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Everything posted by WhiteFang

  1. WhiteFang

    Cashing Out

    It's always easier to have it at-hand in the ticket to copy-paste it quickly on a cash-out. Besides that, we need time to validate your sales and the validity of the buyers as well... We want to prevent account locks due to people attempting to abuse the AH.
  2. WhiteFang

    Windows 8.1 Incompatible?

    Make sure your screen refresh rate is 60hz and not 30hz interlaced. If it is, then post me a dxdiag result here please so we can *spam*yze it.
  3. WhiteFang

    Lag Spike

    OK, then the issue is more likely a network issue. Can you tell me which country you live, provider name, broadband speed, times at which it occurs expressed in server time, and other applications running in the background like steam, browser, Skype, ventrillo, teamspeak??
  4. WhiteFang

    Cashing Out

    Each cash out gets a full account scan before we perform them. Not only you are validated but also your the buyers and sellers of all auctions related to you since last cash out. Also, it helps to add your PayPal address in the ticket and the payment method (PayPal or Mercado pago if you're Argentinian )
  5. WhiteFang

    Lag Spike

    A screen that freezes is a graphics problem. Regardless of the network communication, at ANY time there is always SOMETHING moving. IF there would be severe lagg, your character would not move and show an idle animation (characters nod their body very gently). When your say "freeze" to me that means no movement at all, which is only possible if your gfx card/driver stopped working (due to overload). If that's not what you mean by "freeze" then you've chosen wrong terminology and don't know what you're talking about... if it would be a lagg spike, you would not freeze, you would get a network/traffic-lagg message popping up after you try to run 5 tiles or perform any 5 other actions that require server intervention. A very easy check is CTRL+G, that ALWAYS requests something to the server (your guild info!) So if that dialog sticks on the loading page, then there is indeed a network communication issue.
  6. WhiteFang

    Lag Spike

    Nothing, if your screen freezes it means your GFX card is overloaded. What GFX card do you have and which programs do you run besides nemesis. Also, does it only occur in specific places or when doing specific actions? or is it always random?
  7. WhiteFang


    Those "ns" items, sabres etc are there because in an x1 exp server you'd actually use them cuz you stick to the weapon level range much longer. In nemesis you don't cuz you all want 180 on character creation. SP stat is compared to HP more worthless, reducing or adjusting the Stamina formula would make them useful, but then everyone will complain they got no SP. PR should be more useful now against PR weapons, but still feel compared to MR/MA/HP it's still not enough, maybe PR should hit much harder than it does now, a better/higher scaling formula perhaps... Strong weapons is also another thing, more endurance on weapons and armors (what strong gives you) should aid in battle, but as endurance decrement is insufficient/too low it rather makes those type of items worthless. A solution would be to adjust the formula so more endurance is lost when fighting.
  8. We've revised the D3 and D4 quests which require you to kill "any mob". They've now been assigned appropriate difficulty and their rewards have been adjusted accordingly. On top of that, as we revised them, their limitation of being repeatable only every 3 hours has now been completely removed.
  9. WhiteFang

    D3/d4 Quests Revised And Limitation Removed

    you're not supposed to farm a single quest... a single quest should not out-rule any others. And that is what the d3/d4 quests did. They were bugged and contained too much exp in the formula (base modifier was incorrectly set). I fixed the modifier to be more realistic (Original modifier had Demons as base modifier, this is wrong as demons won't be killed for your "kill any mobs", you would rather go find the Skeletons, Ogres and HH in the small corners. So we based the d4 quests off the Ogre modifier, which is way closer to what you actually kill, although ogre modifier is still WAY above the "average" modifier for what you would kill (avg would be around cyc power), I did choose to stick on Ogre modifier as it seemed about right. - An identical issue was with the d3 quests which were based off Liches before and now base on cycs.) All other "kill any mob" quests have an average mob you'd kill as a base modifier. From that point there is a formula used to calculate the each reward (Gold, Exp and Contri). The formula for the base modifier is based on the different monster stats plus a multiplier of difficulty which is 1.0 for 95% of all mobs (only adjusted are Dire Boar, Claw Turtle, Beholders, Frosts, HC, TW, Wyvern, Earth Dragon, Poison Dragon, Fire Wyvern) So infact you should be happy you still got Ogres as a base modifier because they're way above average already.
  10. WhiteFang


