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Some Stuff I Dont Understand About Dk Armor

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There's armor that has very high pa, is unstrippable, and un breakable, and everyone gets it for FREE. How is that a good idea? How does that make the server funner? And you can get a tower shield with high pa from the bs for nothing. The only way to get MA or MR is to find or trade for hard to get statted mr, ma items. And you get pa items for free and from the bs, How is that fair?!?! I think we should change the DK set to having 50% MA for awhile so mages can see how it ruins the game. See how you work hard for good items and still do crap dmg to every noob that can type /dkset. The DK set might have worked when it was hard to get 180. But with high barracks exp, everyone is 180. Why would u change to fast lvling and not change the 180 armor, How is that a good idea? How is it fair that one blizz can do up to 300 dmg, and everyone get's a high *censored* pa set for free?? How are wars supposed to compete with that? Edited by Iowa

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