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Posts posted by Saspin


    White sorry to repeat this - but please could you just modify party quests so that anyone in the party who gets a kill of that type counts towards on your quest. It's really non-intuitive at the moment.


    If my town has told me to kill 150 ice golem. Does it really matter if my friend has the quest. 150 dead ice golems is 150 dead ice golems. IF town has told him to kill 80 ice golems (because he is level 160 or something) does it really matter that I have to kill 150 (and that none of my kills count towards his?).


    Adding this will make solo quests useless, you'd pick party quests and just go to a pit and hope "someone" is hunting there, party up and benefit from their effort. Now you have to think things through and make a GROUP to go hunt and complete a specific quest TOGETHER as a group. Town didn't tell him "kill 80 IG" cuz that would be solo quest, town told him "kill 80 IG with a party" which is totally different as the group aspect comes along, and a group must be united as one in order to complete the quest. (united as one as in fight for the same goal, aka having the same quest). If that is unclear for you, I'll gladly add a piece of text to each quest description saying this. "Fight united as on party with all having the same quest"



    I actually agree with this white. How about then that if person HAS the quest for same monster type it counts. E.g. If I have to kill 80 IG, and Friend has to kill 150 for a quest. Can we make his kills count towards mine and vice versa? THen still planned.


    Also if my friend is finished as he started earlier, and does his 150th IG, and I have some to go, can still make his kills count if he holds the quest.

    What do you think about that?

  2. White sorry to repeat this - but please could you just modify party quests so that anyone in the party who gets a kill of that type counts towards on your quest. It's really non-intuitive at the moment.


    If my town has told me to kill 150 ice golem. Does it really matter if my friend has the quest. 150 dead ice golems is 150 dead ice golems. IF town has told him to kill 80 ice golems (because he is level 160 or something) does it really matter that I have to kill 150 (and that none of my kills count towards his?).

  3. Please White, just make it so a monster kill counts even if a player doesn't have a quest.


    It's killing us to take newer players to TOH3 and stuff and they cant even contribute to others quests.


    Or we take them to CF and our kills dont count for their quests.


    Please make this adjustment mate, I know it won't take you long to do.

  4. What I'd like to see, is the ability for players to get an instant level 180, but it stops them gaining XP after that (or perhaps hero). So anyone can have a 180 if they want, but can't benefit from DK+15 etc. So for players who really can't be arsed leveling- they still are able to play a 180.


    Some penalties of skipping you could consider:

    No gain XP/MAJ after 180

    No gain EK after 180


    Personally i think just no XP would be fine for those that 'Skipped the fun' (of leveling)


    I've seen this work well in other RPG style games.


    Also 1 per IP.

  5. SOme of the things that have made it harder are ignoring newbs to be honest - if you don't guild and take them hunting non-standard pits it gets boring.


    Activity makes this game good, finding a massive enemy hunt etc.


    New guild system is great but sucks unless you are full of elite 180's - numbers need to be upped on that.


    IT's all about activity, going somewhere and finding people. This game is great - but it's reliant on numbers and if you make people bored it doesn't work. The standard guild that people tend to run now is just 180's doing sporadic hunts ignoring goldies.