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Everything posted by whiteangel

  1. whiteangel

    Hey Guys Remind Me Bout 3d Card Config

    i dont use tab, Is a joke :) I got 1200 fps now dont need :) tab= bump <<< Bump = Down
  2. whiteangel

    Hey Guys Remind Me Bout 3d Card Config

    Tab F4;Tab F4;Tab F4;Tab F4;Tab F4;Tab F4;Tab F4;Tab F4;Tab F4; wakakaka bumpz<down :( end of story
  3. whiteangel

    Mages Hero Set

    hmmm and wars can upgrade the hero armors to 10 k endu in plate :P. or hero blade plox
  4. whiteangel

    Swords / Espadas

    sucede que la fuerza te da dmg, por eso si usas la flameberge con 130 de str vas a pegar menos que con 200. la bueno de la back shadow es que tiene mucho hitting p, y mas alcanze que la flameberge.
  5. finally... bbh rlz :)
  6. whiteangel


    hmm nice idea hemp. :) colors may be different, not to squander that won the previous events ... and that there are still rare.
  7. whiteangel

    This Snow Bird Is Heading South

    good luck jeff.
  8. whiteangel


    es el chuiq_norriz(x), como el dice Obvio, correntino... a veces me da lastima, porque ya no tiene ninguna chance de defenderse. Pd: segui con el curso de plastilina.. x) off: nada que ver pero. alguien se prenderia a hacer un aoe2 online?? por dios como extra?o ese juego.
  9. I can but i need BERSEK tablet (?) I always wanted to know for example: sharp = +1 to bs ancient=+3?? Many have told me that the ANC. +2 other is +4
  10. whiteangel


    si, yo creo que July, lukas (enjoy life), rast, el boludo de agus (oposto), luzbelito, LaHiena oO, estan en el camino de los records guiness de banns y/o mutes haha.
  11. whiteangel


    Eso pasa. porque los ares le hacen tgt a los mismos frees. crisstian weewwaaka algo asi, nachoxcapo. x dios, yo vivo en city cuando laburo, me la paso dando vueltas por ahi, es una verguenza la impresionante cantidad de veces que lo matan a esos. Por dios. nah posta loco es practicamente lammer, solo que un poco mas legal. UNA BRONCA,
  12. whiteangel

    Best Way To Get Maj Points

    warrior= Llf Flame/ Dk Sword +8 WW pit/Dark Elf pit = 1 mp 50min Mage= ms20 wand + chain +berk+ leggins 40 mana pots, Garden! 1 mp =40-50 min, if you dont die XD
  13. whiteangel

    Best Players ?

    I always liked it at first, it was more fun. Now no one plays. It is a game that wins the most act. of speacial weapons, or the guild to purchase more items. Eos, the purchasers of items, could be good, but is the only Static. Only Chuck Norris is too, his cause of death, jaja
  14. whiteangel

    Goodbye Hb

    good bye MatriX :D
  15. whiteangel

    Nemesis Picnic Event

    weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I love your# events hunter :P
  16. whiteangel

    A Very Good Idea.

    yep, i see all time it The last week, ares active me 2 times xelima weapon + ie sword , and in the 3rd time, 2 activated at the same time. (+ie sword) all this in 2 minutes... but we must not mourn ... This past week saw my city eh much stronger than other times, winning the daily battles in ML. I think the difference elvs players do, I think that while the majority plays badly, about 15 are making a difference elvs impressive because ares has bought 90% of good items, but very few ares players that play really well ... GG google traslator :P
  17. whiteangel

    Best Pl Raiders

    no te acordas de mi, no?? votame para ares :P war : SoreteRa~ mage : maybe naggs (nice fps) 1 vot for me Gabuyo :lol: AND GABUYO! :P FuKalIte safa :P
  18. whiteangel

    Who Is The Stronger *guild* In Hb Nemesis?

    ye all guilds need 1 noob guildmaster, gaucho styles, pj, wtfgirl, cannon. 1 chuck norris. 1 xelima weapon 1 ice elemental sword 1 whiteberseked megacliker amped-plox 1 justice to win 1 Rast-pvpwarxwarploxnoexcuseslol 1 cake with power ring pls 1 monono 1 Millie 1 FunnyGirl+Migo, Owerpowerer team 1 esw 1 cancel my favoryte: a song to listen to my friends in the teamspeack
  19. whiteangel

    Best Pl Raiders

    Soretera maybe naggs ronwe = items :(
  20. whiteangel

    Bay Server!

    jaja beto, muchos recuerdos con vos. La verdad en nemesis 1 fuiste mi "archi enemigo en elv", jajaja. Pero el tiempo nos hizo madurar y hacernos llevar bien. jajaja ahora que me acuerdo me muero de risa. Se que todos vuelven, yo al principio era casi full hero, y quitie un tiempo, pero como dice tu avatar... ." es lo que hay" siemrpe fui un poco asi. Se que al final todos vuelven :)
  21. whiteangel

    Design An Accessory For Helbreath

    the warrior have no way to remove sp in mages. I would like a warrior weapon to be turned on and you remove the sp progressive, style ESW and is activated as the ice elemental. or meriend rapier, efect: save friends when activated, giving the effect meriend shield by 15 seconds. or ... anti- network traffic lag// :( its imposible :(
  22. whiteangel

    Who's Your Favorite Gm Of 2008

    I repeat: farjat = GOD 1 hunter = GOD 2
  23. whiteangel

    Who's Your Favorite Gm Of 2008

    farjat + hunter
  24. whiteangel

    Changes/fixes After Maintenance

    vuelvo de vacaciones y encuentro el server cada dia mejor sigan asi :)