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Rule # 9 Cause Mass Ban (important)

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9- No use of macros are permitted. Also, you may not leave your player unattended and train a skill.


I realize the protection of the server from macro users is quite important, not only for all players and the server itself. I feel that this rule is to broad, not in the sense of the macro part, but the leaving of your PC. Today i witnessed 4 People banned one a guild mate for a entire week as a result of rul #9. He was idle in a pit while a GM was trying to speak with him. As a result he was banned for 1 week. The point iam trying to get across is that you could be idle for many reasons, and i hope most people live a society that lives by the theory of "beyond resonable doubt". GM's shouldnt look for reasons to ban you, but for why the act someone is doing does not deserve a ban. Another issue is classifying being idle in a bit as the same as using a macro. A macro is a application in which you use to gain an advantage in lvling skills, being idle in a pit should not be seen as the same and therefore atleast have a reduced punishment. Again iam not against banning people who use macro's, i just object to the notion that you can get banned for standing still in a certain place. Anyways, like i said i witnessed 4 people get banned and feel it was not the just or the correct thing to do.

Please leave your words of agreement, or disagreement. I feel that we should protest the issue. Thanks

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Another Note i wanted to add was there could have been many reasons to be idle, such as emergency and had to rush away from computer in the middle of traininig in the pit, Connection sort of messed up and he had no control, he could have even been getting a bloody sandwich that took long to prepare only to come back and find his character banned. I do not think that is fare, and at the least deserves a second look, a refinement in the rules, and a reduceed punishment.

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And he wasnt afking in ants with a sheild training sheild %%? From my understanding of the rule, that is not allowed.

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To be clear.

Doing macro is allowed JUST if u are attending it.

IF u on auto and GM talk u and dont answer = Ban.


This is because this because some stupid dumbs use to change scops pak to abaddon pak and leave autoclick on, that way that is an exp hack.

and if GM catch u Exp macroing, there will be Permanent Ban.

Stop *censored*ing us about the rules the rules are same for all if u guys dont want to follow dont complain. Leave.

Sry Legion this is for all players not only for u.


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