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Posts posted by Dimora

  1. weehaa nais idea but that char needs to be a lvl 330 atleast if he has to fight alone versus entire town :D


    + both towns have Xelima weapon + ice sword + mages to mim = sure death to anyone here.


    gotta fix the rules. for example activations not allowed etc.

    anyway funny idea keep going with new suggestions =)

  2. i understand the ss doesnt prove much (someone couldve put the balls into silents bag to make it look like there were 3 balls). We asked from Skyas what to do (he adviced to create a forum topic with ss) because ruutu wont be online this weekend. so basically we gotta change the question that can you give him some extra time for example to hand the cape+zem him on monday when he gives you those 3 balls that he already have?


    i know there shouldnt be any special treatment for any player but its kinda harsh to leave him without prizes just because he has to meet hes family in real life :]

    So im asking for some flexibility and little rearrangements. I hope it doesnt take too much your time. Thank you.



  3. hehe ive heard this before like 10x that oldies come to a pit and claim that its "their pit" xDDD


    cant u just ban these guys for being dishonored, speedhacking, arrogant and non-fair playing players that no-one seems to want to play in nemesis II ?


    I can say that 9/10 complaints about bad behaviour is about oldies. If you wanna make a research on your own, just scroll for the old posts in general section & screenshots section.

  4. hmm like killing another char (that has same ip as yours) isnt laming? simple: you logged in a noob on your brothers' computer and logged in Yremik on another. then u smacked it few times and thats what I consider as laming.


    I think thats what happened. kthxbai

  5. why insult?


    i used to respect you guys but this is getting out of hands and im really getting frustrated with this topic :D


    its normal and acceptable to defend ur guildmate but in this situation its just nearly impossible to defend him. the pulling is so obvious.


    i was there. i saw it. im on the video. im 100% sure he pulled. he could just admit it. farjat saw he pulled (he watched the video and gave a bisle penalty). skyas [GM] saw he pulled & he recorded the video.


    and i know its not about pulling mainly why u are arguing. its the bisle ban. phoenix just seems to be a warning example because staff people wants to stop pulling by giving a penalty of it.


    pulling just is not part of any game. its just an action of dishonor and noobness. die fairly, lose a zem, and continue playing. if phoenix would have managed to recall it would have been ok. its good to recall 1vs10 (i recalled yesterday 1vs7 mages) but i just cant accept pulling.

  6. LOL ARGS how idiot can u be? its obvious he pulled. why didnt he pulled when 1st blizz came? because he thought he could escape. when paralyze landed on him and ppl started critting him he realized that he cant escape from dead end surrounded by 10 ares so what to do ? pull the plug -> he pulled.


    If there would be an ares versus 10 elvines on the video you would definitely say that the ares pulled the plug.


    just stop defending ur stupid guildmate with stupider excuses you know he pulled try to live with the 3 hour bisle ban and stop pulling. pulling is lame, its just a game and a zem. more honour to die than pull.


    he harrassed us like 10minutes when we killed tw, why didnt he dc any time before we chased him to dead end (we chased him like 2x before it)? he ran next to tw and hit our mages & tw and tried to ruin. there were then as many ppl on the same screen so he couldve lagged there but no, he just seemed to "lag" in a dead end.


    and word vs word -> watch the fkin video again noob

  7. i suggest you to construct your post a bit more suggestive way than tell gms what to do. Ideas of drop fixes are good but modify your post a bit.


    He is just expresing an idea, if the gms thinks he is too much agresive, omfg, dun be a gm.


    from experience i know that if you use phrases like " fix the droprate!" - its not gonna happen. you gotta make it a bit more creative way to express it. a perfect example is Tav who just got himself a 2 week banana for making the staff angry and not typin the proper way. i didnt mean it as a bad thing when i told him to change his post a bit. but ok. lets stay on topic from now on.


    if you mind add nizies to the list too it would be great, because nizies drop wood shields, the only shield they should be dropping is tower. nizies also drop light axes (nice huh). thanks