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Everything posted by juanpadlv

  1. juanpadlv

    New Argen Forum

  2. juanpadlv

    Video Ek

    hahahahaha, this guy never learn :D
  3. juanpadlv

    Video Ek

    1 on 1, not 10 vs 1 :D
  4. juanpadlv

    Screenshot/video Dump From 2006 On.

    My mage on Nemesis 1 <3! for pple who said im not Argenlandia :D! Shutup-Emi owns on nemesis 1! If you remember my brothe (Gandalf-) was Athos xD _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ mFs
  5. juanpadlv


    Argenlandia fans stop cry plz, want 5 vs 5, ask for it !
  6. juanpadlv

    To White Gm

    I never talk shit on the game, if ýou think talk shit is "free down" omg you take game too seriusly, but the way, i never talk on general since im elvine, the only guild who can said me that i talk on general was sasfour, dont know why pple now we have no respect to other pple.. We get fun man if you die we laugth if Nyros die(for example) we laugth to beacouse we know that is a game, on teamspeaker whren ninja die we said "ninja freee freee" and he laugth, just take it easy and play, if you kill me put "ahahahahha" on general or "free ek" and i laugth too, its only a zem! Btw if we offend you i said sry from my guild, its not the focus, we only want fun! Sry for my english
  7. juanpadlv

    To White Gm

    If you want we can do 3 vs 3 or 5 vs 5 ray :D! Maynard mFs Nyros whiteangel and Ninja! want?
  8. juanpadlv

    To White Gm

    eh a mi no me mataron xD! 62 ons all day. :(
  9. juanpadlv

    To White Gm

    TRhe problem is that, now we are on elvine and all elvines go figth with us, if we get back to aresden all ares come figth with us and figth and elvs go wh agian..... dont know what to do now.. Survivors give nice figths yesterday PLZ STOP spam putting "Anti K kill 20 vs 1" man we are 4, 5, 6 online... dont put others elvines on our guild, they follow us nothing else..
  10. juanpadlv


    i can wait, thx too consider anti k on elvine, i think its the best way to balance the citys, hope you can fix the problem soon! thx again white! sry for the spam
  11. juanpadlv


    White why you dont considered change anti k on elvine? :/
  12. juanpadlv


    Elvines quit cuz the unbalance..
  13. juanpadlv


    if FNDA change city, we got the same that we got at the moment, lot of elvs afk and no figths, cowbell its the only player on FNDA who raid... we dont need this, FNDA has 4 players afk all day, i never see "Nemesis" or "Jos" figth.. if Anti k moves to elvine we are going to have raid and pvp figths all day.. if its very unbalanced that anti k moves to elvine, put the elvine guild who want to change on ares,, Anti K balance elvine.. its the only guild wicth can balance this city.
  14. juanpadlv


    White elvines dont figth anymore.... if you move us to elvine the server turns funny.. anti k raid all day with 2, 3, 5, or 10 pple on... thats why we want the change.. yesterday elvines stay all day in garden... we get boring like this... and pple quit.. its just my opinion.. its your server.. but i think we need a change.. considered put anti k on elvine.. ares now have YOUR MOM guild and Heroes from justice or something like that.. and they have lot of new pple playing but all in ares :S..
  15. juanpadlv


    FNDA always AFK, i never figth with Ray, only Cowbell sometimes raid with us, cmmon guys, you scared with anti k on elvine?..... White plz check RECENT EKS...... 5 eks per hour... omg....! plz move anti k guild to elvine, not always 20 online in anti k... sometimes we are 5, 4.. 10 max.. plz move our guild to elvine.. it boring.. i love nemesis, i love hb but when it turns boring i dont like play :S mFs.