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Everything posted by LxD

  1. LxD

    Vote For Nemesis!

    hmm Muismat in nemesis :excl: :blink: :wacko: :o
  2. LxD

    Balance Beetween Mages And War

    train more your paralize then :rolleyes:
  3. LxD

    Lame Prize For 140

    BULLSHITT its called,and first fullhero in server gets extra merien and xelima hero set? :unsure:
  4. Delite ig pits in ib otherwise nemesis will be same as b4(every noob has set,there are 100x ies )Think about it :excl:
  5. well i would be happy if that ie would return in that spanish/arg peoples bag,because most damnation shows their ego too much :ph34r: :P