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Everything posted by elguason

  1. elguason

    Allow Upgrading Angelic Pandents To +20 ?

    I will never get an angel+10 and still think we should allow a+15 You give a reason to old players to keep training or trading. New players can make angels+15 too in some point.
  2. elguason

    Kloness Wand

    Err... you were all talking about how it works kloness, or wondering how it works, or assuming info from HBPortal(usa) i just wanted to clarify. If you look at my first post, i just stated the good and bad things about K wand. i didnt say i was against raising the damage or MS, just it isnt that bad. K Wand is not worse than a DK 15. I accept the suggestion anyway.
  3. elguason

    Kloness Wand

    I dont know why do you bring the 10000rep if the topic/post i showed you clearly said there is a MAX bonus, so having 500 rep or 10000 is the same. White stated he is not 100% sure at this topic. Jaapy has nemesis Sources and knows how it works here. Unless he made a mistake (writing), which could happens, that is how it works (here). Anyways, take this one: I will update that topic later.
  4. elguason

    Kloness Wand

  5. elguason

    Kloness Wand

    I have been criticed with -50 with a K Wand. I didnt say Z wand had a nice physical damage... Just the opposite, it doesnt have that advantage K Wands have.
  6. elguason

    Me Presento

    Si sos Elvo, te recomiendo Hachis. Son muy buena onda.
  7. elguason

    Gms Paid Rumor

    Show me the money!
  8. elguason


    We are the only private server with Sleep, if we introduce them ingame the players will see it and it is a good way to promote the server. Selling them is a good idea, we get some cash. 2 per city +1 i say like 350~400$ Yeah, but we are NOT selling SB...
  9. elguason

    Allow Upgrading Angelic Pandents To +20 ?

    Ok, make it +15 ask like 90 magestics from 10 to +11, double the cost of magestics per upgrade.
  10. elguason

    Kloness Wand

    + You can use it on any char, is not bound. You dont need to train on any mage. + You can use it on PL raiders. + You can critic and make a heavy damage, not like DK+15 + You can zerk your self and use it as a weapon against amped mages, the damage bonus is doubled. + I think you can combine the bonus with a K Neck. - Is just MS20 - A max bonus of +15 being a rare. If you compare with a Z wand which is supposed to make a high damage and doesnt have that physical damage, isnt that bad.
  11. elguason

    Me Presento

  12. elguason

    Monstr Spawn Indicator On Minimap

    On farms they would appear an orc spawn!! i remember. but i dont think we had it on nemesis 1
  13. elguason

    I Cant Change Password...

    Log in here: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com Then change your password here: http://www.helbreathnemesis.com/changepw.php
  14. elguason

    Hf Fixed Dmg

    kennychl, is not like you cant use Blizz if you have HF, you have both and this spell give you variety on your attacks which is priceless. (If MS or MMM wouldnt be on Magic Tower and they would be rare, i still would want them even if they hit 80~90 :P ) HF has a lot of advantages on his uses, not needed to be in line to aim so you can do a max damage at every spot on your screen is the best of those advantages. Last time i checked (few days ago) HF did more damage than Blizzard, i dont think it was changed in these last days. Anyways, we can always 'fix' this with time. Trial and error.
  15. elguason

    A Better Armor Break

    We are working on a huge update, may be take a while because we want to launch it once we have everything done and not by parts. I cant say too much, but on that matter i think it will please almost everyone (those who like or dislike m shields role on this game). I leave this topic before people start to ask me what are the next updates coming and farjat fire me :lol: Bobcat, i understood that! but for example, if you remove Dk sets you make mages useless because when wars have Mr/Ma sets, mages have nothing to defend. Pa sux and DR doesnt worth unles it is like 350%+... and wars hit you all the time with BBH/BH while mages cant AB if you are pfmed. Then yes, we could remove m shield, dk sets, etc but we should make a lot of changes more to keep everything balanced. And that is just one example.
  16. elguason

