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Everything posted by BigWang

  1. BigWang

    Fair Fights

    Mages seriously have the upper hand in every aspect pretty much especially with MIM. But not only that but a bbh zerked war hits a 180 mage with DK armor for 10s and 20s and every now and then 40+ without crits....Mages DK armor needs to reduced by a good bit....a warrior has his criticals and thats it...once hes out then theres no point in fighting a really is pretty unfair. Only time you see 180 mages die is when you have 4+ warriors critting them at once and they cant move and then at that once the mage dies guess what all 4 warriors are out of crits and now they cant kill another mage...Suggestion is to reduce their DK armor so that our damage is greater and not only that but PFM should protect against MIM...MIM should only work if someone has no magic protection at all on them. A mage can constantly MIM and blizz and do the same damage everytime whether the warrior has DK armor or not...yet a warrior can use 18 crits and not even hit good damage vrs their DK armor and again after their crits are gone the fights over. Put 3 warriors against 3 mages and the mages will win for sure...the warriors might take out 1 mage with the crits if that but after the crits their done for. Plus not to mention theres good PA armor in game already and yet theres barely any good MA armor...MA armor is way more rare if you ask me...So yes...the damage reduction by mages DK armor needs to reduced by a good bit and PFM needs to protect against MIM. A warrior that doesnt have BBH cant fight a mage what so ever thats 180 with DK armor...its not even a fight. Need warriors feed back on this...not a mages because of course they will just try to justify everything because they like it being unbalanced...exactly with the poll on MIM being removed...only people that said it shouldnt are the mages which is why it was out voted. A warrior is good for hunting/lvling on this server and thats it really...when it comes to PVP vrs mages its not balanced at all in my opinion.
  2. BigWang

    Fair Fights

    Sad....Yall are only going on about Hero armor like anyone has it....and again some people are saying but you can just with a mage or get AMP...are yall that dumb? I said 1on1 its not a fair fight....and using BS items its not a fair fight...not a hero set that no one has and no one will have for a long time. And once again, if its 1on1 and a mage isnt smart enough to just run untill they can pfm or like i said time the PFM and then blizz and freeze them right before the time is up then theres nothing they can do to avoid getting pfa'd or anything. Once again yall turn it into nothing that ive even said or talked about or yall are saying things that I already mentioned above so obviously your not reading..either shows you suck as a mage and dont know how to play or your just trying not to agree cause you like it being unfair. And then nerfing mages? Simply lowering the damage reduction their DK armor has and making pfm protect against MIM isnt nerfing a ones saying reduce the damage they do...once again just commenting out the *censored*.
  3. BigWang

    Fix Login And Mapchange Issues!

    If its not being attacked then explain why it works perfectly fine sometimes and then all of a sudden it does things like that....If it was a bug or an issue then it would of always been going on since day 1 and it would ALWAYS have been like this..Its not like there isnt programs that can constantly ping a server or do things that cause whats going on right now...your acting as if someone has to sit there and manually keep attacking the server...yall are dumb and inpatient and obviously need more a life...go outside and let your bright white skin see some daylight for once or do something productive with your life and check back later. OR just do those things when its logging in and use the 5-20 minutes it takes to connect to actually feel like your alive and not just a zombie sitting and stareing at the screen hoping it goes through.
  4. BigWang

    Fair Fights

    To bad no mage will get hero set for another month or more and also they obviously wont be using a hero set when getting will only be used while no war is close to them like it has been used since hb int beta. Again it comes down to just being smart over that...and for the most part for a war the FH is really just used for Hitting prob...not damage...yes it ups the damage but barely any...its mainly the hp that its good for. And again though no war will have that for month or months. Im talking about just using stuff as of now...even if both were using all BS items which is what ive said pretty included as BS item. And who would make a bbh war with 112 int...then you need enough mag to not fail casting amp and not only that but they will run out of mana in no time if they did....then on top of that you couldnt fight wars....thats just a BMAGE pretty much if you didnt know.
  5. BigWang

