free once GE ability is purchased) -- GE limitations: Can only schedule up to X events in future. (Buy more event slots using GCP) -- GE colors: Use different colors (one color per line) in the title and description, also text formatting like bold, italic, underline. Eventually other fonts? (must investigate possibility)
  10. WhiteFang

    Lucky Price Tickets

    if you're unlucky you get nothing.
  11. WhiteFang

    Drop List Statistics

    A list can be made from what's coded... but we just don't want to give it out. It's still helbreath nemesis, not helbreath mathematics.
  12. WhiteFang

    How To Fix Invul + Tp+ Boxes

    That's a patch on the bound, but that doesn't fix the cause of the wound. You'll only need more and more and more patches to keep fixing it. I'd rather fix the core of the problem if I understand the core correctly. If my assumption is correct, and the time is too short, the cause can simply be identified that restarting gives you invulnerability. To fix it, there shouldn't be invulnerability on restart as you'll always end-up in a place where nobody or nothing can kill you anyway. So your first recall after restarting will grant you invulnerability with sufficient time as expected.
  13. WhiteFang

    Drop List Statistics

    those kind statistics arn't available yet in nemesis 3. The drop chance to get cancel from cyclops is 0% and the drop chance to get it from Liche, or master mage orc or beholder or even from Abaddon is also 0%. Why? because it NEVER dropped in nemesis 3, so there are no ACTUAL statistics available for those kind of items. The theoretical numbers we're not publishing as I said before. And actuals have no use or value this early.
  14. WhiteFang

    How To Fix Invul + Tp+ Boxes

    If I understood this issue clearly, this is what happens: - You die - You end up in revival zone WITH invul on - You recall while it's still on - Invul is no extended (cuz you already had it) - The moment you're fully loaded your invul (received right after restart) is too low to take any action. Is that correct?
  15. WhiteFang

    Drop List Statistics

    There is a list of drop available in the nemesis website. (see game info) The exact percentages of each individual rate are not published in public.
  16. WhiteFang

    Game Update 08/09/2013

    Nemesis has been adjusted as next: - Character names now require valid english-readable characters. - Invulnerability buff is no longer granted when using the crusade teleport to middleland during the crusade total war. - Spells that target other players except yourself while you're Invulnerable no longer have effect. - Civilian spells no longer have effect when targetted to combatants. - The amount of muted given today is too damn high, we will have to mute some more in the following days.
  17. WhiteFang

    Still Abusing Powers.

    We have an entire staff who work very hard to keep nemesis going. You've only seen 3 of them in nemesis 3 release appear in game, that's Farjat, Alka and myself, White[GM]. Yet there are a bunch of other GMs like Jing, Squall, MJ, Sky, Sexy, Scat and Colo who work behind the scenes. Not all of them appear in-game or are even actively playing the game as normal characters, but we, the admins and I as developer value their input ALOT. I stated before we don't need GMs, and that's true. We don't need GMs in the public area, lesser GMs there makes less bans for stupid people who argue a GM or even attempt to argue an Admin. If you wish to argue an issue that happend between you and a GM, make a ticket. The system is specially designed for the players to put their issues. It is possible that GMs abuse powers, that's true, we even got a special ticket type for that to report it. Such abuse tickets can only be read by Admins.
  18. WhiteFang

    So Can A Gm Please Confirm Or Deny This.

    People sell bullshit all day long... Same way then early after opening some people claimed that farjat removed a merien shield drop from a player because it was a bug... pure bullshit, a merien shield never dropped in the first place. And if it did, we wouldn't take it away unless it was a really huge exploitable bug that was exploited (e.g. dusa sword in neme2 with lucky tickets purchased by abusing negative gold bug/exploit). Just the same way as that was bullshit, the same way this explenation of a quote from farjat is also bullshit. Nemesis 3 drop rate is just fine, we have tested and fine-tuned it during the beta and it has been unchanged ever since.
  19. WhiteFang

    Any Chance?

