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Posts posted by MrBader

  1. I really like this idea, I think even using current colors would be great if they had some kind of simple design on them. Could have guild battles or maybe even a raffle to who gets first pick of colors and designs if premade. One thing though for those of us who have statted capes would it be possible to have those made into guild capes?

  2. Yeah your right we should just give up and never try to do anythign fun ever again. I think this attitude is why the GMs have been so removed lately. Lets keep the comments to people who would still like to try. You want to post something negative there are plenty of posts already you can add your two cents to.

  3. I and a bunch of others I'm sure are very sad for not having the abbadon event. I was very curious to see how my strategy and I would have faired. I really wish you would reschedule one more time, hell have farjat make me a temporary GM char and I will log to help. If that is a dumb idea I have some other thoughts as to how we could pull this off with maybe just one helper whether he be a gm or a char from town. Whisper me if you are interested.

  4. Okay seeing that my idea had already been listed I will make another suggestion which too may have already been listed I am too lazy to read 5 pages worth. Any ways I would like to see in addition to another town or two maybe another class or more options for characters. Maybe a necromancer or assasin type class and adding new spells or abilities for each. Necromancers could have spells or a skill like summon demon or summon skeleton army or something undead from the underworld that would require way more int so that low vit is a must and assasins could have an upgraded version of invis but only able to use smaller weapons or maybe a crossbow. Which may not be a total overhaul might be able to take care of this by simply adding a few spells and items. With all the other games out there we continue to play Helbreath because we love its style, I mean in comparison to how fast games and the computers they operate on are advancing we are the equivalent to 50 year old men collecting old arcade games like Ms. Pacman the sit down one of course. I understand that the people that are kind enough to run this server for us may not be equipped to add everything that this game would need to have the complexity of newer games but maybe we could cheat it a little to make it more diverse and to truly make us unique. Please dont touch the graphics though.

  5. I find as a whole most people on this server are over sensetive to way to many things.

    Anyone here ever hear the tale of "The boy who called wolf"?

    You keep saying this is racist and this is racist, eventually no one will care and not pay attention

    and then when something does happen no one will listen to you because you say it so much.


    Im with who ever said that people on this server need to grow some thicker skin.


    If someone says some that is disrespectful and deragitory to another fine, mute or ban them what ever, I

    think it just makes the person saying it look bad not the people they are talking about. I mean if you want

    to get offended check some people PS's and see what those say, you will be either amused or insulted. In the

    end all this finger pointing about people hurting your feelings come down to the wussification of the next



    No kidding, for real people grow up. Someone calls you a bad word or makes a racial remark about you get over it. Stop running to the teacher and crying. GMs got enough stuff todo. Now instead of them planning an event or working on fixing bugs, etc.. they have to take time to rub your back and make you feel better cause someone called you a name. So F*@ing what. Rules are here for a reason. Obey them and dont cry when u get banned for breaking them. For the rest off you let the crap roll off your back please I am gonna puke if I happen across one more thread about people making racists remarks. And for those who are doing the insulting for gods sake if you feel you must insult someone get a little more creative. I mean comeon its easy picking on someone because of there race, I'm American and I prolly have more jokes and insults about my country then any of you put together.

  6. Was just curious to see what everyone else thought. On another server I played a while ago they had it set up so that Guild Masters could summon their guild mates to their location. Was cool for hunts and what not.

  7. African lame, stop being lame and running 1v1 and they wont call more to help kill you before you reach safe. Im sorry to offend you all but everyone I have ever tried to fight in your guild has ran. Even 2 warrs v me. I dont talk trash to anyone who fights. Only to those who run. So if your going to be lame and run expect a good thrashing and much ridicule.

  8. In my opinion moving pits is dumb, granted if nothing else is going to be done they should be moved to make things even. But even with the ares pit being moved to the bottom where it use to be people will still be able to make it resetting in d1. Then they will be able to get a kill or two and still have plenty of time to reset. It is a rare occasion that people are able to get an ek in scorps and still have time run back to lml. Any ways I do not agree with 1 min raiding but I will not disadvantage myself over fairness I will take any advantage anyone else gets. As long as other people 1 min raid I will too. I think during the week raid time should be 10sec eliminate the problem totally. The only people truly suffering are the new ones we are trying to attract.

  9. Forgot to mention I have VIsta. I uninstalled my driver on another computer and it works great choppy but fast. When I try to uninstall it on my vista computer I restart and it asks me if I want to reinstall the driver I select no but it acts as if I never uninstalled it. Still crap fps when angel near

  10. Ok I have tried everything suggested on this forum to no avail. Disabling everything through nvidia and disabling everything to one program no change. I also tried uninstalling my driver but when my computer strated back up like nothing happened. I also am discouraged about having to uninstall and reinstall for other programs. Lastly I tried disabling the driver, but when I tried to open HB I get an error message stating that I need directx 7.0 to run this program, I have 9.0 installed. Any ideas anyone?

    Thanks in advance

  11. I dont care what times the sades are but I would love for them to be at different times during the week. I can never play the tues and thurs ones because I am at work. If one were later in the day that would be great. It seems fair to me and I dont understand why this hasnt already been done. Even the USA server did different times and that was a server created for people all in a similar time zone.