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Everything posted by volvo2

  1. volvo2

    Pvp Event Sunday Feb 17th read this about am and pm... if its 12 pm = it means its Midnight so 24:00 in US (sunday). in europe it is like 7:00 am (monday). Can't ya set exact date? coz all we know now or not is date of moved heldenian
  2. volvo2

    Pvp Event Sunday Feb 17th

    "~Silent~ Posted Yesterday, 10:28 PM Colo is right, for finnish, polska, estonian, swedish, norwegian, danish, german etc etc.. players that is good time." lol no it isnt coz ppl ussualy r in school/work at 8 am... coz it will be 8 am on MONDAY in europe !!!
  3. volvo2

    Pvp Event Sunday Feb 17th

    Unfortunetly event not for european players :(, if it will be before heldenian, and heldenian moved to 24:00 so it can be about 22:00 sunday -> that is 4:00 am MONDAY for european players, cant take part in it need to get sleep and go to work later, but u americans have fun...
  4. volvo2

    Pvp Event Sunday Feb 17th

    so warriors event -> tower shild + m.wand and run around arena? and cant be paralized coz of guild mate fire bow? wont it take like 3 hours or more ? :D
  5. volvo2

    Lamers Banned

    Colo why did u killed ares at pl with your GM char after loosing duel on PL with your elv char? it happened 10 min ago. GM abuse ?
  6. I know that we cannot check reps but... test one: I made 2 new wars ares and elv and tested rightius sabre dmg. Than... test two: I made ares char 10 times crim so that gives -100 rep than i made elv char with rep +1 and I attacked ares char (one with minus reps) with rightoius sabre difference between these two players is 101 reps so that would give elv char +10 dmg but... dmg was the same as in test one. test three: I took old elv char with at least 100+ rep and attacked ares char with -100 reps and dmg was the same... is there sth wrong with rightious weapons, or with reps? Is it possible for gms to test this and what is more fix it? maybe test kloness and rightoius stuff?
  7. volvo2

    Rightious Weapons Don't Work :(

    That doesnt change the fact that rightious weapons dont work... or maybe I must have 100 more rep than opponent to hae +1 dmg and 1000 more rep to have 10+dmg? Maybe u can tell us how rightious weapons work or dont work on this server. Im sure you need more than 100 reps to get +1 damage to a right weap. In original server 10 more reps than your enemy gives u +1 dmg, 100 more reps gives u +10 dmg and that is max dmg... so if u have 1000 more reps than your opponent u still get +10 dmg ****Edit***** <--- piont number 47 <--- VII. Frequently Asked Questions Ok Farjat u dont belive me... tomorow I will make my ares char crim 100 times so he will have like -500 rep ( +500 - 1000= -500) and if the dmg will be the same then if u will tell me that I need more reps difference to get more dmg than i will sell all rightious weapons to shop and stop tradeing reps coz they simply don't work. See u guys tomorow. I will let u know if rightiuos weapons are useless in this server
  8. volvo2

    Rightious Weapons Don't Work :(

    That doesnt change the fact that rightious weapons dont work... or maybe I must have 100 more rep than opponent to hae +1 dmg and 1000 more rep to have 10+dmg? Maybe u can tell us how rightious weapons work or dont work on this server.
  9. volvo2

    Lower Dk Endu?

    elguason u see wars striped their dk plate coz of BBH, try to strip it with BH or hammer maybe original server dk has 30 k endu but how much time do u need to make 180 lvl at original server? propably 6 months if u have no life. here u can make 180 lvl in 2/3 days how long will it take to make 100% manu? propably 5 months if u have cooperative guild all im askin is to check BH and BBH strip coz I think they both take the same endu. but BBH strips when DK Plate is 6k endu and BH strips when plate is 1 k endu If u will make dk 6 k endu and fix BBH strip will it be such big difference between 10k and 6k? If Dk would have 6 k endu manu could sometiem mean something. Anywayz its easy to test take for example elv BH war and ares mage, go to BI and let war hit mage and heal him so that he wont die and u will see how long it will take to make his dk chain strip, than u can try with BBH
  10. volvo2