    You can use small trees... before clicking start game, go to Options and change trees to small over there ;)
  20. WhiteFang


    1. All the gold has been eaten by the Dragons... we can't return it, I'm afraid to face the Golden Dragon :( You'll have to do with picking up items and selling them to shop and completing quests... 2. Sounds like a good idea, yet that would also involve that you wouldn't be able to progress for example body-part collecting when you're in a party. Although there is no party equivalent of collecting body parts, it is marked as a solo-quest. And blocking solo-quest progression while in party causes this particular situation which is an unwanted behavior. Besides, if doing it for solo-quests, the same should be applied to Guild and Town quests, but once again we face the issue that you wouldn't leave guild to play a solo quest, and I'm not even talking about town, that's even completely impossible. That's the reason why we've chosen for the mechanic to exclude the quests out, so you can't have the solo + party active atonce, exactly to prevent abusing it as well as prevent the issues that come along when blocking out one-another (no solo progression when in party etc...) 3. Certain quests require mage support. e.g. killing a TW with your party/guild is a huge task, it can't be done without supporting mages. That's one of the reasons why anyone holding the quest can make the other guy progress even if he only supported the party. This obviously leaves open the possibility for party members to AFK, but then once again you're free to accept or deny people to join your party. 4. Exp is unchanged vs what we had in neme2... nobody complained there. You're likely coming from a fruity server where you get 180 and 10k majestics by killing a slime in beginners zone. That's not what nemesis is like, and that's not what we're aiming for. Our goal is to sustain a server that can last for years, not for 3 days. Regarding the exp and party, there is a 20% exp bonus for every party member in the party. 2 people killing an ogre at the same time without party will again LESS experience than when it's done in party. To make this example into values let's take some fake numbers into this: Killing 1 Ogre grants 1000 exp. Player A gets 1000 exp from killing it. Player B gets 1000 exp from killing it. If they party up, a 20% exp bonus is granted to the party devided along members and a 10% bonus for the killer himself. Player A kills the Ogre, each party member except the killer gets (1000 + ((1000 / 100) * 20)) / 2 exp = (1000 + 200) / 2 exp = 1200 / 2 exp = 600 exp, player A gets (600 + ((600 / 100) * 10) exp = (600 + 60) exp = 660 exp. At the same time Player B kills another Ogre, once again each party member except the killer gets 600 exp and the killer gets 660 exp. At that point, player A has gained 660 + 600 exp = 1260 exp! And player B has gained 600 + 660 exp = 1260 exp! TADA! you gain more exp when in party than when you do solo. To be exact, a 26% bonus was granted here. Now you will counter my example saying that both players will kill the same ogre, so only gain half the exp. That's true, but they kill that ogre TWICE AS FAST... meaning that in the same time they take to kill an Ogre solo, they can kill 2 Ogres (or even more!) together. Which in the end also yields a higher experience gain because in the same time they take to kill a single ogre solo, they can kill 2 ogres together, also getting about 1260 exp each (if the 2 ogres got killed twice by player A, player A would gain 660 + 660 exp = 1320 exp and player B only 600 + 600 exp = 1200 exp) 5. As you up your guild, you gain access to more ranks. It's not only leaders or masters who're in command of things, but also Guild Commanders can perform such tasks. It's a matter of assigning them to the right people to give orders and hold the group together. In original helbreath and even early nemesis 2 we've seen guild masters lead a guild of 200+ people... I don't see the problem here to needing more ranks. The amount of guild players who can hold a high rank is very limited because the impact of the unlockable abilities (sade commander/tp/build and held flag planter) is yet unknown as there never were sufficient players in nemesis2 to make a large-scale test on this. When tests prove that the need of more ranks is required, we will evaluate this and try to measure the impact on the game as good as possible. 6. /showservertime already shows you the current time... 7. It's always been like that, hold CTRL to dash people.
  21. WhiteFang

    Exp Place

    don't be lazy... www.helbreathnemesis.com Game Info -> Maps -> Dungeon Lv 2.
  22. WhiteFang


