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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Server Down?

    An update was announced 2 days ago.... http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=34491
  2. WhiteFang

    Angel Buff

    nope, only illusion resistance.
  3. WhiteFang

    Update Manufacture, Like Fishing Bubles

    Benicio's idea is something in the line I already have planned for nemesis to have from long ago... Only this version is really simplistic. The one I got in mind is to introduce salvaging where you extract armor/weapon stats and combine them to make them better/higher and then embedd them back into armors/weapons. All that with using existing skills like farming, alchemy, crafting, manufacturing, fishing etc etc...
  4. WhiteFang

    Game Update 05/10/2013 At 09:00 Am

    I'm a GM, I see all chats, so /tooff is not an option, having all shit talking inbetween makes it hard to read real questions. 99% of shit talking occured when people stood in safe zones in ML and shit talk their enemy all day long without fighting... So I removed safe zones and 99% of shit talking is gone now. The majority not accepting invulnerability are against it because they can't get easy-ek anymore from boxing WH or shop. The others who have issues with it mainly address them and solutions are made for them, the restart, the self-cast, the sade teleport, etc etc etc... I will keep making adjustments to invulnerability for as long as issues keep occuring, intended or unintended behavior of the ability will just be corrected. Going back to safe-zones and removing invul from the game I will only do under 1 condition: for every shit talker in-game that says 1 word that comes near shit-talking I get the right to perma ban him. So if you agree on my condition, i'll revert the change.
  5. WhiteFang

    Game Update 05/10/2013 At 09:00 Am

    safe zones are proven working for 10 years. they've also proven shit talking is at its best with them... for 10 years... and I dislike shit talking cuz you're a free ek and your mommy is so fat that she wouldn't fit in a wyvern. (I'm just joking, shit talk is the worst, don't take my words I just said seriously lol). Back to being serious, shit talking is something that annoys me alot and removing safe zones gets rid of that. Besides shit talking, invulnerability brings also other things to the game which I like, such as anti-free-ek from boxing wh & shop as well as anti-mass-summon-rape in d2 at safe zones (cuz there is no safezones !)
  6. WhiteFang

    Update Manufacture, Like Fishing Bubles

    @Aengis: probably if they get added to manu, DK set endu would go down and when you + your DK armor to somewhere like +5~+8 you'd be around current endu, leaving +8~+15 open for slightly more endu. Or could even just consider making it so +15 is same as current endu. It's just ideas I'm throwing out... Repairing is one of the other possibilities to make manu'ing more useful, but you'd input your item + add some mining stuff to repair it right... but who would carry anvil (very heavy) and coals/super coals/ultra coal/gold/silver etc around to repair their items?
  7. WhiteFang

    Update Manufacture, Like Fishing Bubles

    How about shifting the entire % line down with about 10~20% and fill up the 80~100% with manufacturing Dark Knight and Dark Mage items?
  8. WhiteFang

    Game Update 05/10/2013 At 09:00 Am

    ok, but if u are in a box with no chance to move out of there because u cant target urself the recall spell (because the big summon behind you blocks the vision), there is no diference between having 3 secs invul or 30 min.... you cant move or attack True, but you can aim behind a cyclops or clay/stone golem. You just need some secs to get the right point where to aim though, that's true. But same applies right now, people can still make summons on the recall pad and box you... Summons will have to kill you because now players can't.
  9. WhiteFang

    Game Update 05/10/2013 At 09:00 Am

    @aengis, the big summons is one thing, we did a couple of changes that should also aid towards the issue such as the recalling to another recall pad when using recall again when you're at your recall pad. And also the invulnerability is theoryetically "extended" as before we'd see people restart and get invul for 15 sec, by the time they recall from revival zone they got maybe 2~3 seconds left on their timer and die on the recall pad where they spawn. While now there is no buff on revival zone after restarting, and your buff starts counting from the moment you arrive at your recall pad, so you'll get a full invulnerability buff.
  10. WhiteFang

    Angel Buff

    It is indeed lucidity angel, it dances on the illusion to absorb and protect you from it. +4% for each upgraded level. P.S. Also MR items protect you against illusion spells.
  11. WhiteFang

    Game Update 05/10/2013 At 09:00 Am

    @dama: If taming is so powerful, then why isn't it used in raids or big hunts... adding this change to it will make it far more interesting to go out and hunt with a bunch of tamers. It's not like having 5 demons you'll go a whipe an entire HC pit, you need power, dedication, healing and dicipline to get that done with tamers. @letrita: We're making this change, but that idea is to also remove safe zones in town at one point where the changes in this or a next update are sufficiently stable and proven working so that recall pads don't get boxed. The no invul on restart should aid towards this, but we want to see it in effect first. @cor3a: easy-ek won't go on. Work for your EKs and stop being lame and box people who can't even react upon spawning. There is no skill involved into getting such EK, only numbers a square and a simple mind is involved.
  12. WhiteFang

