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Everything posted by farjat

  1. farjat

    Can We Get Some Info?

    Nemesis 2 is 100% closed from now. We are starting to setup Nemesis 3 Beta.
  2. farjat

    Can We Get Some Info?

    heldenians 100% not at the beggining. sades can be funny onlow levels...
  3. farjat

    Can We Get Some Info?

    once a week=> only people from america can play that sade, or if its in european time, only europeans can play that sade... that is why there are 3 a week, so every1 can have a chance to play at least 1 /week. i thisn we should have a few sades. its ok. And we have 2 heldenians on different timezone so all can play. but i personally think that we should only have 1 sunday's heldenian only..
  4. farjat

    Can We Get Some Info?

    This is VERY important. We are going to set all with the low rates we are going to keep. BUT, we need high level players also testing. so i guess we are going to leave the low rates but will give exp sets and things like that so ppl can train faster without messing the server configs. Also, we plan to add cash to every account so everyone can buy boosters for free from cash shop during the beta. Thisway we make training faster and we test this things. We have the plan to put off nemesis 2 on sunday 14 and make the beta opened during that week (14-21)
  5. farjat

    Raiding And Ek'ing

    Farjat no se como explicarlo en ingles pero , podrian hacer que el Hero actual pase a estar solo para PL y el Dark Hero sea para los 180 pero que en vez de 50% de hp y damage +3 u no se cuanto era sea menos o sea a +2 y HP a 25% y el Dark Hero tenga el 50% y el +3 u 4 no recuerdo . Otra cosa que le cambiaria a PL que en la parte del medio en vez de que tenga Cycs este vacio y convertilo en "Arena PL" y que los combatant puedan pelear y que los civis puedan entrar a pl pero como siempre hasta lvl 101 u 100 que se hagan combatant asi los eks pueden contar normalmente no importa que pase. What u ask about hero is kinda same what we say... And for PL. on the middle WE ALREADY HAVE from long ago a TP which takes u to noob dungeon center which have more pits (and is max level 140 also.) OSea nuestro noob dungeon y nuestro PL estan unidos por una escalera en el medio de ambos. y hay pits en el nob dungeon. como una extension del PL
  6. farjat

    Raiding And Ek'ing

    mmm how to say this. We make polls for reference. Theres A LOT of variables that we can apply which are not on the poll. For example: Making real server EK lvl 140+ only. Quest at lvl 20 which says: Kill 100 Enemy in PL area (dont forget this is not an EK+1 count. But still quest count +1) Price: PL shitty full hero set +1 damage. Can u see how we can use the variables? We just need clear answer to what we asking on the polls. Then we will think on variables to balance/reward u.
  7. farjat

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    de verdad? yo lo veo bastante claro, en cada post que pones criticas a alguien o a algo pero nunca das una explicacion con sentido sobre tu posicion, simplemente pura negatividad... es como todos los que "votan" en la encuesta, pero luego no explican su posicion... pues su voto no vale nada. Sinceramente , mi "negatividad" nunca la veo son todas criticas constructivas siempre, cuando pedian que juguemos para testear siempre lo hacia lanzaron toda una nueva modalidad de juego muy diferente a los que todos querian y la probamos yo y los 15 que jugabamos todos los dias . Sinceramente si comento lo que dice alguien mas es por que estan diciendo demasiadas pelotudeces y estan enfocando para otro lado. Lee mas arriba o en los otros post siempre di mi punto de vista y el por que vote asi si no encontras la respuesta te lo digo aca de vuelta , Nadie quiere esto somos todos viejos y pibes ocupados , nos gusta lo clasico . Los nuevos cambios no ayudan en nada ni hasta los nuevos players les gusto. Si me decis que no ayude en nada vaya y pase , pero para que me bannen por esto seria una lastima . Saludos! repetis lo mismo siempre y en una forma de mierda. Aparte ya te lo dije. Todo bien se que bancas el server pero tenes una forma de mierda de escribir! aparte de donde te voy a banear si no hay juego! Pensaba sacarte la habilidad de postear nomas...
  8. farjat

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    Me cansaste. ultima advertencia.
  9. farjat

    Shortcut Keys The F's

    i think IF we add Fs it will be no more than 1 more....(F1) Me logged Korean server on the past days. Now its a server with 5646257 Medusas and Xelimas. But only 3 SBs. (yes we know we should not have so many SBs.) We cant compare our gameplay to korean. Its too different.
  10. farjat

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    as i said: For now. we are leaving the timers. but we are disabling most of buffs cancel ability. U can still time enemy, but enemy will be more clever now. Corrupted, Limited and Fragile was builded as a module. It doesnt mean they are on the droprate. We didnt added them to droprate yet. We can use them in a LOT of ways. EX: Quest popup when reach level 80: Quest: Kill 20 Slime in Promiseland. Price: Corrupted BOUNDED TO CHAR 15 days Hauberk MP 91% Condition: Can make only once/char Also consider they can be added to droprate IN A LONG FUTURE which will make active players to have items, andis something which balance new players against olds. :)
  11. farjat

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    Opposite. If u box a safe old way only summons can kill enemy. If u box now. wait invulnerability to go and u have a boxed ek
  12. farjat

    Player's Opinion: Nemesis 3 And Buffs

    We are not removing the buffs. We are fixing some of them yes. We agreed to leave the counters but to remove the ability to cancel them.
  13. farjat

    Nemesis 2 Support Closed.