    A possible option is to adjust invulnerability as following: - No invulnerability upon using crusade teleportation. - Casting any spell on another play then yourself has no effect with invulnerability on. These 2 suggestions would solve all negative sides that invulnerability causes.
  23. Hello Nemesis ! Today we've released v5.43.002! This update includes a couple of bug fixes both client and server. I'll start off with some good news first, we have made lottery tickets ALOT better than they used to be ! Now they'll give you some decent/reasonable items along with a small chance to obtain ANY rare ! Here is the lucky prize ticket primary-drop table: Chance to get a junk item: 49% Chance to get a body part: 30% Chance to get a acceptable item: 15% Chance to get a good item: 5% Chance to get a rare item: 1% Each of these categories include a specific set of items which have their own individual, second-drop rate. This 2nd rate is NOT released, but obviously you can conclude that getting a RoM or Devastator from the Rare category have a different chance. e.g. Devastator has a 0,01% chance to be obtained. So it's total rate is 1% * 0,01% = 0,000001% chance. Here is a list of which items belong in which category: 'Junk Items: 1 of the 274 Junk Items (armors, manuals, shop items, etc...) Also includes Bars which are 100% completion. Bars and Ores can be obtained in larger quantities (ranging from 1~50). Body Parts: 1~20 Slime Jellies 1~15 Snake Body Part 1~15 Ant Body Part 1~10 Orc Body Part 1~10 Skeleton Body Part 1~10 Scorpion Body Part 1~7 Stone Golem Piece 1~7 Lump of Clay 1~5 Cyclops Body Part 1~5 Hellhound Body Part 1~3 Ogre Body Part 1~3 Werewolf Body Part 1~3 Troll Body Part 1 Demon Body Part 1 Unicorn Body Part Acceptable Items: 1 Power Green Potion 1 Super Power Green Potion 1 Hair Color Potion 1 Hair Style Potion 1 Skin Color Potion 1 Invisibility Potion 1 Sex Change Potion 1 Ogre Summon Potion 1 Underwear Potion 1 Unfreeze Potion 1 1Million Gold Pocket 1 Red Candy 1 Blue Candy 1 Green Candy 1 Super Health Potion 1 Super Mana Potion 1 Super Revitilization Potion 1 Werewolf Summon Potion 1 Unicorn Summon Potion 1 Demon Summon Potion 1 Experience Potion Lv 6 1 Experience Potion Lv 7 1 Experience Potion Lv 8 1 Experience Potion Lv 9 1 Experience Potion Lv 10 Good Items: 1 Exp Booster +50% 1 Gold Booster +50% 1 Skill Booster +100% 1 Quest Booster +100% 1 Gather Booster +10% 1 Drop Booster +10% 1 Ancient Piece (LU/RU/LD/RD) 1 Flame+3 LLF/Golden AXE LLF 1 RM10/DF10/MS10/DM+1 1 Lucky Gold Ring/Platinum Ring Ring/Ruby Ring 1 Emerald Ring/Sapphire Ring 1 Ring of Wizard/Ogre Ring 1 Gcp Scroll Lv 1 1 Zemstone of Sacrifice 1 Gcp Scroll Lv 2 1 Gcp Scroll Lv 3 1 Stone of Merien 1 Stone of Xelima 1 Repair Hammer (5, 10, 15) Rare Items: 1 Gcp Scroll Lv 4 1 GCP Scroll Lv 5 1 GCP Scroll Lv 6 1 GCP Scroll Lv 7 1 GCP Scroll Lv 8 1 GCP Scroll Lv 9 1 GCP Scroll Lv 10 1 Ring of Mage/Ring of Demon 1 Ring of Dragon 1 Ring of Grand Mage/Ring of The Xelima 1 Ring of The Abaddon 1 Excalibur 1 Giant Battle Hammer 1 Kloness Esterk/Blade/Axe/Wand (MS.10/20) 1 Demon Slayer 1 Lighting Blade/Dark Executor 1 Dark Elf Bow 1 Storm Bringer 1 Ice Elemental Sword 1 Xelima Rapier/Blade/Axe 1 Sword of Medusa 1 Merien Shield/Plate 1 Berserk Wand (MS.10/20) 1 Magic Wand (MS 30 LLF) 1 Resurrection wand (MS.10/20) 1 Bloody Shock Wave Manual 1 Mass Fire Strike Manual 1 Ice Storm Manual 1 Fury of Thor Manual 1 Sleep Manual 1 Inhibition Casting Manual 1 Cancellation Manual 1 Earth Shock Wave