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Posts posted by Dimora

  1. The 15min raid time should have been started 2hours 20minutes ago but there is still 1 min force going. Im not sure is it any related to this bug but last monday we could make 60min raids to enemy towns.


    so Jaapy, u might wanna look at this..?



  2. spell: Consecutiveness

    mana cost: 47 mana

    int cost: 65


    Spell to enhance warrior damage. Can be casted with Berserk magic but does not allow Magic Protection or Arrow protection spells with it (is like pfm+zerk but consec. taking pfms place). The Visual effect is similar with Great Defence Shield but the colour is green.


    Casting consecutiveness gives warrior a possibility to hit consecutively raising damage (cad +7 max) with hes weapon for 60 seconds.


    Example of usage: raiders chasing their targeted player and warrior gets berserk+consecutiveness and raiders keep chasing the target. Target gets paralyzed and the chasing warrior runs out of crits but because of consecutiveness the damage stays high enough to make alot damage to the targeted player.

  3. hay una regla que dice que usted tiene que escribir en espa?ol a un tema que se ha iniciado en espa?ol y en Ingl?s a un tema que se ha iniciado en Ingl?s para evitar todos los problemas ling??sticos.


    Us? google traductor as? que no me prohibici?n de errores





    there is a rule that says you have to write in spanish to a topic that has been started in spanish and in english to a topic that has been started in english to avoid all the language problems.


    I used google translator so don't ban me for mistakes