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Posts posted by Dimora

  1. when i entered to the forums and i saw cake has been thrown a comment here i couldnt expect more than that. I dont still see ares so united as elvines. You got all the small guilds together backupping big ones, in aresden there is no such thing as back up ever seen. just some random individuals together running around dying by trolls and stalkers.


    But like elg and magdita have proved there is more guilds in aresden now. Should farjat turn the town change system now from aresden to elvine?

  2. omfg english please! vittuako tek?? perserei?t tajuutte jos min? kirjotan suomeks ja haukun teid?t kaikki saatanan paska-aivot jokskui vitun sinappipersepaviaaneiks. iha sama. voin mieki kirjottaa teille suomeks aina ku vastaatte miule espanjaks vittuako v?li?, olkoo sit vaa tollane kielimuuri vitunvittu! teille ku koittaa jotai sanoo ni vastauksen saa espanjaks takas ja sit o vaa sellai et ???... tossa se sano jotai tu madre ja tossa se sano jotai noob ja sit vissii pit?s osata yhdist?? ne jotenki?!?!? offert anchiest bh rep 2 ?

  3. :lol: . but ok? post reply +1 to me ! hooray for the boobies.


    magdita good point. but atleast u have 3 guilds there that really can do something. tho args and damnas enter in very little. then theres just survs in ares and harapekos in elv that are active. i havent seen any help from aresdens in sades yet. they just cannot get their teamwork to actually WORK :lol:. But isnt this situation good for you? more ekcs. including us. U've yet managed to kick our butts at toh if u remember, we gave it back to you when u entered in aresden.


    But yes nice post indeed, made me silent for a sec


    but i still see our switch as a positive thing for the server.


    magdi, what would have been the best solution to this balance-problem? im asking your opinion. switching argenlandia and damnation to ares and surnoobs shouldve stayed in elv?


    It seems to me that your decision to change city was erroneous, ares has to redemption guild, Brazilian guild, Asian Guild, La Tribu Guild, and now yours

    Elvine has Damnation Guild, Argenlandia Guild, and to us only, and I say this, because one sees these 3 only guilds in crusades, events, backups, and everything else .. and since I mentioned previously, damnation and argenlandia aren't online very slightly lamentably

    This way that I believe that your question this decisive resolved Dimora...



    And Lycanth still be a talker sh1t :wub:


    yau. redemption = guys that idle in shop showing xb and run outside shop to shoot own people / bypassing elvines

    brazilian guild = who ?

    asian inc. = i havent seen piyo and the buddies online at the time ive been in aresden

    la tribu = kills everything that moves, including their teammates. nice work in sade tho but i dont even compare them to harapekos/argenlandia/damnation


    there are some individuals that are very skilled in aresden, the worse point is that they arent united anyhow. they only solo and that doesnt gain any effort in playing this game like our team ganging does.


    no offense ares, but elvines are more united than we are.


    good post once again magdi, but my response to your post is that there aint any powerful/active aresden guild online atm, except survivors.


    maybe i will be wrong in the future when ares get more motivation to play, then our city change can turn to erroneous, but the time ive spent in ares I havent seen it any erroneous at all, vice versa.

  4. ezekiel. this topic is not for you anymore. its between survs and haras oknp. tho ur point gave us the biggest fights ty for that :P but we would really like to fix the problems on our own thx m8

  5. magdita good point. but atleast u have 3 guilds there that really can do something. tho args and damnas enter in very little. then theres just survs in ares and harapekos in elv that are active. i havent seen any help from aresdens in sades yet. they just cannot get their teamwork to actually WORK :lol:. But isnt this situation good for you? more ekcs. including us. U've yet managed to kick our butts at toh if u remember, we gave it back to you when u entered in aresden.


    But yes nice post indeed, made me silent for a sec


    but i still see our switch as a positive thing for the server.


    magdi, what would have been the best solution to this balance-problem? im asking your opinion. switching argenlandia and damnation to ares and surnoobs shouldve stayed in elv?

  6. and [8] what have i done to you to make this </3 happen? read my post and think about it. its not any personal against you. you gotta understand that my decision to stay with survivors and go to ares was because i wanted to make the game better. :ph34r:

  7. old friends are turning to enemies... :angry: . we've always respected each other and i would like to see it to continue. Doesnt matter are we in the same town or in different towns. Good fights, no public shouting and cut the fighting in forums. We are still the only guilds that have managed to kill the abby in last 2 months. (i would like to see pics from previous abby hunts as well).


    And I dont get the point of you calling us traitors. I think we've made huge progress in balancing the cities. The decision to switch towns was not because we wanted to be traitors or something. We made the switch because the entire hb nemesis society needed it. Things have been balanced between us, we see more fights and deaths from both towns. (not anymore 100 elvines raiding in ares, boxing the shop entrance etc.).


    You should be happy because we really made this game more interesting. Before us switchin town, I saw only harapekos sitting in wh talking with each other, now i see many of u guys running there at ml after us, hunting monsters and so on.


    I wasnt happy when we changed town, but now I am because I feel that I've managed to make the server better by being the guy that really wanted to do something against elvines overwhelming winning streak.


    :wub: I still respect you guys. but cut the bull, and lyc n skyas, u guys calm down too (i understand ur point as well here, just trying to be impartial in this case)

  8. funny no seas como rast , es un guild y esto se juega asi.

    yo cuando empese nemesis , no existian bakups. ahora se fue globalisando parece.

    survivors como harapekos son buenos guilds.


    si yo tendria q postear la gente con la q me planto y nunca recaleo , tendria mi propio topic.



    hakooo <3 english translation please !

  9. i dont get the point of the photos. wasted post, all i can see is just running there around you. and the 1st post o_O down, so what? the last post (text under it: noob+1 down).. i cant open the link. please dont make this dirty and blame us of noobness while you are doing the same by posting not-interesting screenshots here. :angry:


    and i talked about this situation with my guildmates. There was just running, nobody could do anything to each other, including you mistres. and if there died someone, Quincides said not from our guild. so leave us outta this shit ok? or get some better proofs of us doing something that is really worth posting.

  10. man i was in mlm during your battle and i was like o_O when i saw dj_skunck shouting about ur death. I couldnt believe he downed u legal, and he didnt. nice ss, leaves no doubts to anyone. reputation -15 to skunck and +5 to you in my eyes. :angry: :angry: :angry:

  11. well


    IPB Image


    Donnie on tower.

    Radamantys says : wtf

    the person behind him is elv otherwise she wont hit him there.

    the person that gets - 39 is aresden to cuz he got a aresden herno helm.

    the person that hits him - 39 is an elvine ofcourse.

    and then the person that stays there is maybe a aresden or elvine if it was a elvine it was very low to put his shield on for donnie and he is not like that so it was a elvine so it was 3v3 or if it was a elvine it was 4v2 what u think Deathplow?



    ty olaf.


    NO SHIT SHERLOCK !!! :lol: -Borat

  12. ahh finally someone who really admitted that he towered and didnt start to fight in forum & cry like SOME OTHERS DO. so what? i respect u lew. i'd tower too if id be paraed and critted. <_<

  13. kewl fdh is a goldie ! has played on server like 2 weeks or so ?! how he could get sbh+3 rep3 and bbh+7 in that time? :o (unless no other char but he seems kinda noob so i think fdh is the main char of this user). talks polish, polish ppl always hack (sry :lol: ). this guy is definitely hacking or he has the best luck ive ever seen anywhere. maybe lucky gold ring in real life duh? :ph34r: