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Posts posted by Maconhado

  1. 50 usd for zwand


    come, u always do this kind of crap. >_<



    I dont know why GM never ban that nerd, when i did that i was banned in forum for 1 week.... GM's friend i think


    Elvine rox


    trueee fullhouse, i get my *censored* banned once too for that kind of crap

  2. ms19 neck for $50


    i'll pay 500 if u find me a ms19 junny



    liche neck is ms20 ... :P so u gonna pay 600 for it? :P


    oh ya, and that moha needs a girl so bad, i think he still virgin ... :/ sad story ... but ...



  3. thx bro, im going out too .. i m starting working on business things ( buyin things from asia china, malay, vietnan, and sellin here in brazil and usa ... ) im a business guy now, im getting old, and i dun have enuff time to play too ... but i ll log some times to say hi tu u guys, and i ll visit some asian countrys too, so imma gonna meet u guys in real life, thats great for me ... so bye nemesis!


    and roy, thx for the time we played together and on inner, love u guys.

  4. Anyway, my first post regarding the PVP event.


    Firstly, I wasn't there for this whole ordeal but I think that this wasn't badly communicated to both sides.


    Quite obviously, the Aresden knew the rules which White[GM] stated. They acted upon this and didn't share items. Simple.


    This was broadcasted in the GM Chat as well, so obviously was communicated to players who were online at the time.


    So my real question is, why did Aresden know about this rule, but Elvine didn't? Did they choose to ignore it because it wasn't in the main post? I'd argue yes, because they didn't seek clarity on this.


    Anyway, it's your server and you decide the rules.


    Just sayin.

    well said, except i believe they understood the rules and just didnt think it would matter. Now that they were caught they use the "I didnt know" excuse. Also the summon pots were excluded from the event, but not stated on the first page of the event thread,however if i used demon pot in the 5 vs 5 fight i bet white will disqualify us. And I bet the decision wouldnt be overturned if i simply said "I didnt know it was a rule."


    Another example is when White banned me (Dragonoid+Miml) from a LMS event before it even started because i was using a multi client (which is provided by the nemesis client.) There was nothing posted at all about multi clients being illegal nor was there talk about it in the months leading up. White's explanation to me was that it was a "common sense rule" and that it didnt need to be posted. But for Argenlandia+High HB it needs to be written in blood on the top of the main page.... cmon...


  5. Fixed for u mate

    reputation (rep): noob , puller, buyer

    u take items ?

    I beleive its clear that this is a "selling" section area, me and other players doesn't except threats like yours here. So manage your words please above this area. I've repported your behavior.



    ya, that moha its the biggest buyer on the server and calls us buyers, lol ... watever ... and he also just keepin trollin everybodys post and no1 warm him ... >_<

  6. stop cry the cagons!!!.... quit coz lost event ajajjaja another Xelima for elvine ?



    how many xelimas got elvine ? 1 hhb 1 hwarang ( low time on ) and 1 argenlandia ( never on)


    aresden have 4 xelimas active, 2 esw, 2 hfire, cancel, many Sb.. many klonnes items

    and cry ahha.. bye inner ! good time fightinng


    learn english please, and stop that jajaajaja laugh.

    if u wanna write english, plz do it on the right way.


  7. Inner's got owned , now they saying they quit, I dont get your point at all but if you are leaving then i wish you gl, i loved to fight with SOME of you guys.

    The fights were always 5vs5, never forget....

    since the beggining of the event 90 % of you already knew ARGENLANDIA was winning, Didnt you all expect it already?


    ps: the other 10% are ppl who dont know the server luls



    Gordo how muich kx =P


    we cannot stop playin? o.o