Manual 1 Hell Fire Manual 1 Necklace of Earth Protection 1 Necklace of Earth Elemental 1 Necklace of Sufferent 1 Necklace of Medusa 1 Necklace of Ice Protection 1 Necklace of Ice Elemental 1 Necklace of Efreet 1 Necklace of Air Elemental 1 Necklace of Beholder 1 Necklace of Liche 1 Necklace of Stone Golem 1 Necklace of Merien 1 Necklace of Xelima 1 Necklace of Kloness 1 Magic Necklace (DF+20) 1 Magic Necklace (DF+25) 1 Magic Necklace (DF+30) 1 Magic Necklace (DM+3) 1 Magic Necklace (DM+4) 1 Magic Necklace (DM+5) 1 Magic Necklace (MS14) 1 Magic Necklace (MS16) 1 Magic Necklace (MS18) 1 Magic Necklace (RM20) 1 Magic Necklace (RM25) 1 Magic Necklace (RM30) 1 Angel of Lucidity 1 Repair Hammer 20 1 Repair Hammer 25 1 Repair Hammer 50 1 Repair Hammer 75 1 Repair Hammer 100 1 Peach/Topaz/Lemon/Baby Blue Dye 1 Pink/Crimson Red Dye 1 Sky/Fuchia/Torqouise/Ruby/Sapphire/Lime/Orchid/Orange Dye 1 Gold Dye 1 Armor Sex Change Potion 1 Town Change Contract 1 Name Change Contract 1 Spell to Manual Contract As a last point this update also includes the punishment of the Jestem Hardkorem guild. They have actively and knowingly abused a bug in the Quest System instead of reporting it. We know this as a fact because they've obtained over 25k contribution points and over 30 majestic points by abusing this bug. As a punishment we've set back the guild from level 3 to level 2. That's a loss of 50k contribution points. Each of the abusers has been punished by the removal of ALL their contribution points along with an experience removal equal to the amount of majestics they've obtained by this bug abuse. They will need to re-gain the experience from those abused majestics before they will be able to obtain experience towards a next majestic point. (e.g. 1 majestic point = 3 mil exp. One of the abusers obtained 6 majestics, his exp was decreased by 18 million exp. He first needs to obtain 18 mil exp before he can start gaining experience again to gain a majestic) The abusers are: BuggedChar - 1.5 majestics Crush - 2.5 majestics Faith - 1 majestics Janitor - 0.5 majestics Mass - 6 majestics Metz - 4.5 majestics Neliel - 5.5 majestics SiemOO - 3.5 majestics Squeeze - 4.5 majestics Warrill - 2 majestics Xaylone - 3.5 majestics Yarkenen - 4 majestics Yenth - 3.5 majestics The quest system bug does not only extend to the point where we found these abusers. It extended to ALL quests available, and we know there are MANY more players who abused this bug with lower level quests without reporting the bug. We've only punished the greatest abusers to make a clear statement that WE DO NOT TOLLERATE ANY BUG ABUSING AT ALL. I would like to remind everyone clearly of rule number 19 in our rules: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/rules.php "Bugs: As previously noted, any abuse of a bug could result in a permanent ban. There are no excuses; if you see a bug, just report it to the GM Staff using the Ticket System. Don’t take advantage of the bugs." If you're unsure if something is a bug, a feature or as-designed, you can ALWAYS ask a GM for clarification. We'll gladly explain it to you.
  24. WhiteFang

    Game Update 03/09/2013 - V5.43.002

    Lucidity angel gives +4% illusion resistance (includes all illusion-type spells ranging from illusion to mass illusion movement) for each upgrade it has. (+20 = 80% resist).
  25. WhiteFang

    Game Update 03/09/2013 - V5.43.002

    nope, no statted items from lucky prize tickets. the "junk" items contain all the BS items for example.