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Rule #9 Continued

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I cant believe the other thread was locked, that seems a little extreme to an issue under review. Going back to the earlier thread:


Farjat u said that macro's can be used as long as you are attending them, but the rule clearly states

9- No use of macros are permitted. Also, you may not leave your player unattended and train a skill.

It does not say while not attended. Maybe you should clarify. That is what of the issues iam raising is that rule is to broad, please specifiy so everyone understands completly. Instead of what appears to be making it up as you go along.


But the main issue is not the macro thing for me. Its just the fact of being idle, doing nothing, no macro's in place. Iam saying GM's should treat being idle the same as macroing unattended..Cause they are clearly unrelated.


Farjat to give you the situation that occured, a guildmate was idle in a pit, not doing anything, not killing, not casting, standing there for about 10mins, iam not sure exact, and as a result he was banned. Just i think there just be some changes. Please dont lock thread. Thanks


Note: The early thread the was locked is called Rule#9 Mass Ban (Important) this thread occured before this one

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Your friend was away from his keyboard in the middle of pit from what I understand, if he was macroing or not, the point is he didnt respond when a GM spoke to him. If your going to be AFK, dont stand in the middle of the pit.


The rule is you cannot train a skill whilst afk, if a GM sees a person in the middle of an Ant pit, not responding what is he to think? First thing that springs to my mind is sheild %% training.

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So this reduces the server to everyone being worried about were the stay to go AFK. That really doesnt make sense. What if iam invis in a pit and go afk? Ban? i think not, lol well i hope not.

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Let me ask you this, would you honestly invis yourself, and afk in the middle of a Clay Golem pit? The rule is clear, your friend just happened to be caught out, get over it. Everyone else understand the rule...

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Guest mamadas

the truth is i was going for my bro so i let myself there for like 5 mins

max 10, i came back then i was banned

Obviously its not fair to ban me for a week when i didnt do anything wrong..

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Exactly mamadas, thats why the rule seems to be quite dumb, but then again they might not change anything for us, but maybe they could reduce the punishment for being idle..

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Guest mamadas

Being idle has nothing wrong..

U can check i was gone for very little time if u check the time u banned me and the time the post was created.....

I just went for my bro please atleast reduce my ban time

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Something people are forgetting in this conversation is that the GMs now how access to the logs.


Those logs can show everything from dropped items to what they killed to when the last time they said anything. To what they equipped. (macros are real nice and easy to see due to this because the timing repeats so quickly.) (as for afk or button down it also shows up in the logs as inactivity)


The gm catching the person standing in the pit is just step one of what they have to look at to justify a ban.


Any and every ban can be backed up from the logs


Trust me the inital look can make a gm curious but just enough to look at the logs, at that point they do look at the logs and the person gets banned. And I would doubt very much this current crop of gms would even attempt to fly by the seat of their pants they back up every move they make with the logs.


On a diffrent note Legion Please if the BIG BOSS aka farjat closes a topic dont go an reopen it by makeing a new one it just upsets him more.


<topic Closed to follow suit of how admin had handled topic before>



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