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como bien es sabido, al upgradear un arma (GIS, BH, BBH, etc), ademas de aumentarle el endurancen, tambien aumenta el DMG, en el caso concreto de los escudos, ademas de la endurance, tambien le sube el DF?

cuanto es maxino de upgrade?


traducido al ingles con Google Traslate


as is well known, the weapon upgrader (GIS, BH, BBH, etc.) In addition to increasing endurance, it also increases the DMG, in the case of the shields, in addition to the endurance, it also raises the DF?

As is the Maxine upgrade?

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como bien es sabido, al upgradear un arma (GIS, BH, BBH, etc), ademas de aumentarle el endurancen, tambien aumenta el DMG, en el caso concreto de los escudos, ademas de la endurance, tambien le sube el DF?

cuanto es maxino de upgrade?


traducido al ingles con Google Traslate


as is well known, the weapon upgrader (GIS, BH, BBH, etc.) In addition to increasing endurance, it also increases the DMG, in the case of the shields, in addition to the endurance, it also raises the DF?

As is the Maxine upgrade?


cuando upgradias un arma no te sube la endu solo el dmg!!


y cuando upgradias un shield o ropa solo sube la endu!!!


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