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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Instant Level 180 Feature

    Dummies have no power outside barracks (they don't give exp) so I'll gladly make a couple 100 to annoy you :D Well, the fact that I based it off majestics is simply because the easier way to offer both majestics and 180 in cash shop is by selling lvl 10 exp pots, which give 1 mil exp each. So selling a lot of 150 of them would be equal to 50 majestics or lvl 180+9majs... On the other hand making a separated item that can only be used below lvl 180 to lvl up to 180 could be done in order to make lvl 180 cheaper than majestics, but then again there is the issue that this requires development and testing... And those 2 things are done by me and requires my time investment into them... And I'd rather work on the big PvP Tournament update instead of at this item to earn a couple $$.
  2. WhiteFang

    Instant Level 180 Feature

    A majestic = 3 mil exp In neme2 we sold 50 majestics for 100$ if I am correct... So, 50 maj = 150 mil exp... Calculating lvl 180 to EXP is equals to 122 mil exp.... So you'd be able to choose, buy exp equal to 50 majs or 180 + ~9majs ... your choice how you spend the 150 mil exp though... So 100$ for 150 mil exp was the standard in nemesis 2 and it worked fine right there... 122 mil exp in majestics =
  3. WhiteFang

    Lower The Price Of Dyes

    they're not supposed to be common, if they're it means everyone has them and it wouldn't be special anymore.
  4. WhiteFang

    Ah Commision

    1$ for each sold item (automatically deducted and indicated when you're putting up your item for sale) There is no commission on cash-ins or creating sales.
  5. WhiteFang

    Instant Level 180 Feature

    How much would you pay for instant 180? What do you think about instant 180 + 9 majestics for 100$?
  6. WhiteFang

    Chat In The Forums

    The chat is a paid feature... You could just go in-game and ask people... or make a topic and ask people... or join teamspeak and ask people... worst case, ask it in a ticket. There is many ways to communicate and we're not looking forward to pay for a feature while there are numerous other ways of communication.
  7. WhiteFang

    Spooky News...

    It is cruel.... and it's only the start of all this cruelness that wanders in this area...
  8. WhiteFang

    Spooky News...

  9. WhiteFang

    Crusade Commander Window Bug

    The ogre one could be a misplaced one drawn incorrectly and be a building at the top-left stone. The elvine dot could be because there is a building behind the manastone itself (hidden).
  10. WhiteFang

    Sfbara Pulled ( Process )

    Use the ticket system if you have anything to report.
  11. WhiteFang

    Spooky News...

    @MilkCow & UMad: It is a very nice place, designed for some fun PvP around the central area. Yet leaving enough space around the outer area for pits and hunting... You can either circle the map on its outer borders, or pass right through the middle (with the risk of being killed) to get across quickly. I expect to see some great PvP in this map as it won't be disabled this time (as we did x-mas last year) because the map is fairly huge (200x200) and there are loads of corners to escape to where nobody will go and track you down anyway. @rainer: The map editor is not available in public. I'm using my own modified version of AnMap2 with the addition that I CAN use icebound and apocalypse/held maps in it at the same time, and on top of that load the old-town maps from the korean server (which have been around in nemesis 2 for a while) and it also loads the additional Nemesis Paks which are paks you can't find anywhere outside nemesis and cannot open or read with casual pak editors and arn't even loaded by the standard AnMap2 map editor. (These Nemesis Paks contain additional interiors and exteriors of which some assets will be featured in this map already !) If you're interested in making a map, you should look for AnMap2 as it comes close to the one I use. If you map suits any good use for nemesis and you share the AMD file for it, then I'll convert it to a nemesis map and we'll fit it right in ;) Map types we'd be interested in on short-term would be PvP arena-like maps. Small, right areas for PvP Fights ranging from 1v1 fights to 5v5 or even as big as "all vs all" where we'd host 30~50 people in a single map.
  12. WhiteFang

    Spooky News...

    Kinda spooky right... Still adding some flavor and scaryness to it, but as the spookiest day of the year creeps up closer and closer...
  13. WhiteFang

    Spooky News...

    It's getting quite scary already... But it needs some more spookyness added to it though
  14. WhiteFang

    The Next Big Update, What Do You Want?