    What this means? The server will stay online, at least 15 more days. But we will not covering support tickets. Possible next steps (this is estimated): 1) Full server closing sometime during mid-end June 2) Deployment of new Testserver server (closed doors like 2 weeks) 3) Nemesis Beta 3 opening to public. (cant estimate time) 4) Full Reset. Alfa launching. Helbreath Nemesis 2 went well throught like 6 years. We have no pupolation now, and we consider it done. It hurts to me to close it. But it hurts more having it so bugged that we cant keep it without crashes and good support. So we are going to slowly build a new set of stable files to start from without being pushed for support. I know a lot ppl talk about reset and we really cant give much details about. But it will not be a suprice. We are going 100% sure for 180/200 stats OFC and we kinda keeping same drop rate. We will do the best to make game economy worth something this time. Years of Experience and trys will help us here. Corrupted/Limited/Fragile Items will be very important in Nemesis 3. The basic idea is to make a drop rate for them so PPL which Train get Temp Items. Cant say much more. Hope we are on the right Way. And i need to say Im sorry to the ones still playing. And thanks for support. :.(
  14. farjat

    Nemesis 3 Donation Store

    Yes. the hosting gets payed and we stay online!
  15. farjat

    Nemesis 2 Support Closed.

    PD: if joris wants to do something dirty. like allowing rares buying at shop by accident during this time. Im not against.
  16. farjat

    A View Of The Community On Nemesis 3

    1 - have u tested it? or just wondering it doesnt work? (im asking really, i dunno acase of someone tested) 2 - the level will be always 180. 3 - we got a 3rd option (corrupted, limited, fragile) 4- God dont pay HB hosts! (corrupted, limited, fragile again). 5- Old maps are back already. THERE WILL BE NEWS ON THE WEEKEND.
  17. farjat

    Hello. It's Been Sooo Long.

    Hi deminish! Hope all ok !
  18. farjat

    Promiseland Down?

  19. farjat

    Alguna Noticia ?

    no da. habra que volver atras 2 años. no lo vamos a hacer
  20. farjat

    Alguna Noticia ?

    ves esto mismo explica el fracaso que seria hoy un reset !
  21. farjat

    Alguna Noticia ?

    No digas pavadas, no sabes nada. Si reseteo hoy y abro mañana tengo 500 boludos llorando porque el server se cae y fracasa de 1. chicas ya les explique esto mil veces. Tenemos planes para el futuro pero mientras el server no se estabilice no son posibles.
  22. farjat

    Alguna Noticia ?

    Hola mi herrrmano. hace unos dias me avisaron que alguien andaba haciendo lio por mi foro y lei y eras vos. para los que no lo conocen Luzbelito jugo mucho aca y lo banee 4235344543 veces y nunca pude educarlo pero igual en este foro tiene impunidad ya que me gano por cansancio. Les hago un topic y les contesto con detalles todo, pero en ingles para la gilada. Yo entiendo que vos juegues y banques el server y se que limas bien y te gusta nemesis. Pero a veces te zarpas en la posteada. Lo que yo hago con la guita es problema mio. Y si bien hubo un par de meses que creo que llegue a los 5k us$ de el resto de los 10 años que tiene este server fue mi tarjeta la que murio y yo no llorisqueaba. Y yo si me fui a europa el año pasado con plata que junte aca! Y pienso juntar mas y irme denuevo. Porque aprovecho los buenos momentos y le pongo el pecho a los malos, como este. Sigue igual ema. Crashea cada 2 dias y no le podemos encontrar la vuelta. Es impredecible cuando se arregle. yo te conte bien y seguimos en la misma. Pero dia a dia seguimos tratando.
  23. lo agarro una mina de las bolas...
  24. farjat

    A View Of The Community On Nemesis 3

    I wasn't really talking about buying or selling items,but trading them! Important part of the game. Waiting for 30 days for a trade, add different timezones... The trade is likely not to happen. i'll wait. looks like i'll be getting all the good items =D also if u mean rares which are sold by us. u can only buy 1 month corrupted items now.
  25. farjat

    A View Of The Community On Nemesis 3

    U are away and didnt know. The server have bugs now. and we cant even consider a reset if we have no server ready. Resetting now will be getting 300 ppl which will cry cause server will crash and situation will be worst. Once we get stable back we will choose our future. Well I apologize for posting that without reading more into it, I wasn't aware of the bug problems. However, when resolved I surely cannot wait to be an active member of Nemesis again :) . Till then maybe I'll waste time every now and again killing ettins :P sure NP. more ppl playuing now is what we need so we can figure bugs faster. ty