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Everything posted by RUTH

  1. RUTH

    Mining - Stones-

    a mi me esta resultando trabar el Ctrl con 4 tarjetas personales, es decir meterlas entre la tecla y el borde del teclado, y pongo en la parte del medio del mouse donde termina el boton 2 tarjetas mas y lo traba!!! Todo eso por que no encontre cinta y tenia mucha paja de buscar jajaj Eso es en una PC. En la notebook el Ctrl lo trabo con una estatuilla que tengo de cristal lo apoyo en la tecla y queda apretada y el mouse lo trabo con un paƱo para limpiar la pantalla sobre eso pongo un porongo que tengo que no se como llamarlo donde metes boludeces, las que vienen con el tacho de basura el tarjetero etc.. A la noche mando una foto asi se dan una idea..
  2. RUTH

    Invisible Characters!

    Just move. When i logged out i was without invul.
  3. RUTH

    Invisible Characters!

    Ok I just relog mage to safe data and take screens:
  4. RUTH

    Invisible Characters!

    61.37 Elvine Wh.. but i think isnt depends of coords, its players when just login they are invisible dunno why, not all and not always..
  5. RUTH

    Lms Event 24 September 14 Hs

    Wahh... to early for me Im at work!!! :(:(
  6. RUTH

    Om1Sh's Trade List!11!

    what u want for x stones?
  7. RUTH

    Mining - Stones-

    no hay nada que una buena cinta y un pedazo de papel trabado en el Ctrl no pueda arreglar!!! Seria genial cambiarlo, pero es asi y creo que seguira asi ORIGINAL por asi decirlo.
  8. RUTH

    1St Abaddon Owned!

    so what it drops? Nice Hunt :)
  9. Una imagen es mas que mil palabras... a picture says more then thousand words Sade time.. ELVINE PPL RAIDING ELVINE SHOP But inside.. Sade time.. ELVINE PPL RAIDING ELVINE WH But inside.. 10 seconds in ML The Chain after than 10 seconds.. Recent EKs.. Thats dont lie THATS IS THE REALITY.. May I made an ares to play? Or what...
  10. RUTH

    07/09 Sade, Right Timezone

    me estas cargando? uno salta que es un timezone poco conveniente para jugar y vos decis que les diga que vayan a defender o atacar... No queres que los llame por telefono??? Fijate cuantos AFK hay.. ESTA BALANCEADO ESTO.. cuando hay 40 elvos de ellos 30 estan AFK vs 70 ares de ellos 5 estan AFK... No dan ni las putas ganas de logear ni menos de ir a hacer algo... Ya se ya se, va a aparecer farjat diciendo que deje de llorar,etc... Pero el rio suena farjat, el tiempo es ahora de corregir, antes que sea tarde.. NO OPINO MAS DEL TEMA.. ya ta.
  11. RUTH

    Safe In Recall Points

    apparently it's right.. who Im to argue this kind of decision
  12. RUTH


    back to original.. safe and no invu..
  13. RUTH

    Safe In Recall Points

    Come on... You just playing WRONG TIME ZONE!! Wake up at 5am and play there a lot of elvines to help you out with ares! And no ares! Becouse they are sleeping!! its TIME ZONE BROOOOOOOOO!!!! I will not claim again about balance this server.. Alka give a right answer... no need more talk about it!!!
  14. RUTH

    Make Raid Days Only Fri-Sun

    U can raid all days... the mayority not yet 180. I think no body likes to be chased by 5 180 when u training at scorp or skels at city.. At least not Thursdays..
  15. RUTH

    Good Idea!

    hmm if u full bag and need to pick up something u chug a pot... other way u need to drop it with a mouse..
  16. Well the picture says all... ML. ARES. ELVINE same picture.. I think we need to balance back the server...
  17. RUTH

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    2-3 min? Non DK set remove from 5th hit... I carrying 2 Chains couse of that.. 20 hits the chain is 500/100.. also knight removed to fast.. mage are in disadvantage...
  18. yes, sad but true.. who will fight against 180 aresden, pl players? rofl.
  19. for sure u are aresden and you comfortable without elvs attacking ur pits.. You sure? thats what the title and original post are talkign about. The idea with this screen was showing the difference between elvine side and aresden, no mater if its sade or whatever was the event.
  20. So maybe instead move respekt you need to move a European guild?
  21. wrong timezone... you canged then wrong timezone guild.. Respekt same timezone I play.. Alka with consideration, ask who played yesterday what opinion they have (reference last Sade) about and make conclusion, no ofence. Maybe at this timezone more aresden on, who knows I dont have the stadistics, but its was ownage with no chance to nothing only to bite the dust on any map.
  22. RUTH

    Servr Down?

  23. RUTH

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    ok I just asking dont forget about the 5 points...
  24. RUTH

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    ok you will remove it, but what about the mages who advance to 200 int? in vane?