    Lower Dk Endu?

    main advantage of hammers is strippin takin more endu, but now all parts of DK set have 10 k endu how u expect war to make mage chain at least to 1 k ? :P) while using BH which takes max 30 endu per one hit it will take war to hit mage about 300 times to make it 1k endu than it would satart to fell off BBH here is interesting dunno why but it sometimes strips Dk plate at 6000+ k endu At HBPL DK set = 6 k endu so ppl sometimes use manu plate coz KPM 200 % = 8k endu maybe this is how pa is counted? PA = def/2 + endu/1000 PA (Dark Plate Mail) = 53/2 +1000/1000 = 26,5 + 10 = 36,5 PA (Knight Plate Mail) = 40/2 + 3500/1000 = 20 + 3,5 = 23,5 dunno the settings here but dont u thing seeing all ppl in one month in dk sets will look well... black? But as I say manu is useless here, breaking DK set 1/1 is takeing ages
  11. volvo2

    About Crusade Pts Laming

    more lame is tp abuse
  12. volvo2

    Dk Or No Dk?

    why chain has the same endu as plate? it sux and now whats the point in makining manu? if u can make 180 lvl in 3 days and wear shop dk with more endu? why try to mine for mithrals if all u can do is make 180? DK eliminates manu skill
  13. volvo2


    rather later its like 3 months for farjat, dunno about sexy didnt count :]
  14. volvo2

    Guild Captains And Co-guildmasters

    i got a question, who is going to write code for that? coz Farjat will not certinly do it.
  15. ur chain has like 1400 endu, one hit with bbh takes 30+ endu so u need to be hit like 12 times and the chain will start to fall off coz body armor always falls of if its endu is below 1000. Check it on your own.
  16. volvo2

    Oh Hai Guys

    Nice sarcasm ;]
  17. volvo2


    u must w8 2 months to have your password changed :), that is the rule here :P
  18. volvo2

    The Update For Shakes

    dream on
  19. volvo2

    Where'd All My Maj Go?!

    My 4 Maj are doing just fine :)
  20. volvo2


    aresden char name Star claims that he has 100 % manu skill. How come? If we have to w8 so long time for update how long time we have to w8 till logs check? Question: if I make edits on other char and kill that char with other char and edited stuff will drop can I keep it? 2nd Question if I make manu on edited char on one computer and than buy from myself it on other computer of different IP than its legal as in case of Nuts? Coz I can say that I didn't know its illegal :) and unfair coz one have edited manu so I can have it too ;]. 3rd Question if I edit xelimas and upgrade BBH to +4 or +5 and kill char with that BBH+5 on other char can I keep it too? I can say that I didn't know that it is illegal :). 4th Question If i kill some TW and Wyw with ring of demon power and pick drops on my other char on other computer than its legal for me to keep it? According to logs I am clear coz here u can keep edited stuff if u dont edit it, what is more admins rarely check logs here and here are some edvices for ek laming: 1. dont call your char "ek" like one dump person did here 2. always dress your ek char naked char is superson who isn't popularious 3. never stand neer ek place ( example entrance to noob dung lml or rml) 4. u can make like 80+ eks one day, if u r on top 10 eks than u can make 5-10 eks per day 5. the most importand: If somebody will be superson who isn't popularious or catch u than DONT EVER ADMIT
  21. volvo2


    nuts u dont undersand like alwyas all i can say is that I can have edited manu like u and gms can du shit about it, same as edited items
  22. volvo2

    Im Back

    No Farjat u'r not back. U'r far away from beeing back
  23. what is the bug can u explain ? :P)
  24. volvo2

    Server Update: Exp, Lvl & Drop Rate

    so maybe vit gives MA dunno, mr skill is for missing Mag = mr, maybe vit = ma and pa dunno, all I'm sayin is that when u blizz low lvl or crit low lvl for example with bh its not the same as if u blizz/crit dude with high lvl.
  25. volvo2

    Server Update: Exp, Lvl & Drop Rate

    lvl influences on dmg especilay lvl difference when I attack low lvl on sade my blizz dmg once was 110 one hit and on higher lvl its sth about 90+