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Mr% Party Wednesday Morning 9am

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MR% Party


City Hall


9am server time




1- Do not kill orcs, do not hit orcs, do not slap orcs, do not touch the orcs.

2- Stay together with the main group. The GM will show you where to stand.

Do not run off and stand alone to attract more orcs to you. You will be sent to BI

and not allowed to return.

3-Dont bring any rare items or zems. You very well might die in the event. Just come naked with red pots

and maybe some low MR items you would not mind losing.

4- Do not spam about lag. If there is lag and you cannot handle it, just wait in shop for event to conclude.

5- Do not PFM anyone.

Now for the DO's

Please do come and join us, its a great way to raise your MR % quickly and we have a lot of fun at these events.

Please do assist your townmate in trouble if he needs it. Make him food, heal him, take his drop and return it if he should happen to die.

Please come ready to get some MR % and to have a good time.

Please treat everyone at the event the way you would want people to treat YOU!

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