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Everything posted by javote

  1. javote


    When come back?? cuando upeas el server calu?
  2. javote

    Banana Wtf

    nice, we have 40 ppl on nemesis, now wil be 50/50 ... brillant idea to take down olympia beta :s Its a shame-...
  3. javote

    What Happend With Server?

    dude... ur a mind reader... +1 I can add like 10 more items in ur list, but not worth it
  4. javote

    Instant Level 180 Added.

    I hope ur way be the best for nemesis. My best wish on it. full support, i hope time dont giveme the right
  5. javote

    Instant Level 180 Added.

    Exp rate in neme 3 is EXACTLY same as neme 2... no complains in neme 2... why complain now? cuz suddenly you need to work to get something? I rather get the feeling that people are very lazy and don't want to put any effort into anything, but expect to have everything handed to them. To then complain that there is no reason to hunt because everyone has every item handed to them. My friend, just look how may ppl plays right now... something is not working. Dont compare nem1 with nem 2 or 3. This is other server, life change, server change, all is changing every day, why u keep comparing with something from the past. Dont be a fool, if u dont change u will have a 15 online server. Im not trying to be rude, just reall. Call us lazy, or whatever, but still have 15 pp online. Things like lvling, magestics, skill should be easy, im not talking about fruit or 100% drop. im talking about thing to get more ppl. byes
  6. javote

    Instant Level 180 Added.

    its cool to get new players. Just as and idea, i should make easyer getting magestics, its boring have a 180 char with dk0, specially on mages. its a good reason for quitting. and if mps are easy more time for battle and raid, etc. should be more funny. byes
  7. javote

    Server Changing Host Soon.

    [ img]http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/1743/3noh.jpg[ /img] :(
  8. javote

    Happy Birthday

    FEliz cumple Amiguu!! q te soplen la velita reiteradas veces!!! salu2
  9. javote

    Im Out

    Vos atende a tu pibe ejejeje
  10. javote

    Nemesis Argentina Cerrado.

    AJJA se enojo ^_^
  11. javote

    Nemesis Argentina Cerrado.

    Fue lindo server, duro mas de lo que muchos pensabamos. Grax Farjat PD: No da que pongas barraks hasta 180 en el int, asi nos pasamos un par? PD: TE ODIO justo que me habian regalado un rodragon :( salu2
  12. javote

    Y Si Dejamos De Llorar?

    Yo te explico: se armo quilombo (?) tiraron el server. FIN Off: vendo char del nem arg salu2
  13. javote


    Hace unos dias que no puedo entrar a hbportal.net... Alguno me dice si le pasa lo mismo o se cayo el site... xq limpie las cookis y todo y sigo sin poder entrar. salu2
  14. javote


    cero lag aca
  15. javote

    Invi Pots E Invi Scroll Bug

    +1 Prueben los pure wars con un wand y usen el scorll
  16. javote

    Some Problems

    hi all, i have some problems when i try to play nemesis... First, i cant run homepage www.helbreathnemesis.com ?? i had to find nem forum by google to enter here. I get the "updater" from alkon homepage... when i run it, it starts to download, but when downloading "Thumb.db_" a message jump saying that i dont have enough disk??? WTF? i have 25 gb free... I enter with the new helgame donwloaded with updater, but when i put "user/pass" .... waiting for response... Any sugestion?
  17. javote

    Some Problems

    okay tnx im download panda active scan now... i hope i ll can fix it
  18. javote

    Some Problems

    apparently im having a problem wit nod32 antiviruas and nemesis... i dont know how, but i cant even unzip the helgame, i cant load nem homepage, i turn off antivirus, but i cant log in -.- Some help HERE!!
  19. javote

    Some Problems

    thanx but, it dont let me download helgame.zip... dam! when downloading it (284kb/349kb), message : conecction closed anormally...
  20. javote

    Request To The Gms

    100% Argentino .... Chan chann aaha
  21. javote

    Insecure Account Please Gm Check This

    hi dudes, not necessary you are hacked, maybe u use same acount and password when u played other servers. Magazo lo mismo paso cuando jugaba el hb cursed, mucha gente ponia el mismo pass de alkon y les cagaban el pj, y ojo q hay muchos q hacen servers de dos dias para ver si cagan cuentas en servers q valen la pena suerte, contestame si alguna vez usaste misma cuenta y pass en otro server. SAlu2
  22. javote

    Cyas Dudes!

    Well thats it... i leave it, i dont like what they do wit exp and pits... so i wanna tnx all player for giving me 1 of the best server i played... Tnx aresden and elvin... Good luck... Cya!! :lol: MasterYoda elv Warr---------> off Pim elv mage-----------------> off ...
  23. javote

    Cyas Dudes!

    Farjat said that you quit without shouting. He gave you a compliment. that is what happens when some1 read u english and write for u... synz can u edit plz cyas dude
  24. javote

    Cyas Dudes!

    This is example of not being an *censored*. He dont like so he quits, without shouting and arrasing. An Example! TADAAAA!
  25. javote

    Pureh3mp Selling Ek

    nice wharehouse!! i love it