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Posts posted by Shadowrain

  1. i think that battle hammer damage(dmg) should be uped! :angry:

    The dmg for it is very low.The normal hits ranges from 10-35 and for crits(not zerked) goes to 20-49 if hit on the back on mages .zerked is 30-55 from what i experienced i think we dont need to chenge the strip rate of bh but we should change the dmg of the battle hammer!




    Post your opinions plz :P


    what are your stats?

    a normal bh war with zerk


    that doesn't answer my question but, goodjob being a dumbass.


    your stats could be why you're hitting so low. how much dex do you have?


    and you must remeber, you're using a BS BH, not a stated one. don't expect to hit so high.

    131 dex =(

  2. i think that battle hammer damage(dmg) should be uped! :angry:

    The dmg for it is very low.The normal hits ranges from 10-35 and for crits(not zerked) goes to 20-49 if hit on the back on mages .zerked is 30-55 from what i experienced i think we dont need to chenge the strip rate of bh but we should change the dmg of the battle hammer!




    Post your opinions plz :P


    what are your stats?

    a normal bh war with zerk

  3. i think that battle hammer damage(dmg) should be uped! :angry:

    The dmg for it is very low.The normal hits ranges from 10-35 and for crits(not zerked) goes to 20-49 if hit on the back on mages .zerked is 30-55 from what i experienced i think we dont need to chenge the strip rate of bh but we should change the dmg of the battle hammer!




    Post your opinions plz :P

  4. Nice Event if u guys have the time to join and be on in Nemesis (Hunter,Frost,Sexy,farjat and other GMs) we should make more events like this.I dont mean a very rare prize but for like dyes and stuff would be great and all but just a fight between towns in arenas more often.I think people from both towns might like it as well as i did.Even though i had to go places =(

  5. i like that the stones merien and x stone should be in shop and think of the beginners they hardly get any gold at all from beginning



    Nemesis2 gold rate[before the change] was 5000-5500 gold -----> Now[After the change] 1000-2000 i think


    Now that the exp is high and beginners get to 51 so fast they skip many lvls in which it cuts off alot of gold


    my point is that the gold isnt a problem,the way i see it is the fact that we should leave the price the same and just x or m stones if they decide ;)

  6. mages r strong enough already and if we extend the time of para it makes us warriors get even more weaker,to matter the fact that there has a over all amount of mages in the server than warriors we should stick with the time so we can get some more warriors to this server! :)

  7. what theheck i died cuz this mage used :The Cancellation" spell on me then a war use paralize :(






    In he first place how the heck did that mage get "Cancellation?" really wierd its not easy to get the manuel :mellow:




    so if u can find out who it is then it would b great and helpful