    What do you actually call a ns armor? is it a piece that has any stat below 21%? so a HP 14% is also ns for you? or you call ns piece one that has no secondary stats on it?
  11. WhiteFang

    Auction House Update 6/11

    The Auction House was updated on 6/11. This update allows you to search within packets as well. In the past when you searched for a zem and it was part of a packet, the AH wouldn't show the package at all. This is now updated and when you look for a zem, and it's part of a package, it'll now show you the entire package details. If there are other suggestions or ideas to improve the AH, let us know and we'll see what we can do :)
  12. WhiteFang

    Auction House Update 6/11

    Another upgrade has been done: The auction house now has packets collapsed by default. Clicking the packet name will expand it and show all items contained within the packet.
  13. WhiteFang


    @Dual: See there is the first increment already, you want a 28/35% piece in some hours...so in 10 min of hunting you expect to find 3~10 pieces of 7~14%... if 28/35% should be the standard, then we could aswell make it start at 35% and have 13 levels of increment after that, so top % would be 126%... so the 35% pieces would be as rare as a current 7% piece and the 126% piece would be as rare as a 91% piece... so in general it is just EQUAL except the number is different lol... Secondly, the summon events indeed yield only the same exp value as they do when you normally kill them. Yet the main purpose of summon events is rather to give the opportunity to kill mobs you other wouldn't kill such massive amounts of, or would take (a lot of) preparation to kill (Demons, Barlogs, Twins, HC, TW, Dragons, ...) But an Exp Modifier as a "map restrictions" is one of the upcoming things that'll be added. Then a GM who makes a summon event can also choose an exp modifier so more exp is gained (+5~+100% exp in gradations of +5% each time). There is already such modifier though, the increased special ability chance partially functions as such, due to the increased chance of the mob being special, it in indirectly is an increased exp modifier as special ability mobs always yield an increased amount of experience (because they're special!) Oh, about exp dummies, not going to happen. Exp Dummies is same as giving you +5 free majestics for doing no shit, there is no incentive and especially no effort needed to kill dummies LOL. The exp modifier is a way better idea as you require to kill mobs that can also kill you to earn the increased exp.
  14. WhiteFang

    Auction House Update 6/11

    A revision has been one and the items will now automatically be sorted descending (items which expire first show at the top, longer times go to the bottom with a limit of 50 items per page.)
  15. WhiteFang


    @Solrav: 1. We could add in exp events like you suggest, it's a nice idea to have an exp event for 180- players for a week or so. 2. The events made currently aren't big enough to be worth any permanent rare items. A scav hunt with 5 items to collect isn't worth a rare... a last-man-standing event with 20 people isn't worth it either. There will be event with permanent rares once we see the pvp tournament system arrive, there will be big tournaments for big rares which will be permanent, but will also have conditions to unlock them as a reward (e.g. 80 active participating teams to unlock the reward -> less teams keeps this reward locked and can't be claimed by the winner). On a later basis after the pvp tournaments are up and running, we will have our massive PvE update bringing new content along with World Quests. These world-quests allow us to create big-*censored* scavenger hunts that take you days to complete, but reward you with permanent rares for completing them. Hunts as big as Hunter used to do them with his 26-letters scavenger hunt. Those events are worthy of rares. 3. We make change as we see fit, one thing at a time to see and measure impact on the community. I need to be able to prove that certain changes don't affect the community at all and that it is crying over nothing lol (ref. invulnerability) @omish: The number of fights depend on the players, standing in bitch zones doesn't make any fights. @ulez: I obviously highly exaggerate what I aid, but in realism people expect to hunt 30 minutes a day and find a cancel drop from cycs you know... or hunt 10 min in crayfish and find an HP91% berk. That is what I call "being handed/gifted the items from the start". In a matter of days everyone would have all possible items in the game and complain they are bored cuz no incentive to hunt, cuz nobody needs nothing from anything because they got everything within the first few days of playing. For every 1% of drop increase the life time of a server decreases drastically. In the first 3 months of neme 2 such items as we see now in-game were still a dream, only after a year or so hey tarted popping up as people kept hunting. we increased the drop rate since neme 2 and look now, the life time was already shortened by 9 months! If we increase it more, neme 3 will be fully geared in another 3 months, shortening the life time from the expected 5 years to a mere 6 months... But if you're happy with a reset every 6 months then nemesis is probably not the server for you and you should go to olympia or world or legion or any other fruit server that resets every 6 months because everyone got every single item they can possibly get.
  16. WhiteFang