    Fair Fights

    Oh and one more thing before the mages try coming back like they did on another post. Put it this way...for 1 you never encounter just 1 mage....its always going to be 2-5 mages...and even at that if it happens to be 1 mage...if they have any skill at all or their just smart...then theres no way they would die to 1 warrior unless they seriously just blow. 1on1 is as easy as this...they can put on DK set + m shield+ tower and let you use all your crits and they wouldnt have to use but maybe 5 pots if they even would have to use any at all and then the fights over as the warrior has no more crits and cant do anything..if the mage is smart thats all they would have to do. I have para'd a mage 3 times during a 1on1 and thats all they did and I couldnt kill them at all with bbh especially after my crits were out. If their armor is repaired before the fight it wont run out of endurance till way after the warrior has used all his crits. I also have 200 DEX and I miss 3 out of 10 hits on mages using just DK set and no mshield or tower....its just the defense of the DK combined with missing 3 out of 10 hits and using m shield if they wanted...theres no way a mage could lose and thats if your lucky enough for the mage to be nice and not use MIM. Not to mention if you land a para on the mage...guess what? if you go to zerk yourself then the mage will just fire wall and get out of para...or invis...if you dont zerk then even with bbh and 200 dex you will not only miss few swings but you will also only be doing like 10s if your out of crits....if your not then like i said mshield+tower and maybe a couple pots and then they are out of crits. Yall know dam well it isnt balanced so dont come back with oh it is...i even saw someone say they think the warrior is over powered when it comes to 1on1 with a mage which is a joke...again if the mage has any skill or is just smart then they can just run you out of crits and its game over. hitting 10s and maybe 20s if lucky with bbh with no zerk wont kill a mage running from you much less one para'd. Even with zerk it only last so long and then when you go to rezerk they can just get out the para or be smart and blizz you or mim or do any of the other many things they can do to kill you. I even will be chasing a mage sometimes and they will stop on a 1x1 path to block me and just m shield+ tower up while i get killed from the back and no matter if i had full crits or not it wouldnt come close to killing them and if anything may make them use a couple pots...not like 1 blizz where we have to use 5-8 pots to regain what we lost and if we had pfm on we still would have to use 3-5 pots to regain what we lost...all they have to do is count down your pfm and even blizz you while your pfm is ABOUT to run out so then your frozen so then when you go to repfm they can cast pfa on you way faster and even without being frozen they can still cast it faster then you and get you pfa'd. All around unbalanced so dont try saying otherwise.
  6. BigWang

    Fair Fights

    Oh and the mage can also use a mshield to cast which makes it even less once again they have another bonus...
  7. BigWang

    Cant Even Connect To Server....

    Hmm, really starting to suck. I dont mind losing 10 mil exp earlier but now I actually just logged out to save so it wouldnt roll back and when i go to log back in it just so happened another roll back happened and i lost another 5 mil exp...which dont make sense cause i was logging out for that reason and i wasnt lagging or its back down. If the people crashing it actually think people will quit a server over it going down then their dumber than their parents think they are. No one would quit a good server just cause it goes down again, get a life, get pussy which you obviously have never had and most of all stop crying because you couldnt cut it in life and need attention.
  8. BigWang

    Cant Even Connect To Server....

  9. Never been attacked? Then why would even farjat say thats what it is...doubt it has anything to do with connection or the server it self...otherwise it wouldnt be doing this randomly..theres a reason that it says connected but wont finish logging in like its been doing now for the past 20 minutes. Theres so much traffic from being people on and it being attacked that it cant finish loading sometimes or it takes a good while.
  10. I think it's pretty funny that the people attacking the server really think their doing something...I mean the server went down or had a roll they think people will quit now? Its only showing how they literally have no life but sit there and try to crash a server knowing that it doesnt do anything but make us have to wait a few minutes or relog...they need some pussy or something to use their time better.
  11. BigWang

    Cant Even Connect To Server....

    still cant connect.......i was playing and then i recalled and it couldnt connect back to town and now it cant connect to login....should of never recalled lol.