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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang


    If the biggest issue you fear is the "guild" itself transfering, we can take care of switching the guild's side IF there is at least 5+ people switching towns using town change contracts.
  2. WhiteFang


    Once there is an elvine guild from the opposite timezone who're willing to change to aresden, we're willing to consider switching. I said we'd consider... I never said who we'd consider from either side... Just that there must be 2 sides to balance out the switch. And if you're inpatient, then the create character button is your best friend, 180 scrolls available in cash shop, or if too expensive, buy a town change contract and you're done.
  3. WhiteFang


    FNDA is ready to play for elvine and the polls suggest a guild change (they suggest a guild change because there are no elvs around, despite your statistics). When can we expect to be switched? Once there is an elvine guild from the opposite timezone who're willing to change to aresden, we're willing to consider switching.
  4. WhiteFang


    You can freely move to the opposite town already these days... got multiple options: 1. Create a new char in the opposite town (omg I didn't know this was possible! w00t!) 2. Purchase a town change contract and give it to the CH officer. In the early weeks of nemesis we've moved people away from elvine to populate aresden... I see NONE of them running around in aresden right now... they ALL vanished shortly after moving. I only fear the same will happen here, we move people, they vanish from nemesis.
  5. WhiteFang


    At 10.35 am server timer there are this many people online: are 64 elv 60 trav 19
  6. WhiteFang

    Helbreath Nemesis By Alemina

    http://users.telenet.be/HBDarkness/HBMacro.rar :ph34r: I was never here and I never posted this :ph34r:
  7. WhiteFang

    Please Town Balance!

    The lack of effort to even simply vote on topics where we DO ask and DO care about the communities opinion astonishes me each time. And yet you still complain and cry 24/7 that the admins don't care at all... If you lack the incentive to answer simple questions and bring an opinion, then why should admins care for you in the first place? I know there do are people who vote and bring good opinions to the front. And there have been changes made due to that because we care and we listen. But if you don't care then why should I?
  8. WhiteFang

    Please Town Balance!

    In october The Dragon did a voting on this... results shown "Swap none. I do not think we need a change (11 votes [52.38%])" so the majority thinks we don't need a change anyway.
  9. WhiteFang


    what party and amp bug?
  10. WhiteFang

    Nemesis & Linux

    That's one of the disadvantages, going fullscreen or scaling the virtual box while in HB doesn't really work all that well... maybe if you try to fiddle with some settings in VB it would turn out properly, but I doubt it though.
  11. WhiteFang

    Halloween Npcs: Your Thoughts?

    I'd like to know the communities opinion on this. Personally I feel like the ranking could bring some new twist to helbreath and give parties and guilds a challenge if the ranks are properly implemented. As they currently spawn randomly for Halloween, they don't really have any relation to each other and are easy targets to pick on when roaming alone. Making them act in groups where a champion could be commanding a couple of captains who on their own command elites who have veterans supporting them surrounded with normal mobs. This would make a "pack" of enemies who act together as a group, assisting and aiding each other to kill the player. The other question is about Colors, I feel that the coloring breaks them out of the environment and doesn't really make the mobs fit in with the others. But without coloring, only their name would give away what they are and how strong they would be. This would make it much harder to spot them, and that could take a lot of people by surprise. I think they fit for the Halloween theme, but outside of it I don't really think they'd fit in the outer world. So another way of setting them apart would be great, but I got no idea on this. If you do, let me know ;)
  12. WhiteFang

    Employments, Jobs.

    I kinda grew up with a computer, and I've been sitting behind it since I'm 11 (I'm 24 at the time of writing)... so I kinda grew up with the passion for games as I loved to play them... and Helbreath Sources were the first coding sources I ever learned to understand, and I learned the most from them and still discover new things in them, even today after so many years you discover new pieces you've never seen before or didn't think about. So from a young age I knew what I wanted and where I wanted to go... and today I'm actually doing that what I love the most, game programming ^_^
  13. WhiteFang

    Employments, Jobs.