    A Better Armor Break

    Bobcat, i understand. There are things that dont makes too much sense... But to balance everything and make it funnier you need like changing everything ingame which could work, but is too late and you would almost make a different game :P Synz, i get your point. But i think the problem is not because takes a lot to break a set, the problem is that there are few players ingame to accelerate the ?task?. When we had nice battles against Survivors or another big guild, like 10+ vs 10+, didnt matter how good your set was. If you made a mistake or few you were death! If you had a godly Mr set and you were paralized, you had 4 wars criticing fast and once you changed to dk set many mages blizzed you fast... or if you put your set on because your mages didnt support you well enough you had every BBH/BH war aiming you and once you were pfa was a piece of cake for mages to finish breaking your set. Now on days, with few players on or fighting around ML/IB, if you are alone and find another one it will take for ever to kill him or die if both have items and play with amp,pfm,run, tower+mshield, etc. The good part i find about "low damages" or being hard die at this server is that your skills increase your possibility to win a fight when you are outnumbered or they have better items. for example (an extreme example) i played few fruit servers which were fun, but didnt matter how good you could be. Someone would come and click you 2 times and you were death. Didnt matter how good your team work was, your aim, your timing for pfm/amp/pfa/ds/mp/hp, changing sets, shield casting, etc... a noob would come and kill you! :lol: I know nobody wants this, the example is to explain the good part of being harder to die or kill. The longest is the fight, the better it benefit to skilled players. I think the key for everything (promote the server, bring players back, making it funnier, speeding the die/kill part, etc) is to give the players reasons to go to ML/IB with out unbalance everything like a small Ettin Pit (btw, there is an ettin pit! we made it xxxxxl size). We had some ideas and we are working on few.
  17. elguason

    A Better Armor Break

    A war with DK Set and PFM can die against 3 mages with DK15. The game get balanced between warriors and mages on futher stages where there are a items and armors in game. If you apply this there will not be no reason to play as war anymore. Even with AB not going through PFM you can break his sets 'easily' timing and pfaing. If you invent a new kind of AB that goes through PFM every war would be just a free EK at least he fight 2 steps away from his BS and Shop. That is why is so powerful the ESW, not only because the damage and sp, because the AB part. If in a mass fight Static was there, your sets were always heavily damaged... imagine if any mage has a spell that AB through PFM. Even if you make it rare like IS, with some mages in game with that spell mould the difference in a battle.
  18. elguason

    Como Hacer Para Grabar Videos

    No no, me referia al programa de Cilin. Ese te come todos los Fps. El Hypercam, si bien te minimiza el HB, anda de 10.
  19. elguason

    Server Manteinance + Client Update V5.11

    Download it again, may be it is corrupt. Dont open it, extract it on your HB folder. (Btw I didnt make the update yet, in case there is something wrong) About the abuse part, I will not tell you what not to do and give you ideas!! Just use the Multiclient to transfer items or if you want to stay afk with many chars. No other use at all.
  20. elguason

    Como Hacer Para Grabar Videos

    Del Hypercam me jode que se salga el HB cada vez que paro de grabar y que saque videos bastante pesaditos (si, ya se que hay que editarlos y/o comprimirlos) Voy a probar que onda este. Edit: Te come los Fps mal
  21. elguason

    Gambling Is Never Good !

    Dissident is Defficient, Different or Juan. He cant defend himself, he doesnt speak english!!
  22. elguason

    Survey I Stop Playing Or Not?

    I wouldnt even carry an Efreet Neck on my bag if i have one... Keep playing. Es un item pedorro, ni te calentes.
  23. elguason

    Gambling Is Never Good !

    shit happens... but happens often to him.
  24. elguason

    Players Beware Of Hwarang

    Dont you get what hunter said or what? Good bye
  25. elguason

    Mage V Mage Pvp Now Now Now

    Congratulation to the winners, im sure you had fun.