    Another Rare

    Nemesis 4: The age of Darkness? We havn't even seen the Golden Dragon yet in this Golden Era that has only just started...
  13. WhiteFang

    Another Rare

    nope, no lucky ticket involved... monster drop...:)
  14. WhiteFang

    Tooff Command Crashes Client When Using Alternate Skin

    That doesn't mean client CRASHES, it means the to-off is not applied/not properly working. Once the command is given, check your CONTENTS folder if there is a tooff.lst file, if there is the name should be in there. Also capitals in the name do matter.
  15. WhiteFang

    Tooff Command Crashes Client When Using Alternate Skin

    Tebb Black Skin... /tooff Test[GM] and it works just perfectly fine... Please provide a valid argument and proper details on specific cases where it occurs. You're in a map, have a dialog opened, did you run it as administrator? etc etc... details, details, details, ty :)
  16. WhiteFang

    Fps Mass Fluctuation

    RUTH, 780 with angel bug probably still in it.
  17. WhiteFang

    Mim Poll

    At this current time of speaking There are already ways to protect from mim. One is to have a lucidity angel. The other is to have Mr from skills, armors, jewels or stats.
  18. WhiteFang

    Crafting Magingems

    Not sure... I don't know all figures by heart lol.
  19. WhiteFang

    The Recent Change Of Pace

    Nemesis 3 The Golden Era beta and release were planned months and months ago taking the pace, actions and changes in my personal life into account. Whereas the beta commenced roughly a month before I would actually quit my job. With sufficient time after my office hours to resolve beta issues it was a great opportunity to fine-tune nemesis 3 and get it ready for its release. Since its release I had scheduled holidays before another major change in my life would occur. These holidays delivered a dedication to nemesis for many many hours to resolve the issues that came up during the release and thereafter. Due to this dedication we've seen many changes in a very high rate occur in the first 2 weeks of Nemesis 3. After that the pace has changed and even became temporary halted due to a major planned event going on in my life. This major event was my physical movement from Belgium to Scotland to continue my education on game development. This movement has required me to completely halt the development of nemesis, the change of pace was big and seemed to have left all of you guys in a worry, a rush and some of you even in an angry state whereas nothing gets done in nemesis. The education has very high requirements, a masters course isn't like going to high school of completing and undergraduate where you're alot of hours in college/university. One of these high requirements is also having a powerful machine. Farjat has mentioned before in other topics that I got my machine shipped in from Belgium in order to properly complete my education. Along side with that this also means that the development of nemesis can change pace once again and be put back into gear. My course will take alot of my time and development won't be as fast as you've seen it in the beta or shortly after release, but you can expect bug fixes and minor features coming in the very near future. That doesn't mean bigger features wouldn't make it to nemesis, they will make it but not today or tomorrow. Bigger things can be expected on a longer period of time depending on the weight the course puts onto my shoulders. I can tell you for sure that there will be a change for Invulnerability upcoming within the next week. Other matters such as MIM and Safe-Zones are yet to have their discussion finished within the staff, but once things are cleared up, opinions are gathered and plans are made, then you can expect and update/change come along for those matters. Any other issues I've missed out on the past weeks I will try to catch up by reading through the numerous number of posts in the forums and my consulting Farjat for a quick update onto what currently lives within the community and what the major opinions and ideas are. Enjoy raiding and hunting, White[GM]
  20. WhiteFang

    Crafting Magingems

    there is no bug in it. You're just unlucky I guess...
  21. WhiteFang

    [Fixed] Server Down

  22. WhiteFang

    Ctrl+G Guild Note

    making it bright and shiny is up to you. the GMOD would pop in a dialog which you can choose the font color anyway. About prices, I don't know yet, that'll need further discussing and balancing with existing features and other upcoming features.
  23. WhiteFang

    Has The Server Been Reset?

    CanjunMojo, Nemesis 2 has seen a strong decline in its numbers of players. That decline was going on for a while already. So we've decided it was time for the next chapter and we closed down Nemesis 2 in July 2013. Right upon closing we opened a Beta which lasted 1 month to fine-tune the final features and settings for nemesis 3 as nemesis 2 was facing alot of instability it its last few months. The beta brought us some insight and allowed us to prepare for nemesis 3 and got us back to stable sources. At the 24th of august 2013 we finally launched nemesis 3. So now we're about 1 month into nemesis 3. I hope this gives you some good info on what has been happening. And what's about to come is totally up to you, you're free to join in again by creating an account and starting your character again.
  24. WhiteFang

    Spells On Civils

    I will look into this issue. Can't promise a fix for next update yet, but I'll see what I can do.
  25. WhiteFang

    Pick Axe Full Swing

    Thanks for reporting this. It'll be resolved on the next update.