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Dark Knight Weapons..?

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I finally reach my lvl 180, can get a dkset in city hall..


how would i get a Dark knight GiS or the dk templar sword??


through upgrading the dkFlam?


THX for anyone answering...

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just push f5

on th ebottom left corner of the bag UPGRADE


and drag the sword to the box ...

there it says how many majestic points you have and how many you need for the upgrade


it changes to gis at +4

and to templar at +6




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It changes shape when you upgrade the Flameberge with Majestic points.


From memory it turns into GiS at +2, then changes into the Templar at +8 then changes into the sword that changes color at +15.


Check that thread, it tells you how many points you need for each upgrade.

Edited by Vampyr

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