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Df 10 Neck

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Give you 10 bonus defense. DF stands for Defense in this case.


You also have these necklaces:

DM+1 = Damage + 1

MS10 = Mana Save 10%

RM10 = Resist Magic 10%

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a DF necklace helps you to defend yourself against an attack.


the more DF you have, the more chance you have to avoid/dodge an attack.


Though not always the avoiding/dodging of attacks is good.

in some cases it's better to take an item with less DF (defence) and more Absorbtion (Physical/Magical).


anyway, the necklaces can also be upgraded to DF15, DF20, DF25, DF30.


on the other hand a Necklace Of Stone-Golem gives 25 Defense (= DF 25)

and a Necklace Of Merien gives 50 Defence (=DF 50)

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Okay I'm gettin a little lost here :blush:


the more DF you have, the more chance you have to avoid/dodge an attack.

So it works like DR? (2 df points add 1 dex point?)

Though not always the avoiding/dodging of attacks is good.

in some cases it's better to take an item with less DF (defence) and more Absorbtion (Physical/Magical).

What do you mean by that?


Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it.


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DF is not like DR, DF and DR both are used for defending from attacks.


nor DF or DR adds DEX AT ALL !


It's the other way around, your natural DF = DEX * 2


only dex angels add dex.



the second one, well, sometimes it's better to take weaker armor (DF wise) with PA or MA on it.


for example, I got my DK set, mages hit me 100+, cuz it has no MA at all... but it has alot of DF... but doesn't help me.


so in this case MA is better, I got an MA 78% set, so this is better then my DK set.


another example, I got my DK set, wars hit me some nice damage when I equip my DK, they don't hit often cuz the DF of DK set is high. On the other had I also have a PA set 72%.

If I equip this set, I get hit more often, but the damage is very low as 72% of the damage is absorbed by my armor. so moslty wars hit me -1pts when I got my PA on :D (NOTE: this only applies if PA is stackable !)

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