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Posts posted by Dimora

  1. oopsie, i misread. anyways, it wasnt on server rules, i carefully read those before, so i figured it was ok :)


    Sorry if i didnt make myself clear.


    U cant lame Crusade Points

    U freely can use summons to kill monsters. I would love to see all guilds fighting for the ib pit of wyv and TW.

    Use summons fo abaddon, i dont care also...

    Just dont bother me with Bug abusing because i will not even loose time explaining why i will kick off from server.


    Oh and parkinzon u are baned because u took other persons Helm. Of course he is responsible for his items. But i dont have to keep u here if i consider u must not anyway.

    Anyway. if want to say something u can say here. i listen.

    U logged Bobi char and???



    he told me in msn that he was going to quit due to lags and dcs, gave me his psw and told me that i can take it..


    IPB Image

    I really hope that..

    IPB Image

    you parkinzon..

    IPB Image

    did not..

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    lie to farjat on forums..

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    but Im not sure what to believe? Let farjat decide it.

    sorry man. i think you're out.

    if im wrong. I apologize, deeply.

  2. ty DRB. sorry i had to edit my post i didnt read yours properly. I think the opposite. Everyone could agree with the raid times but not the pit swap :D


    Once again i have to remind that there are people that cant play on weekends. so they miss raids completely.

  3. i think its a great idea. If i remember correctly, Farjat posted a comment about this topic before and he said he wants to keep raid times in 1min except weekends so that new players would come to the server (im trying to find it from the forums to be 100% sure). I think that if we would change the raid times the way Ruutu suggested, new players would still join. I think it actually might bring much more people to the server. And it would keep all predators happy. There would be a lot more action in towns & pits.


    NOW it feels like ML is plain useless. many people are leveling in garden where it is safe to lvl up with out being scared of getting killed. Monday & Tuesday 1min raid would quarantee new players a possibility to level up to 120 when they will go to PL fightzone to level up anyways.


    Changing aresden scorp pit position is a good idea as well.


    If someone would be scared of increased LAMMING situations i must remind you that there are new GMs that are active & they have access to logs to seek everything that is against the rules. Those who dont obey the rules, will be banned. simple.


    Nice idea Ruutu, I like it.


    Any other opinions?


    ps. bring ettins pit back :) & increase frost droprate (it sucks badly)

  4. LOL parkinzon. the guy who claims that Co2 is not a human at all, Co2 is more like Tom Hanks from the Forrest Gump movie xD (whats tom hanks in real life then? a cyborg? i bet u remember your conversation in IB with Co2 when he looted ur wyv drops. i spectated it & laughed at u). ok, off topic session done. back to the topic: NO i did not mean that you (plural) did it (the fiasco) to win the sade. sorry if i made it unclear. my point was that you should have tried to win the sade INSTEAD of using the summons to kill tws. and i wasnt even online during sade. i had a life.


    + i dont know which town won the sade after all. thats just wrong what people did.

    + + i read my 1st post again that u quoted parkinzon. i think i made myself very clear in the post. i dont even understand how you managed to understand it that way how u replied to me.

    + + + our guild wasnt even online during sade. equilibrium had full hands with taking ss from elvines laming actions. i dont comment what other aresdens did, fought at elvine shop or at ML. but i know we have great town teamwork. ive played few sades, and those sades we've won 11-0.

    + + + + the guild that did NOT lame pts and killed tws during sade theyre actions are ok for me. its ok to use the crusade time in hunts. But i dont accept laming pts & using summons to kill tws. thats lame. punishable thing.

  5. until we find a good one. People really had no idea that tw/hc drops were bugged somehow. you had the idea - which was doing wrong - they had no clue that there were something bugged. they felt themselves lucky. they had no reason to tell because they thought everythings fine. i feel that you knew it was morally wrong to use summons to kill tws in sade. but you still did it. and you wouldnt tell it to anyone if no one would have spotted you. thx to rast & other equilibriums from getting fkers like u busted.

  6. you guys gotta be real dummies to think that its legal if it doesnt read in the rules. and if its the only shield ure using to cover urself from this u gotta be real morons. everyone who has even a tiny bit of morality knows immediately that its wrong - and will be against the server rules. laming sade points to get more summons is automatically wrong. and another stupid way to waste the points is to use them to kill tws. you should have concentrated in the main point of the sade. destroying enemy bases & shields + build your own to win the sade. thats where i get the fun from. whats the point of keeping events like crusades if you guys abuse the whole idea? i'd say permanent ban to everyone who did this. im so fked up with you guys. idiots.....!!! quit hb please. we dont need ppl like you. or i dont need.

  7. haista sin? vittu saatanan apina. ?l? kuule mulle rupee tolla turttikielell?s jauhaa paskaa. en tarkota henkil?kohtaisesti eik? oo mit??n sua vastaan mutta kyll? ois kiva my?s ite tajuta mit? sanot. Skyas if u like u can translate this / edit my post.

  8. Booyakaza e ? ok for real. i have no idea what this topic is about except saying nice things to new gms, well they deserve it. they r0x. cant deny it. i havent seen this server as good as it is now ever before. thanks to the new gms. thanks to the all players who came back to play neme2. ty turtles donatello, raphaello, michelangelo, leonardo and thx to shredder for being an ugly feiz n covering ur face with an iron jockstrap