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Market Place Posting Rules

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Pinned to the top of the market place board are rules for that specific board.


As you may have noticed, we have been cracking down on infractions and spams on that board.


We feel we give you plenty of other areas where you can spam, etc and the market place is to be kept


free from all of that. When someone makes a post in market place, they really don't care what you think


of their items or their player or their play. They want to see offers for their items only.


Several players have been issued a 3 week suspension for violating the rules in MP.


But, it seems the message is finally getting through. The amount of spam and nonsense on MP is way down.


If you are suspended, you are not to make another account and continue posting. This is against the rules.


Suspension means no posting for 3 weeks. Dont borrow someone else's account or you will get that person's


account banned.


I see some of you currently on suspension posting on new accts as if nothing happened.


Do not do this. Wait for the end of your suspension to being posting on the forum.


Forum membership is a priviledge not a right. Thanks to everyone who has gone along with our request


by not spamming up the market place.


If you have a thread on MP and someone posts spam on it....or an insult, etc..Please DONT quote it or respond


to it. Bring it to the attention of one of the moderators and we will take care of it.



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