    People want to create character, login, and be gifted every rare in-game with 91% sets of every possible set to then fight one another for eternity xD
  17. WhiteFang

    This Safe Thing...

    No safe zones equals more boxing... you'll hate being boxed on every TP possible in the game... more boxing leads to more bitching also, get out of WH -> box -> DIE, get to ML -> box -> DIE... So the only solution that takes away bitch zones (places where players can stand a decade and shit talk one another) and yet prevents massive boxing is invulnerability... That's the reason why it was made, to remove bitch zones, yet provide protection against boxing. But, never the less, you wanted bitch zones, now live with them and enjoy the thrive of the community shit talking one another from the bitch zones. Enjoy!
  18. There is technically no difference between neme 2 at the end and neme 3 at the beginning. The only difference is the DB being cleared off with accounts and characters... Now, if you talking about EARLY neme 2, the technical differences are mainly in: - No advanced guild system - No advanced party system - No automated summon events - No map virtualization (currently not fully used, but will be in pvp tournaments) - No advanced/reworked quest system (only single quest and limited possibilities as in only have observation and monster killing quests, nothing like chain or multi-quests as seen in halloqueen or x-mas before) - No reworked Dragonia map - No map effects (used in Dragonia and in Halloqueen) - No advanced map restrictions (hard to organize pvp events being equal for everyone as "cheating" is possible and likely to occur) - No taming skill - No new colors (White dye and onwards to timmed capes and more...) - No dynamic portals (portals gms spawn to allow access to certain maps, also used in Dragonia and Halloqueen) - No Hell-fire Spell - No Sleep Spell - No Fury of Thor Spell - No Recall On Connect (DC in arena or Apocalypse has the harsh effect of recalling you to town) - No soccer event - No Angels +20 (only +10) - No Repair All option in shops - No Beholder necklaces - No twin NPCs - No Corrupted/Limited or Fragile items - And many more things that are in-game now, mainly small features like show ping, show server time etc...
  19. WhiteFang

    This Safe Thing...

    Safe Zone = Bitch Zone... The reason why I made invulnerability is to remove Bitch Zones. You wanted it back, LIVE WITH THE DAMN BITCHES AND DIE IN THEIR BOX PLEASE!
  20. Very carefully. Take the *censored*ing skinning AXE and chop it into small ice cubes :D We can get IG Head, IG Hand, IG Heart (a frozen block xD)... could go more miniscule and get IG finger, IG ear, IG nose :D
  21. WhiteFang

