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Everything posted by volvo2

  1. volvo2

    Event 03.05.2008

    ?You are probably surprised to see dwarf outside mine and a sober one. Well its our bloody fate, whatever money we get from mining we just have to waste on alcohol? But today I come in completely different matter. I don?t want to sell anything or get drunk. I come to you because our alchemist Ettenmoor sends me. He?s been watching mushrooms in our mine for months now, why the hell is he doing it? I don?t know? However, he?s a good man. Many times he had cured or strengthen us with appropriate mixture. Hell ! If Ettenmoor didn?t gave that stinky elixir to my cousin Gandorn, he would be dead by now. But what was I saying? Ah yes! Ettenmoor doesn?t feel too good lately, to tell you the truth he looks like a living death. What can I say, he?s old? and he struggles with disease. Anyway I?m suppose to find someone to help the old alchemist and I see lots of good people here. Well, I will come back in day of Saturn (Saturday) at the same time with a letter from Ettenmoor, with his last wish. Farewell mates.? Sorry folks event moved, look for second part of the story at forum on next Saturday (03.05.2008) just after crusade. ?Ay mates! Its me your good old dwarf. Told ya I?ll be back on Saturday. Here is the letter as promised, do whatever you want with it. My job is done, now I can finally get drunk. Householder, mug of honey!!! Arrrggg make it two!!! Good luck on your quest fellows!? Hullo there good citizens of Elvine and Aresden, I hope this letter will reach ya as soon as possible. Well lets get to the point. I do not have much time left in this world, I am quite old and I can feel that my end is near. However, lately deep deep underground in an abandoned mine I have discovered a certain rare magical mushroom. According to old formula this particular mushroom is a main ingredient for youth elixir, thanks to it I could live few more years, maybe even more. The only problem is that this mushroom grows near a nest of a pale terrifying creature. It looks a little like we do, but it has red eyes and long curved claws. I have even hired a Witcher to kill it, but he refused. He told me that this particular vampire feeds with animals and that it shouldn?t hurt people. The Witcher convinced me that this creature has the same right to live as we do. Therefore I have to deal with this so called vampire on my own? Some legends say that vampires can be weakened by the smell of garlic, I do not know if its truth, but on the other hand what do I have to lose? If this won?t work I still have my silver sword. I have even found an old drawing of a vampire in book written by Sapkowski. It looks like this? So you see? earth on Middleland is not fertile enough and to tell the truth dwarfs are not good farmers. Therefore I want you to deliver me garlic. Yes? the first person who will give me 20 garlic will be rewarded. I have helped dwarfs many times and every time they gave me some valuable stones. Bring me garlic and I shall give you diamonds, gold and other valuable stones. Right now I am waiting for you at Middleland Mine. Meet me there with 20 garlic as soon as possible. But remember only the first person will be rewarded, so hurry!!! Sincerely Ettenmoor
  2. volvo2

    Event 03.05.2008

    good luck to all ya
  3. volvo2

    Event 03.05.2008

    I need hunter for event but he didnt appear since friday? :(
  4. volvo2

    Helbreath Nemesis Economy Ministry.

    u got my support, no more shit on pits !!! :D
  5. volvo2

    Open Discussion On How To Fix Crafters.

    well u can make manu knight plate with 8 k ofc 200 % and upgrade it with merines like 3 or more times so such knight plate 200 % +4 will have more endu than dk plate but as jaapy once wrote upgrading with xelimas and mers on this server is different to ogrinal its almost 3 times harder and haven't been repaired yet :). So propably u will loose such plate while upgrading to +2 :D
  6. volvo2

    Event 03.05.2008

  7. volvo2


    ?You are probably surprised to see dwarf outside mine and a sober one. Well its our bloody fate, whatever money we get from mining we just have to waste on alcohol? But today I come in completely different matter. I don?t want to sell anything or get drunk. I come to you because our alchemist Ettenmoor sends me. He?s been watching mushrooms in our mine for months now, why the hell is he doing it? I don?t know? However, he?s a good man. Many times he had cured or strengthen us with appropriate mixture. Hell ! If Ettenmoor didn?t gave that stinky elixir to my cousin Gandorn, he would be dead by now. But what was I saying? Ah yes! Ettenmoor doesn?t feel too good lately, to tell you the truth he looks like a living death. What can I say, he?s old? and he struggles with disease. Anyway I?m suppose to find someone to help the old alchemist and I see lots of good people here. Well, I will come back in day of Saturn (Saturday) at the same time with a letter from Ettenmoor, with his last wish. Farewell mates.?
  8. volvo2

    Design A Weapon Contest

    I have walked the earth, always searching for that which will make me strong. I have traveled mountains of Rocky Highlands deep in Middleland must lie that thing. I do not tremble, I shall not fail. Once I will find what I?m looking for, I shall be unchallenged. Yes!!! I will stop this tyranny, YES!!! I will put an end to their reign. I will not rest till every mage on this planet will be dead. There will be NO more magic !!! No more, no more? The legend says that this magnificent sword is kept in an ancient mana stone which sometimes appears at Middleland. There are always three, but the one I seek is different, it doesn?t emanate mana cause the sword drains it. Yes? the sword is always hungry, it needs to be fed, not with blood oh no? It always seeks for mana, for pure magic. Some say that with only one hit it can burn whole mana, some say that only half. No one really knows. Yes.. The Sword of a Thousand Names: Mana Burner, Magic Stealer, Mage Ripper, Azure Thief? but I simply call it My Destiny. So when the time is right, locals call it Crusade time, I will find it and crash the mana stone, it won?t be easy but I shall not fail, cause I need this sword as much as it needs mana. And then? you shall see for yourself. Required lvl : LLF Weapon Wright : 120 max load Str to carry : 104 Str to full swing 156 Weapon speed : 12 S/M dmg : 4d7+2 L dmg : 4d7 Dash bonus 10 % Critical bonus 20 % Stan 20 % Combo +1/+3/+5 Each hit decreases enemy mana by 30 When activated it burns down whole mana with just one hit.
  9. volvo2

