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Posts posted by elguason

  1. Es entendible lo que dicen de las armors low %


    Pero lo que tienen los rares es que se ven y eso les hace 'bien' al server, que la gente (nueva) vea esos items en el servidor.

    Entre dar un Merien Neck o un wand/weapon es mas conveniente lo segundo.

    Por la misma razon se dio el Sleep


    Necesitariamos un par de GMs y desde hace un tiempo estoy pensando en armar un topic informando lo que buscamos y que envieen un ticket (para evitar puterios) asi se postulan. Creo que con un par de GMs activos y que se ocupen de los tickets/logs (no se dan una idea del tiempo que te consume esto! dejen de ser tan maricones de enviar tickets para que baneen a fulano o tan giles de prestar la cuenta y luego preguntar donde les quedo la pot roja que compraron en el 2009!!) eso haria que el laburo de Zorak se descomprima un poco y tenga mas tiempo disponible para los eventos.

  2. Con respecto a los eventos, si, es cierto que no hay tantos.

    Igual asi como aca se pueden quejar, en el int se quejan de los eventos del arg :S


    Con respecto al drop, esta perfecto, por algo hay algunos chars muy armados. Y si queres mirar a como va a ser en un futuro, miren el Int (mismo drop) y estan llenos de chars armadisimos.

    Despues esta el factor suerte, a mi nunca me cayo nada decente salvo una Plate MA9 que tampoco es la gran cosa...

    Tambien donde entrenen, si clavas 500mps en el garden (kenpito!!) no esperes muchos drops, no es lo mismo que hacerlos en WW.

  3. Then players will dupe, steal, hack, lame or cheat in anyway possible(even more)... if they dont get caught, great! if they do... well they have a second chance.

    When we are severe players think it twice before making something stupid.


    btw, with amnesty you keep your name, lvl, total exp and magestics. (rep = 0)

    the only difference with your first warning is they keep their items, -700 rep and cant do quests?

  4. We dont want lammers here and we ban them to 2030.


    They have a second chance, it is called amnesty, it is still a privilege and we give them to most of the players banned till 2030.


    People always take advantages or cheat but then they are not enough men to take responsibility for their actions when they are penalized

  5. usemos este topic para postear bugs que encontremos


    Por favor, tratemos de usar el topic para reportar bugs que vayamos encontrando.

    no para hablar de otras cosas o de si les gusta o no o si tienen alguna sugerencia, no porque no nos importen sus sugerencias... sino porque no es el lugar ni el momento de hacerlas!


  6. lol the only thing u did was change snowy's stats to dex mage and left shield at 20%. Thx for all the contribution static. btw whos items u got on static?? ripped me and medic lol


    P.S. squall if you guys dont wanna waste time, then why is there 3 diff gms posting in this section. In the time it took to tell elite not to trust me, u could have switched the email for free. Thats why i said that. Thx tho..... lol


    Writing a post takes 1 minute.


    Changing an e-mail and doing all the checks does not.


    Beside we explain why so they dont need to ask in future cases, while doing an exception will mean doing it always




    Closing this topic to avoid fights between players and because he already informed us (about the new owner)

  7. Account selling is not supported, then why would we bother to do an extra work changing emails MANUALLY at a db for free? beside we need to coordinate, check our email box and see if it match with the account related & ticket, check accounts, etc.

    If you want us to waste our time doing something like that then lets make it worthwhile!

    it also stop account sellers a little bit... (btw, you can see it as a tax because someone is winning money there with the selling :P )



    The real owner is who own the email, if you get your email hacked then your problems and/or claims are with hotmail, gmail, yahoo or what ever... not with nemesis.

  8. Troll pit isnt here YET, we noticed it already.


    Max contri is still 700 YET, that is why you cant see any quest.


    Noob Dungeon isnt anymore at city, it is at Farm again.


    We didnt delete Wh2, it didnt exist.

  9. I suggest you to pay and make the email change to avoid problems in the future. Im not saying he will cause any problem to you, but just in case this is what we suggest to everyone who buy an account.


    btw, for the email change we need an email from the original owner confirming the change.