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Everything posted by elguason

  1. elguason

    Party Bonus

    yes, they die faster and it is easier because you use less pots(the mob have to aim to more players) you dont have to lure as much as when you are alone or with few players, you die less when you have mates around to invi/pfm/pfa you... And an enemy will think it twice to attack you when you are a big group. You have many reasons to hunt/train in a group.
  2. elguason

    Evento De Dise?o De Item

    Listo 1er, 2do, 3er puesto.
  3. elguason

    Evento De Dise?o De Item

    Si si, es lo que dije, en un ratito se los dejo en la bag.
  4. elguason

    Evento De Dise?o De Item

    MDMA, DamaBlanca, Garrapata. Si no recibieron el premio despues se los dejo en la bag.
  5. elguason

    Evento De Dise?o De Item

    Ma?ana a la noche (martes 13) ya me libero, si para ese momento no tienen los premios, se los damos Zorak o yo.
  6. elguason

    Preguntita, Para Cuando Los Ganadores?

    "Prizes will be a stone package of meriens, xelimas and zems....amount depends on number of entries" Un pack de stones, que cantidad? lo que le paresca a Hunter.
  7. elguason

    Removing Links For Avatars

    max is 200kb
  8. elguason

    Preguntita, Para Cuando Los Ganadores?

    jaja ni me habia dado cuenta. Igual muchos recibieron votos, algunos GMs del Int colaboraron y habia que elejir 3 cada uno.
  9. elguason

    Preguntita, Para Cuando Los Ganadores?

    Hunter me dijo que les avise que los ganadores son: 1- Garrapata (Vampiric Angel) 2- MDMA (Onix Cape) 3- DamaBlanca (Invi Neck) Felicitaciones, veanlo ingame por el premio.
  10. elguason

    Preguntita, Para Cuando Los Ganadores?

    Mediante votacion dentro del staff. El item es un 99.99% probable que no se implemente, a no ser que alguien se le ocurra una idea brillante a la cual no le podamos decir que no, no desbalancee y valga la pena el trabajo de hacerlo. Es mas que nada un evento para entretenerse o ganar algo.
  11. elguason

    Removing Links For Avatars

    Because you have at your 'cache' the images and also at the moment there are only few images with more than 200kb.
  12. elguason

    Epic Pvp Battles This Saturday

    You can do any kind of pvp event and you will hear: "it is an event for mages" "it is an event for wars" "it is an event for pure mages and wars" "it is an event for rich players" etc Hunters makes differents pvp events with different rules, if this one doesnt benefit your build the next one probably will. Im sorry we cant benefit your build always.
  13. elguason

    Summon Event Now

    no no, its me. Didnt know you were planning to summon, Co[GM] talked to me on msn telling me they wanted an event. If you are still on, lets summon one at elvine, one at ares.
  14. elguason

    Preguntita, Para Cuando Los Ganadores?

    Ahi le avisamos.
  15. elguason

    "view New Posts"

    They are separated and the name is "Helbreath Nemesis Argentina" You can do this: http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=24511
  16. elguason

    Happy Birthday!

    Si bien no nos conocemos creo, te deseo un feliz cumplea?os!!!
  17. elguason

    2 Guildmaster

    We have a GM here giving advances and posting SS to players. Could everyone stop spamming?
  18. elguason

    Too All My Friend Of Hb...

    Good luck irl
  19. elguason

    Gms Paid Rumor

    Exploitation: In political economy, economics, and sociology, exploitation involves a persistent social relationship in which certain persons are being mistreated or unfairly used for the benefit of others. This corresponds to one ethical conception of exploitation, that is, the treatment of human beings as mere means to an end—or as mere "objects". In different terms, "exploitation" refers to the use of people as a resource, with little or no consideration of their well-being
  20. elguason

    Allow Upgrading Angelic Pandents To +20 ?

    Schuco, it isnt going to be a 1 Ek for 1 Magestic ratio. There are few reasons. 1- Once you are FH, you can keep Eking but these eks dont have any use beside few flags you can take/need. Those who are FH dont have a reason to keep playing, giving them a chance to trade the Eks for magestics (lets say 15 Eks for 1 magestic) will not make everyone keep playing or come back here, but at least is one more reason to do it or come back. They can upgrade their DK/Angel and even when it would be faster if they train (take you 40min to make a magestic) at least is better than nothing. If you are a PVM player, you do it for the drops or exp or for fun. If you gain many magestics you can always use them, you can make many Angel+10 just to trade them. 2- When you are a PVM player you dont care how many on there are or if there are many players ingame, because you needs Mobs, not players. When you are a PVP player if you dont have anyone to kill or fight, you just quit, you move to another server where it is more fun to play. That is why we need to give them one more reason to keep fighting, raiding and EKing (beyond if they have fh). 3- Giving a Majs to EKs to PVM players is not a good idea. You are giving one reason to not raid/fight/Ek, and we need them doing it because that is what determines if a server is alive or dead for most players. (You dont see the PVM players, they like more to be hidden.) For PVM players is better to give them something related to pits and maps, and we will do it.
  21. elguason

    2 Guildmaster

    Me parece que los players de cierto rango en el guild pueden acceder a ese guild wh. I think that only players with a certain guild lvl can access to that guild wh. Right White?
  22. elguason

    Happy Birthday Colo !

    Lmao Happy bday xBoloOox
  23. elguason

    Kloness Wand

    Dude, relax, you made this topic so we could discuss and to check if we (GMs) would agree, right? You have 4 GMs here giving their opinions and not ignoring this topic... sigh
  24. elguason

    Kloness Wand

    Why is it a rare? because K Wand is not only a good item because the magic damage which can be +15, the melee damage is really nice. K Necks seems to sux.