    Some Info

    which is more proppable? killin 140 lvl mage with 4 crits (fly effect) killin 140 lvl war/mage with one blizzard ? :D
  10. volvo2

    Some Info

    Why should an armor that u need 700 eks be owned by something that u get from ch? why rise all other spells dmg? I can easyli kill war using just enegry strike if the war is stupid not to pfm himself ;]
  11. volvo2

    Some Info

    why should sth that i can get after one week of expin be so good, hey lets give more endu to hero items :D. Oh no coz its pa and dr sux and mage has robe :D
  12. volvo2

    Server Reboot And Reschedules

    good joke :D
  13. volvo2

    Some Info

    pvp war in dk and mage in dk, who wins ? even if mage is vip (very imbecyl person) he will win, where I played dk set used to have 6 k endu and ppl didnt whine.
  14. volvo2

    Wtf Are Blue Grapes?

    in one server they wanted to do sth with grapes, so that more ppl do farming... so alchemist could make wine of grapes and when u drink it u got mim or pretend corps :P), it was mainly used to increase skill
  15. volvo2

    Mystery Of Upgrading? I want to ask if manu here gives anything besides endu? coz I allready lost 10 xelimas on makeing manu weapon from 0 to +1, and its not funny anymore... "Note: The higher % of completion on a manufactured item, the more likely you will be able to sucessfully upgrade it." ---> is it true or just bullshit?
  16. volvo2

    Mystery Of Upgrading?

    on all server I have played weapon could wanish when upgradeing from +1 to +2, the same is with armors of all kinds. It would be nice if manu had more than +20 % max of upgrading weapon. do u know how hard it is to make 200 % weapon? :P), first u need to get 100 % manu skil... and noone has it on this server besides tyrone :P). Maybe lewave manu % as it is for lower than 200 %, and give some additional % if weapon is 200 %, like 190 % wep = +19 % chance to upgade / 200 % wep = +30/40 % to upgade... come on ppl can u at least make manu a little worthy?
  17. volvo2

    Progressive Demon Event Sunday

    maybe some reward for winnin town?
  18. volvo2

    Mystery Of Upgrading?

    yes only to +1 is safe, maybe give so more % to the manu items it would encourage makeing manu skill?
  19. volvo2

    Rightious Dont Work

    this is elv char reps astonishing damage of rightious short sword ares char reps As u can see hes got 500+ more reps than elv char so where is the fck... bonus dmg? I told gms once that rightious dont work... according to some ppl 100 reps more than opponent gives +1 dmg according to original +10 reps than ur oponent = +1 dmg so... my dmg should be minimum 5/10 not 1 ... Fix this bug !!! and dont tell me that rightious shit works fine...
  20. volvo2

    Rightious Dont Work Righteous (Right) Takes the users reputation, and the targets reputation and changes the damage accordingly Righteous Color: White Weapons with the 'Righteous' attribute will change damage according to your own reputation as well as your opponent's. If your reputation is high, you will hit higher numbers, if your opponent's reputation is low, he or she will take more damage, and vice versa. Righteous weapons are usually very effective against other players. -> Opis Reputacji for ppl who knows polish why all web stites tells us that rightoius weapons depend on user reps too? why every server i played used this rule as above? why here is different... rightious sux here ...
  21. volvo2

    Rightious Dont Work

    Ramz u r wrong see i got 180 lvl with only 20 reps, and i can tell u how it works... sonner like month ago while u made new char u already had 500 reps, now if u create new one it has 0 reps ;]. Farjat was right but there is no more rep bonus while creating new characters. so it means RIGHTIOUS DONT WORK !!!
  22. volvo2

    The Underground Knights Fights

    Dare walcz z nimi :P), ja juz myslalem ze Kaska rodzi ze was nie ma ;). Powodzenia i stop download porn :D
  23. volvo2


    lol dude id doesnt matter if I crit or if i hit normaly Speed gear+ and recall is on, tho even sometimes ppl dont need it...
  24. volvo2


    15 sec is ok, but wtf why mage can cast while i cep him i crit mage 3x (while he was casting) and he managed to recall. cast interruption sux...
  25. volvo2

    Dk Set => 6k Endu

    I know that originaly dk set has 30 k endu but at us server it requires 1 year of playin to get 180 lvl so its a great reward... here ppl make 180 lvl in week and get as many dk sets as they want. If dk set would have 6k ppl will start doing manu coz knight plate 200 % = 7 k endu, we would have miners in mlm/d1 again and we would fight for ores like it was when server was low exp... DK set 6 k was already tested at other server and it was great coz u could choose between manu or DK, now its only dk... I know that mages will whine about it coz they r the ones who get stripped by wars, but tell me how many of u got their dk chain broken from 10 k endu to 0 in 1vs1 ? Look ppl will propably use dk sets anyway coz they dont drop u dont need to carry zems manu 200 % leggs 2200 enud manu 200 % chain 2000 endu manu 200 % berk 2000 endu manu 200 % plate 7000 endu So u see only manu 200 % plate would be better from Dk 6 k plate when server was at low exp lots of ppl were doing manu and it was great fun, plz make manu alive agqain Vote for dk set to be 6 k :(