    Hello Again Nemesis

    @Solrav: 1. True, we have been messing on balance... If we didn't, you'd still be crying or left already... So what's the choice? not mess -> you leave... mess -> 50% chance you leave... so we messed and took a risk... in your opinion a wrong move, yet in the end the move made no difference as that guild no longer plays. A second move was done recently that's also true, we're still measuring the balance there as it takes time to settle anyway. Along with that the safe-zones got back which also affects population. We'll see soon how balance is, and if needed we'll mess it again... 2. A poll was made, the community voted for change, yet the majority of votes say don't change it... so we listened, and didn't change it as voted. 3. Everyone complains about everything, there is always complainers. The change in it will not make any difference in population at all, although the community sees it as "the golden egg" which'll fix everything. I have yet to see that... 4. I don't know where you got such info, but there are only 17 permanently banned accounts, of which 3 are for using fake GM name, 4 are for item theft, 1 is for cursing staff, and 9 are for EK laming... I don't know who we did wrong, but all are legit bans for legit reasons where rules are offended lol... 5. Again, get your figures right, I just summed up the bans, none of them I recall being done for reasons you could argue. All were clearly proven violations of the rules. 6. The majority of changes the community voted for are made, that MiM didn't make it is cuz the community voted to not change it. 7. You're not trash talking anyone, but half of your info is wrong and "it's Nemesis fault" does trash talk Nemesis, and the Admins are Nemesis, so you're trash talking us. @Omish: The way Solrav talks is totally different from the way you talked...
  22. WhiteFang

    D3/d4 Quests Revised And Limitation Removed

    You can run all the way from town to d2... the cost of 5k isn't that bad... you need to pay something if you want the good stuff...
  23. lol dude... that's grose! But mainly skinning will find its use in Alchemy, which on its own will see new potions and things to create appear when other updates come along. You can expect more body parts in the future which'll allow more potions and certain potions and Alchemy combinations are required for the salvaging/gemming as well. So from that point of view, skinning is VERY welcome to take off unicorn and demon parts... but also in the future barlog, frost, ice-golem, beholder, gargoyle, hellclaw, tigerworm, and many more parts... Especially when it comes down to Burning, Wounding and Stunning/Shocking effects being added as side-conditions of spells... Then potions become important to have in order to quickly heal your status. We'll also see other statuses such as Corruption, Cripple, Blinding, Torment, Weakness, Vulnerability. And we'll see more improvements towards Poison and Confusion/Illusion effects.
  24. Short-Term Future (aka next month) we'll see christmas getting closer and closer, you can expect the x-mas workshop to open up again for you to obtain Santa's Cape, a nice red cape with a white trim all around the edges of the cape. Long-Term (aka when it's ready) you have voted for PvP Update, I've spoken a lot about pvp tournaments in the past and how they would function. Along with that a brief intro to them is written in the topic that holds the voting for the next big update. Keywords that tie into this: PvP Tournaments, Structured PvP, Guild vs Guild Big-*censored* Tournaments What's after Long-Term is anything what the community prefers, as the PvE update almost tie with the PvP update, you can expect that coming up afterwards. Although certain aspects of that update are less impacting on the code structure and can be developed much faster as their base systems are already in place, it still is a big update as there is a lot of content to be added rather than code. Keywords that tie into this: Dynamic World Quests, Global Scavenger Hunts, The Golden Dragon, The Dragon's Lair After, after that you can expect anything, dig into the nemesis 2 archive forum, mainly around my posts on update notes/patches or in the suggestions forum there I reply posts of others. In there is a very rich amount of posts that talk about numerous aspects of the game in many different ways we could improve it to make the feel and play a lot more fun. To give some brief keywords of these: Guild Expansion 2 (Banners, Halls, Abilities, ...), Godly and Dark Heroes, Ranked Enemies (Seen partially in Halloqueen, but return in a more quest-like form), Manufacturing DK Sets (Includes new Ore and Ingot along with a new map), Skinning Skill (Skin body parts off corpses), Salvaging & Gems (Salvage stats out of armors into gems, combine gems for better stats, embed gems back into armor pieces), loads and loads more...
  25. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT ----------------------------------- We've heard the community speak (read as cry) for the removal of invulnerability. So, we've removed it and added back the old fashioned safe-zones (and the bitching that comes along with it). MY PERSONAL OPINION ------------------------------- Although the invulnerability feature has been in development and discussion over the past year, nobody ever was against it until it got added. The fact that people dislike it rather persists from their inability to comprehend and understand how to use this feature. As the community cried out over it, I want to accept the challenge and see if the community is right that "removing invul will bring back people", we'll see how right you are...