    Nice basic idea, with the pvp tournament system upcoming this can be made very easy as another type of "league" where restrictions to join are guild-based. Or could even keep this for a next big update which'll involve the guild system once more and add this kind of battle stuff as a service to rent, paying GCP and Gold to rent it ;) The (Guild) ELO as you like to call it is another possibility, but wars within guilds shouldn't affect their ELO, I think wars between guilds should affect it. If you beat someone from another guild (and a ranked match ofc!) who is better, you gain ELO for your guild. Those fights between guilds could be 2x2, 3x3, 5x5, or just X vs X as desired. Except for one thing, we will NOT use ELO in nemesis, we will use Glicko2, which is the advanced version of ELO and adds velocity (aka accuracy of the rank) which'll make rating decrease over time when not playing in ranked matches. This decrement is never offered by ELO and this allows guilds to decay and lose ranks/positions over time rather then staying #1 for months without playing and then finally being beated by a guild who just happen to score little more rating. It's more fair that if the guild doesn't play and another guild does play, that the #1 will swap way faster just because they arn't playing :)
  15. What do you want to see coming in the next big update? Do you want to have the PvP tournament system that allows dedicated and properly organised PvP events ranging from All vs All events to even structured Guild PvP Events (which could be 3 vs 3, 5 vs 5, or just X vs X anything is possible!). Along with that we can have additional types of structured PvP match making such as a Ranking system for different match sizes (1 vs 1, 2 vs 2) which could each be of a different match type (death match, capture the point, capture the flag, ....). Or do you rather like a PvE expansion that delves deeper into the Golden Era and brings in World Questing where everyone must co-operate in order to complete the quest and fight against the Dragons? One of the main World Quests that would come along is the Quest to find and defeat the Golden Dragon to unlock access to her secret lair where no human has been ever before... So who knows what's hidden within the lair... Let us know what you like to see first, and we'll build it all for you ! * PvP Tournament System Main Features - Utilised virtual maps to organize massive scale PvP Events never seen before with multiple matches and rounds (Single elimination system http://www.draglist.com/images/ts1.gif). - Expands Map Restrictions with new abilities and choices. - Allows PvP matches of unlimited sizes X vs X and also All vs All events. - Introduces three types of matches: Deathmatch (aka normal PvP match, last man standing wins the match), Capture the Point (hold a number of points on the map to reach a fixed score. First to reach the score wins the match), Capture the Flag (break into enemies base to capture the flag and run it back to your base to score. Match can be time or point limited, highest score or first to reach set points wins the match) - PvP Rankings (for a variety of match making types) making use of the Glicko 2 System to allow dedicated match-making - Introduces a number of new arenas in different map settings (dirt, grass, hills, dungeons, toh, snow, under-water, ...) for all 3 match types. - Possibly introduces new currency as reward for winning matches (not sure if introduced, and how, and what the use of it would be - needs thinking along the development process) * Pve World Questing Main Features - Introduces a new type of quest "world quest" which can be auto-assigned when entering a specific region within the world (and auto-removed also when leaving the area) - Introduces quest failures where a world quest could fail to succeed and requires "cooldown" or preparation time to redo it. - Introduces environmental changes as reward of a quest unlocked doors, opening entrances or spawning portals. - Introduces a new map "Dragon's Lair" - Introduces a new monster "Golden Dragon" along with a number of other new monsters (situated in the Dragon's Lair). - Introduces new NPCs related to the world quests. - Introduces monster ranks such as "Veteran", "Elite", "Champion", "Legendary", ... which each offer a new level of difficulty to defeat and each having their own powers and weaknesses. - Introduces advanced monster AI type called "packs" that brings a better experience in monster groups consisting of different monsters which could have different ranks. - Introduces new items/item abilities to the game. - Has the foundations for future scavenger hunt events.
  16. WhiteFang

    Unable To Enter The Game

    At this point we're doing server move though... you should be able to connect again by now.
  17. WhiteFang

    Server Changing Host Soon.

    Host is officially CHANGED! we are LIVE now !!!!
  18. WhiteFang

    Unable To Enter The Game

    Try going to the Options and change it to "mirror" and try it again. For some people it works, for others it doesn't.
  19. WhiteFang

    You Should Rename Hbnemesis

    1 is false positive (aka temporary duped cuz one char saved and the other is not)
  20. WhiteFang

