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Turn Down Pa And Ma

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PA on dk set and MA sets are ridiculously overpowered. To get any kills raiding it takes like ten guys to take down one dude. With the high life on this server the over powered PA from DK sets and MA sets make it way to hard to kill anyone. DK armor is supposed to be only a little better then Knight armor, it's not supposed to be this overpowered. Were is the fun on critting a mage with -24s when the mage has 700 life and 40 hp pots. The way it is now it takes an army to take down one good guy. And to balance the reduced PA on the DK set, the effects of MA should be turned down. The way it is now some people are just un killable. It takes like 30 minuets and 10 people to kill a war with a good ma set. Turning down PA and MA would balance the server and make it funner, and more balanced. I think everyone will agree with me on this one, and it is a highly discussed topic. If there is going to be one change on the server PLEASE make it lower pa on dk set, and lower effects of MA Also turn down the amount of life pots heal.

Edited by Iowa

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