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Everything posted by farjat

  1. farjat

    Ancient Tablets

    All them work. Just the MP is Brown.
  2. Heldenian SUndays 2 pm Server time. 6 pm argentina time.
  3. farjat

    Server Manteinance.

    Ive noticed server is gettingf without disk space on c: so before we got problems i shutdowned for some time to move old nemesis 1 folders to D: ... server brb soon.
  4. farjat

    More Gm Powers.

    As this server doubled the amount of ppl, i doubled the amount of GMs. All GMs from now one will be Admin level 2, that means cant summon and cant create items. Only Hunter, the Head GM, is enabled to summon for events. Also, ALL the GMs can see logs now and have access to BAN command. And theyr work is ALSO control other GMs. That means, there cant be GM abusing summons and items, but they are power enoff to control the game. We are trying to keep game as transparent as possible. This staff is working fast and more professional than never and we will not allow ppl broking the rules.
  5. farjat

    Lamers Banned

    Me encanta ya no ser el unico hdp que hecha a la gente!!!
  6. farjat

    1st Stage Updates Done

    Server side update is Done, u all no need to change client yet. Garden Spawns fixed. 1st Drops droprate Change: Amount of drops is the same but once it decides to drop, its 60% gold. The rest 40% is all items. Pots, stones, weapons and armor statteds. i fixed to be 50% <-> 50% That means same amount of drops, but less gold/ more rest. Is very little change but in the time will be noticed easy. Also removed the Composite Bows from drops and replaced by others. Server side ready for private pits. 2nd Stage: Client Update on next days. Changes: Angel upgrade Bug Fixed Ek announce was like: U killed an enemy "argenlandia" of guild Gaucho now: U killed the enemy gaucho from guild Argenlandia. Client Private Pit Handler. ---- no fix yet: Angels *censored* up fps. Studing sprites problem.
  7. farjat

    More Gm Powers.

    Resulta que fue porque se me cantaron las pelotas. Y si usas la cuenta de otro, tambien la voy a tener que banear.
  8. farjat

    Drunc City Still Closed...

    Apoca Schedule i fixed and will start on next week.
  9. farjat

    1st Stage Updates Done

    Fact is that on the first 24 hours droprate was upped "on purpose" to test percentage change between gold/rest. That 24 hours was too high drop but that was a planned test, and needed. The drop stays as it is today. Just seems some ppl scare to have more opened classes inside game because dont know how to fight them. Like if i am 130 str and got a good Gis drop i will probably go for more str char class. A mage can get full AP set but still vulnerable against some clases. About Hb USA players. HB usa is a great server, probably the best ever. Now HBusa got src code and know how to manage it and will get better also, but his time is past. I would love to see Nemesis ppl playing a Heldenian like the ones i played at HB USa. And is not because better players, is because there was more players, and more teamwork. We still need 50+ ppl in our average to get better heldenians. Also we all know this is a free server, and i make my better efford in runing it. And sometimes i can be wrong but i use to listen ppl. But at the end, i cant have ALL ppl happy so i need to do like "averages" to take desitions. There is things that changes to much in a server administration due to config changes. For ex. Imagine a server exp x100. Whats the point of baning somebody if he can remake the character in 30 minutes? The helbreath code is builded on a base that if u change a little number, all can be very screwed. Drop rate is a thing i cant test alone or cant test also with 10 ppl. It depends on the amount of players, the amount of kills, everything. thats why i was forced to do that 24 hours of more drops. And nobody knewed it, not even gmS so all have the same chances on it.
  10. farjat

    Crusade Times

    We talking about this in staff room. News coming soon.
  11. farjat

    Guild Bugged

    well said. Guildmasters must be more than level 140 now, all guilds have been deleted a week ago because this.
  12. farjat

    Dk+15 Bugged

    estan igual...
  13. farjat

    More Gm Powers.

  14. farjat

    More Gm Powers.

    No le robaron, dio los items y no se banca. Y le avise y avise y siguio denseando, asique asi porque se me canta las pelotas, luzbelito esta baneado hasta el lunes.
  15. farjat

    1st Stage Updates Done

    It is very hard for me to explain what exactly was changed in the drop rate but i will try. When a monster dies it should decide if drops or not. It was on 9000. As lower this number, more drops, for example, if u are town heldenian winner, u have 900 less. so 8100. i downed that number to 8000 in the first 24 hours, and its back on 9000. I do it because is the only way i can taste the results on what i changed. OK now forget about that because its already on 9000. The amount of monsters dropping was up but only in the first 24 hours for test. Changes that stays on. once monster decides to drop it takes a dice of 10000 sides. number lower than 6000 is gold, upper is drop (incluiding pots). That number was taken down to 5000. so dice 5001+ is drop now. Like replacing part of gold to drops. The stats of the items wasnt changed, u all getting betters just because more drops and more dices moving. other change: The stupid Composite bows was changed by flames, gis and baxes. that means in the places was bows are flames and that monster drop have flames doubled, same with gis and baxes, depends on monsters of course. U guys can get the armors and make that strongers sets u say, but theres always something that can kill u easy. u can get an entire ma39% set and u still being easy for a bbh war... I love the idea of ppl 130str using special flames but i guess theres a moment when using your upgrade dk is better right? And also i hate to have all HB armory full of oxide, we should see that being used again. Also after this is stable, i plan to involve more in game economy. With a database is easy to count all gold in game and make like average to start offering suggestions for market prices. i will take economy measures to bring back the economy in HB. Then i will start a race for president.
  16. farjat

    To Many Unicorns In Garden

    are the gardens ok now?
  17. farjat

    1st Stage Updates Done

    No, ya prove sin las estrellitas y igual te tumba.
  18. farjat

    1st Stage Updates Done

    Flames, baxes, and Gis depends on monster.
  19. farjat


    Skyas lost the GM until i talk. I was very Clear. Topic Closed.
  20. farjat

    To Many Unicorns In Garden

    NO. there is a problem. every monster t5hat dyes get replaced by unicorns. i am working on it already.
  21. farjat

    Sobre El Lag :/

    yo estoy mas que conforme con gigared. Vuela. Pero a veces cae. y cada vez que cae me conecto con arnet y siento la vida en camara lenta.
  22. farjat

    Sobre El Lag :/

    Yo tengo una coneccion que anda muy bien pero que se cae mucho. Y tengo de respaldo un adsl de arnet. Cuando estoy con arnet me es imposible el server del nemesis...
  23. farjat

    Clearing Down To Abaddon

    First i need to set up apocalypse as scheduled how it must be. Opening thursday to close on sunday 12 PM. If u dont mind i will test that this next weekend and then on the other we sure the portal will not close in half way