    State Of Helbreath Nemesis

    Adding this will make solo quests useless, you'd pick party quests and just go to a pit and hope "someone" is hunting there, party up and benefit from their effort. Now you have to think things through and make a GROUP to go hunt and complete a specific quest TOGETHER as a group. Town didn't tell him "kill 80 IG" cuz that would be solo quest, town told him "kill 80 IG with a party" which is totally different as the group aspect comes along, and a group must be united as one in order to complete the quest. (united as one as in fight for the same goal, aka having the same quest). If that is unclear for you, I'll gladly add a piece of text to each quest description saying this. "Fight united as on party with all having the same quest" I actually agree with this white. How about then that if person HAS the quest for same monster type it counts. E.g. If I have to kill 80 IG, and Friend has to kill 150 for a quest. Can we make his kills count towards mine and vice versa? THen still planned. Also if my friend is finished as he started earlier, and does his 150th IG, and I have some to go, can still make his kills count if he holds the quest. What do you think about that? Mixing 80 & 150 kill quests is somewhat difficult as the system currently isn't made for that mixing. It would require the extension in the code base to "link" quests together, then we need to link the 80 IG and 150 IG together as a pair and whenever a kill is done, we need to validate all pairs and add count towards them. Such extension would take more time to develop then the amount of benefit it could possibly bring as this change would change the fundamentals of the quest system's structure. (Not impossible, but too much effort for a too low reward IMO) When both have 150 IG, and one finish before the other, it should allow the 2nd guy (who's finished) to keep killing and make counts for the other guy as long as the 2nd guy (who's finished) keeps the quest in his quest list and doesn't take its reward yet.
  21. WhiteFang

    The Next Big Update, What Do You Want?

    Initially events will be created by GMs. In the second stage where pvp ranking is introduced we'll see this "queue" thing appear where you would queue up to find an opponent which matches close/near your rank and fight him in order to gain rank points and get a higher and higher ranking score in order to become the #1 PvP'er in the server at the certain aspect (1v1, 2v2, ....) of the PvP matchmaking. Low Level events will sure be part of it, we can set any kind of limitations towards levels, items etc etc... The flexibility of the pvp tournament system will be endless and it'll bend in any kind of direction we desire or you can think of with each event being unique in its own way and having a theoretical infinite amount of combinations of settings to bring you a different experience each time a pvp tournament is hosted. Also the tournaments will bring a new Game Server where we solidly host a shared map between the two nations and all virtualizeable maps for tournaments. That is to keep complexity and cross-server information exchange to a minimum. From within the shared map you'll be able to access everything related to PvP Tournaments and the future PvP Ranking stuff from the NPCs inside that map. They'll allow you to do a number of things such as register/unregister/join pvp tournemant teams, teleport to your fight (if you refused the automated teleport) and allow you to take the rewards from fights. (and in the future also queue up for (ranked) fights in different leagues). Just said very shortly, they'll allow you to do all PvP tournament related services right there.
  22. WhiteFang

    Unable To Enter The Game

    probably your helgame or the auto updater requires "permission" from your anti-virus software. Once it launches, alt-tab to desktop and see if there is anything block it... Eventually go for a preventive way and open up your anti-virus and add an exception to the list of exceptions and put entire nemesis folder or just helgame.exe in there. Often helgame.exe is seen as a "virus" because it in fact is the helgame.exe + certain required files + a secured encryption added all together in a new exe (an exe inside an exe) and that is considered a "virus" as you don't know what the inner-exe file actually does.
  23. WhiteFang

    State Of Helbreath Nemesis

    If you think exp is too slow, get an exp booster. They're there to help you. and "I have no money" is no excuse, sell items in AH to get money to buy boosters. I've seen items got there for 300$ ! As "everyone can use a shield", having axe strip it is a good counter mechanic for the fact that "everyone can use a shield". That people don't USE this mechanic is their issue, we can't change people same way as we can't give morale to people. It's their loss and their issue that they don't use the full potential of axes. You're complaining that people don't use it, complain to the people, not to the staff for that issue lol... go complain in-game to your fellow player that they don't use the mechanic.
  24. WhiteFang

    State Of Helbreath Nemesis

    Your suggestions just make the next HB Banana, that is the entire issue. We (as in the admins) are not going to make the next HB banana based on your suggestions "just to have players". We will continue doing what we've always been doing, BEING Nemesis, the server that has been here for the past decade and will be here for at least another decade.
  25. WhiteFang

    State Of Helbreath Nemesis

    In neme2 nobody said a thing about "warriors can't hurt each other", we added bbh+3, making warriors more powerful and now you complain about "warriors can't hurt each other"... we brought you more power and you complain? Maybe we should remove +3 and downgrade all items back to +0... would stop the complaint about not having power right... since this seems to be reverse universe... Secondly, not touching the drop chance of low/med/high armors in the past 10 years worked out fine, we gave you increased drop rate and you still complain... maybe because of reverse universe we should remove the drop increase we added and you'll stop complaining... That you lack morale to play is your own issue, no single change in helbreath can change that lol.