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Don't Be Afraid To Submit Your Ideas.

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Seriously, even if you think it's dumb or nobody will like it, make suggestions. The staff really listens and looks at them regularly for ways to improve.


How will they know what players are thinking could improve the game if you don't speak up?

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Seriously, even if you think it's dumb or nobody will like it, make suggestions. The staff really listens and looks at them regularly for ways to improve.


How will they know what players are thinking could improve the game if you don't speak up?



This statement makes me VERY pleased. I am so glad you guys see that we DO listen and LIKE and WELCOME your suggestions.


By all it up there....if someone mocks you, Ill own them, dont worry.

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Hero Update +1 ^^


when you are with each part of the Hero set + 5, u get a bonus like + 2 Damage and PA or Dr...


for this u need to upgrade 50 EKs + 50 contri + 5 MP, so, everytime u lost 50 eks 50 contri + 5 eks to upgrade + 1 + 2 +3 + 4 EACH piece.....


iz a beri nais dea!

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