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Posts posted by farjat


    Well, this is what most of polish players felt. Unfortunatelly for both polish players and this servers ( we were propably around 1/3 of server's population).


    I have been playing here for only few days, but never have I noticed such unpleasant attitude towards polish community like from one of Admins on Nemesis.

    Summoning 4 spawns of guards clav while we raid elvine, absolutely record in amounts of mutes ( muting ppl just for starting prv with that GM with ANY kind of question ), perm ban for Metz without ANY reason, laughing from polish players by GM on GM channel ( in spanish). There is also a matter that GM had with Sas Four guild , but I do not feel an authorised person to talk about it, I guess they should write about it on their own.

    Ofc we could make a GM abuse ticket about those behaviours, but it would have got totally no effect? Why? Because a person who is abusing is the same who close those tickets...


    Exemple ?

    Ticket from Metz:

    Metzger Posted on 7-9-2013 at 4:06 PM
    I really have no idea what I did wrong. I just said "I have no idea why spanish/arg ppl are mad right now, when fajrat was talkin about 'polish' in global, they were laughing about. -> just commented the situation about White talking about "spanish ppl".
    It was at summon event when EnjoyLife started the fight about "polish" and fajrat commented it, but it wasn't offensive.
    farjat[GM](Helbreath Nemesis GameMaster)Posted on 7-9-2013 at 4:55 PM
    yea whatever bye.
    Blady, aka TerLei.



    Yes this Shit Metz was the one who made a symbols char and insulted my family. He can suck it and go hb banana.

  2. OMFG White Means "Do not talk to ME in spanish. This is an english server blablbala"



    He means basicly if u dont talk us in english is very probably u dont get an answer.

    I can speack spanish and english and between that 2 languages i answer in the one from who i got the question. Just because i can and i want him to be answered.

    White can answer u in dutch or english.



    U can talk whatever in general chats.

  3. me estas cargando? uno salta que es un timezone poco conveniente para jugar y vos decis que les diga que vayan a defender o atacar... No queres que los llame por telefono??? Fijate cuantos AFK hay.. ESTA BALANCEADO ESTO.. cuando hay 40 elvos de ellos 30 estan AFK vs 70 ares de ellos 5 estan AFK... No dan ni las putas ganas de logear ni menos de ir a hacer algo... Ya se ya se, va a aparecer farjat diciendo que deje de llorar,etc... Pero el rio suena farjat, el tiempo es ahora de corregir, antes que sea tarde.. NO OPINO MAS DEL TEMA.. ya ta.


    Lo mismo rompieron las bolas hace una semana y mira como terminas hoy.

    En la reunion donde decidimos pasar a Rezpect habia 11 guildmasters de las 2 ciudades y 9 estuvieron de acuerdo.


    Pero haciendo estos topics pelotudos no aportas nada mas que paranoia.

    Cambia la actitud o andate.

  4. What if we just removed it for a short test period, say, a month with it not in wizard shop or manual just to see how pvp goes without it? Then we can see for real how mages fight with no mim.


    I think MiM is POK its there that way from years already. But if U say needs removing we will discussand consider my bro!


    Hover your mouse pointer over some Skill in the F8 table and you're going to know how many "successes" you need in order to reach the next skill level.


    Yes, i saw that last night. Im at work right now so i cant login, and i wanted to know how many pots do i need to make to get 50% Alchemy. 1095 i think, if the formula remains the same. God, 1095 Slime Jellys, it sickens me, and im not even taking into account other monsters parts..


    Nub. the list of what u are asking is on the front main site!!!

    • Easy Fighting Skill Progression for: Magic-Resistance, Magic, Short Sword, Archery, Long-Sword, Fencing, Axe-Attack, Shield, Hammer, Staff-Attack

  6. if i am not wrong. theres a different point on casting, and on shooting what u casted.


    Invul should go when u SHOOT not when u cast. then if u cast amp u will loose invul. or if u cast recall u will loose it but later recall



  7. No farjat, no booster while any of these upgrades were tried. I really would like somebody to check if its glitched in some way not making it able to be upgraded. Based soley on the fact that it has failed at least 15 times going to +3 and each time there was no failed sound or nothing...

    nothing seems wrong or different on it. just bad luck

  8. As you can see from Heldenien, numbers can overpower skill. Even with rezpect moved to ares it still seemed to be a 3:2 ratio of elvs: ares, if not a greater majority in favor of Elvine.

    Heldenian wasnt too bad from my point of view.


    There was a moment on which aresden started to destroy and elvine stopped but then turnaround again.


    balance is kinda better now.

  9. We found a player who got this and after a lot of research white noticed that the refresh rate of the screen was setted to 30

    fixing to 60 fixed this player problem.


    We dont know where it came from. Maybe some 3rd party app mades it. Will add more info tomorrow.

  10. OK after 1 week i can say all what happened was expected.


    We was expecting Strong attacks. And we Got GIANT ones!

    Which are becoming weaker now. And we will get a few more, but will be 100% controlled soon.

    We was ready and our Defence Strategy is making great. We have no more downtime than a few minutes.


    Moved an entire guild to aresden: On a meeting with like 10 GUildmasters Both town. Almost all of them choosed to support Rezpekt Movement. moving ppl is Ugly. but was too overporered already.


    We got and still have some minor rollbacks, which we are covering by tickets. We have tracking of every action in game and we can check if u lost something important. please just make a ticket if u need.

    We are on the way to find the problem. We know somehow where it cames from and in a matter of time will be done.


    I expected to fill the arena on the First Weekend but we are not stable enoff yet.


    White is also trying to make connections smoother. But it result imposible to measure if we are under attacks.