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Posts posted by Dimora

  1. the very best ek ive gotten is from TheBoy in HB International (i heard he was a siementech's tester with many edit itens). I was in d3 hunting liches while TheBoy and hes 2 gorillas with BH's came to fight me. Somehow i managed to kill TheBoy and run away w/o dieing. It was the most memorable moment from hbint. And my char didnt even have int for pfm.


    From neme II i gotta get King's ek. hes a meanie. old fart that needs to be downed. (hi king <3)

  2. i gotta admit that training magic to 100 wasnt the best hb experience i had but mainly i meant that in this server ppl just gotta work for their chars ;p anyways nice choise of words "pain in the rear-end" i gotta start using it.

  3. comeon sugar lips farjat your able to join in the fun we can even have a circle jerk if u want


    circle jerk rules: 8 guys jerking on a sandwich that is placed on the floor in the middle of the circle. the guy who cums last has to eat the sandwich. yammy. :ph34r:


    on topic: thx farjat for the info and please keep up*spam* the status of your work up there. we keep talking crap here. ^_^


    edit: keep up*spam* the status of <- what happened? :o (u-p-d-a-t-i-n-g - - - up*spam*) lolx d-a-t-i-n-g = *spam* ajajaj

  4. i guess we dont need u here then. if ure that lazy that u cant even train 100% magic i suggest u not to join this server. because this server is based on long-time-gaming-experience.


    but anyways if u wanna play here, welcome to the server and stop whining. everyone else has to do the same thing, train skills one by one. not that hard.

  5. i dunno. for what ive seen here mages can kill people pretty easily.... maybe u just gotta learn to shield cast and repair ur armors before raid...


    dimora....for the 7th time, I'm not talking about Mage vs War, but War vs War.....read before posting plz... :wacko:


    for the 1000th time. its equal to both of the warriors (every build has their advantages). and for the 999th time i understand ur point of view. bbh is a very powerful weapon. but i dont see reducing the stripping as an answer nor lowering the dmg as an answer.


    i prefer more like safe upgrade to +2 for bh's baxe's and gis's but not bbh's (bbh upping can stay as it is now). i feel kinda optimistic with that kind of solution. imagine u having a crit bh +2 hp21 (and even with risky upgrade it to +3 it would rock *censored*)

    what do u think? :rolleyes: