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Everything posted by AnGeL~

  1. AnGeL~

    Full List Of Names At Abaddon

    i just want to point that i mannage to get away from the summons, the ie, then the cancel and finally the blockers, to end up logging out after shoot 2 or 3 blizzz, so nah u dont kill every elv :P
  2. AnGeL~

    Happy B Day Trinity

    naaa ivi, ya tenia hasta el boleto, la reservaci?n y hab?a ido a comprar ropita new y lo unico q dices es "q buenooo".... bue pues ahora no vuelvo a ir a ninguno de tus cumples :sleep: :lol:
  3. AnGeL~

    Happy B Day Trinity

    ni lo habia visto igual happy birthday belated :P... aps y re mal q no nos hayas invitado yo ya hasta tenia mi ropita lista :(
  4. AnGeL~


    uyy taria a toda madre pq ahora cuando cierras el juego, te manda a la pagina proncipal q tiene el IRC, tons se frozea todo y tienes q esperar 5/10 seg a q se cargue, tons si va al foro se carga mas rapido :D, ojala se pueda hacer y si no q siga como ahora q cada vez q cierres el game votes automaticamente pero pongan para q se habra otra pagina tipo el foro, el top ten, la de server status o lo q sea menos el IRC :P
  5. AnGeL~

    Server Manteinance.

    Si, ayer hice lo mismo... Preguntale a Angel como le fue. Lo viole en todos los juegos posibles del msn, hasta le gane en el ajedrez y eso que el es Gasparov. Perdi la cuenta de las zems que me debe de las apuestas. Q gato eres, si te deje cancelar como 20 movimientos en el ajedrez y cuando yo te pedi camncelar uno no aceptaste :S la proxima no t dejo q repares yus cagadas :P
  6. AnGeL~

    Cual Es La Guild Con Mas Nw

    naaa man, en elv hay una guild q se llama Argenlandia, llena de pts mal :S
  7. AnGeL~

    Some Info

    ill get to bored to answer u, but im preatty sure the endurence will not change, so better luck the next time, and plz do not bump this topic anymore (for the others) :P
  8. AnGeL~

    Some Info

    its not better for the bbh, its better for everyone if there are more bbh, there will be more 100+ vit points wars, so mages can kill them easly, 130 could kill bbh cuz they got half of his vit, bbh can kill mages easily cuz the chain will strip aafter a while, bbh could kill 130 str cuz the plate will strip and bbh also could kill bbh wars cuz the plate will strip, u see more ppl will get fun in the other hand 30 k endu on dk set... bbh will not kill bbh, bbh will not kill 130 str, bbh will not kill mage, mage will not kill 130 str, 130 str will kill bbh, 130 str will kill mage, 130 str will not kill 130 str its lame to have 130 str in almost every war, i mean 128 maj points its not hard, if u work ur *censored*, u will get it in 3 weeks, so no they dont deserve to be inmortal, the good thing about train to get 130 str and 200 vit its that... having 200 vit so 30k endu its only good for 130 str and having alot of 130 str on server its boring -When i say will not kill i mean will take too much time... -When i say will kill i mean it will take a few time
  9. AnGeL~

    Some Info

    i dont plan to read everytingh so... no im not thinking as a mage cuz im almost done with the mage and i will usea a bbh war right after and i want to be able to kill others wars and mages with it, back then when the endu was 30k if u want to kill another war u need to be ready for a LOOOOONG PVP, now its faster and cuz that the game its more fun lets talk about the ppl that only thinks in themselves... King u only want 30k dk endu to create a 130 str war with 200 vit so it will take years to kill it in a mage or a war, dude if u want to be inmortal again,doesn't mean everyone has to get bored again with longs pvps really dudes its boring to have 10 wars in the screen with 130 str 200 vit 200 dex in the screen like in the past and i dont see why some of u are really thinking, that this topic get started just cuz sometingh wasnt original, its about kings better way to play w/o risking his *censored* if u increse endu on dk set again u should increse the minimum str to hold a dk sword to 200 or decrase the str for bbh to 130, but all this shit are lame and its not fun, so just quit the whinning for ur own benefit and think what its funnyer for the rest P.D. Igual me caes bien nando :P
  10. AnGeL~

    Some Info

    well let me put it other way original stats = 30 dk sets but original stats also = 1 year to get 180 and 2 or more to dk+15 so its nice the dk endu 10k cuz u are able to kill another war with a war, and cuz its easy to kill mages too , now u understand me? if u are going to whine for original stats then whine to exp x1, u can go 130 str there and make inmortal chars if u work ur *censored*, here with exp x25 its lame :S
  11. AnGeL~

    Some Info

    Ahmmmm.. what?.. BBH damage is normal, so is gis/bh/axe. Its actually pretty stupid when people cries they cant kill people on flameberge warriors, I could aswell cry that I made scimitar warriors and I cant get ek's.. raise scimitar dmg plx! Not every build and every weapon is ment to be killingmachines, if you go for flameberge stats its good for training and hunts and u can take alot of dmg, but its not killingmachine.. its not ment to be. I think that u too misundertand what he is trying to say. I ll try to give u an example: Dk+15 War > BBH war. But if the dk plate starts striping after the 7th zerk, .... BBH War > Dk+15 War. U can replace (Dk+15) War for gs/gis/flam/baxe/and some bhs With the 30k endu the plate should start striping after the 25th zerk. then create a bbh war and stop whinning, no one force u to train :P
  12. AnGeL~


    Y lo mismo, si va Inner seguro q ganan yo ahi no apuesto, es mas apuesto a q piter les da solo a los 2 si quieren :P De lo de regalar zems callene pts q aca los unicos q regalan son ustedes :P
  13. AnGeL~


    yo le voy a amigo y amiguin :D apostare seguro q si, lo malo es q no tengo mucho cuandop sea y si estoy ahi veo q apuesto :P
  14. AnGeL~


    yes becouse both festivieties come from different origins, the 28 of december comes from the bilbe it was something abt baby killing in the times of Moises :wacko: dont be hard with him, he already get many eks in sades, so now he dosnt wants others to get the same amount of eks :P about eks i like how it its, maybe if there would be more raid time would be good that u block them in sade, so maybe u should just increse the exp u get when u win a sade, i mean if u give me "real exp" for winnning it, like half maj or more, i will try to win till the last moment, but right now im with hunter later
  15. AnGeL~

    Thieves In Town

    i didnt follow u i was reading the topic and post a reply that wasnt direct to u, thats cuz i post it in spanish. So accidents only happen on ur side? ask for the ban like a man or stfu and stop pointing others... P.S. And sry for the fight in this topic, i will stop right now
  16. AnGeL~

    Thieves In Town

    FunnyGirl you are banned from forums youre not supposed to be posting on a different account are u going to say that after every of his post`s? u are dumb and sad, if u want a gm to notice it, just send them a PM, the rest of us dont need to see ur same post it in every topic :wacko: And btw if u are a fan of the rules, then respect them, why did u post in english in a topic that starts in spanish? be honest and ask for a ban for ur self, well i guess u will not :glare:
  17. AnGeL~

    Thieves In Town

    it was soooo funny, too bad that i only could kill one of the GeeMe`s, also that he drop a pot and some1 else grab it <_< Anyway i hope u guys do it again, and thnx for the event :blush:
  18. AnGeL~

    Official 4.51 Patch Notes

    if ill try to download it with gigaget it dosnt work, so i download it with the manager of ff (ie) and it works fine, try it maybe it helps u
  19. AnGeL~


    ppl call me hacker and i laugh every time... dude if u are not, then u got a nice computer + conn so its nice that others notice it :P
  20. AnGeL~

    Unas Dudas

    Arriba t dijeron cuyaluqiera, solo lei el punto 1 de su respuesta y esta mal asi q te respondo yo :P 1.- el mana sigue bajando hasta q llegas a +8 de +8 a +15 el mana ya no baja lo unico q cambia es q el da?o aumenta. 2.- la dk rapier se puiee subir solo hasta +7 y nunca cambia la forma 3.= eso es un bug, osea yo tengo eso entendido 4.- de esto yo no se q alguien mas te diga :P Suerte
  21. AnGeL~

    Dejemonos De Romper Las Bolas

    vengo a darte bola, para q no te sientas mal :P
  22. AnGeL~

    Vu! Stealer

    SO correct me if im wrong... but if u return the items to pur3hemp dont u should return every other item in game that its giveing for the owner or the items that someone drop by "mistike" or the accounts ppl are sharing? i mean its the same, cuz if ill decide to trust someone with my acc and pw and if he screw me, then i could come cry to the forum and lil get acc and items back? cuz this its what pur3hemp its doing :S oh wait what about the trades when someone give crap and get nice items? thats not nice or fair either, let them cry to get the items back when they realize what they have done strange things happen at forum :S
  23. AnGeL~

    Im Not Stealer.. ;)

    dude, next time just pots in spanish and i will translate La proxima mejor escribe en espa?ol y q alguien t traduzca pq la neta no se entiende una madre :P Ciao
  24. AnGeL~

    Peticion De Ban

    no todos, osea todos pueden insultar pero no todos lo hacen con insultos racistas, en lo personal te reto a q encuentres una ss de mis chars Angel o Fenix con un insulto racista, y mira q en mi caso lo de "taco taco" me deberia de joder mas pq soy de mexico, pero no por eso me voy a rebajar a su nivel y contestarles el insulto por el mismo lado... pasando a otro tema me extranya q tu puedas hablar de forma despectiva de los mexicnos ezekiel (como de hecho lo haces), mira q eres una parte mexicano tmb, eso si q es estar seco :unsure:
  25. AnGeL~


    so tell me why saying bannana its an insult and seying taco isnt?, anyway everyone knows that when u say sometingh like that in game (both) you do it in a despective way so yes i hope there would be some, bans starting for u and ur friends ezekiel =.=