    I used to be a software programmer, then I quit my job to go study a masters degree in computer games technology. So technically I'm a student right now :p But as a job I'd be a game programmer/game engineer/game developer.
  14. WhiteFang

    Perm Ban

    Banned for EK laming at 31st of october 2013. Any further questions should be addressed in a ticket, make one and use our support system instead of the public forum.
  15. WhiteFang

    Nemesis & Linux

    Another good alternative is getting virtualbox (vb) and install a windows in there. VB should run on Linux I think... WINE just emulates windows, while VB is an actual virtual machine where windows behaves like windows inside and isn't some emulated-windows thing like WINE. https://www.virtualbox.org/
  16. WhiteFang

    Nemesis & Linux

    you need to have the .NET Framework 4.0 installed in order to run the nemesis auto updater.
  17. WhiteFang

    Auction House Update 6/11

    You got several steps before you actually sell an item: 1. put it in your WH 2. transfer from WH to web WH 3. select it for Auction Sale 4. add in the Auction Price 5. submit the auction I think there is enough time to consider and think about what you sell and which price to ask.
  18. WhiteFang

    Auction House Update 6/11

    The suggestion given by Jing has been taken into account. There is now a new search option available named "expire date sorting" where you can sort it descending (highest expire date first) or ascending (lowest expire date first) *Tip: To see the 50 items that are about to expire the soonest, only change the sorting to ascending and click Search
  19. WhiteFang

    Instant Level 180 Feature

    About 33,4 mil exp.... Please note that you CANNOT use these scrolls if you're equal or over their designated level !
  20. WhiteFang

    Twin Mage Spawn

    If you keep the monster count 30 below the max mobs (max on halloqueen is 150, so keep below 120) there is a chance a random spawn will occur, and if it occurs there is a chance that it'll be twins. If a twin spawn occurs, you'll see it on your mini-map indicated with a twin mage/war icon blinking on the mini-map (like any other spawn of mobs would blink the mob icon on your mini-map)
  21. WhiteFang

    Who Got The Camera?

    A fix has been coded, but a release hasn't been done yet. Client will be updated as soon as possible.
  22. WhiteFang

    Twin Mage Spawn

    There is no coding issue at all. At the moment of writing there are 2 statted hats owned by players in-game. The chance of spawn is just very low. It's not an every day thing to obtain a head-piece that is statted, so it shouldn't be an easy thing to obtain in the first place. Put some effort into it to get it done, only the best and most dedicated players will obtain the statted hat.
  23. WhiteFang

    Who Got The Camera?

    That's odd, I also had a similiar kind of issue in my debug client where damage numbers were 2 tiles off their normal position. But that could of been because I ran it in a smaller size on a big screen (not in fullscreen, but not windowed either because there was no window surrounding it) It could be that something displaces you in the orc pit or even in the map itself. maybe you can describe the situation you were in at the SS and the situation before it or when you first started noticing it was off. Anything special occurred right before you got displaced?
  24. WhiteFang

    Halloween Npcs: Your Thoughts?

    @fyw721: The twist to it was intended, it was originally Jing who came up with the idea of embedding the specific rank killing in the quest system. So I took 5 minutes of time to add it and design the story around it ;) @evocator: It depends, if the group AI is designed properly that you can't really pick-off a single mob as in lure it away and slaughter it, you should get a nice challenge then. Althought I'd make it so you would be able to pick-off the lower ranks more easily as their chance to successfully call for backup from their group would be low. While picking off a Captain from its master champion would be a whole lot harder to get that done. Having the group work as one-big-monster would make it fairly difficult to overcome the challenge. Add in a mixture of mobs acting as a group and you'll need a specific approach to get the job done. Your boxing idea sounds fun, but would in certain cases make it too hard or too easy. Not knowing what will come is better in a summon-event styled sort of challenge/event that would rather take place on a separated map where you'd compete vs other groups to get up to the highest wave of monsters. The kind of challenge I like to bring with this ranked mobs is a challenge for example where you'd find a warrior in ML who talks about a big bad ettin who stole his sword... you'd be challenged to go up the mountains and find the evil ettin creature. Once you arrive there you find that it's a Champion Ettin surrounded by numerous other Captain/Elite/Veteran/Normal creatures which pose a threat to go in alone, but could be completed when you get some backup. You'd go get your friends or guildies who tag along and get the quest as well, you'd setup your approach to get the challenge done and finally slaughter that evil Champion Ettin who'll drop you the quest item. You'd take it along and bring it back to the warrior, he'll thank you and reward you for your bravery. That is the kind of thing I have in mind regarding ranked npcs and making them act as a group.
  25. WhiteFang

    Halloqueen Dungeon

    nov 10