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Everything posted by Dimora

  1. Dimora

    Hey Guys Its Me!

    kev got mad
  2. Dimora

    Special Picture

  3. Dimora

    Sword Of Medusa/beholder Necklace

    para doesnt kill u. ^^ + u cant kill anyone with medusa ALONE (except lvl 80-120 mages)
  4. Dimora

    Stopped In To Say Hello

    yeah come back man!
  5. Dimora

    Sc Raiders .

    my suggestion is simple: put 1 minute raid to 10 seconds. and about the population in both towns. in yesterdays crusade it looked like there were 180 on overall which consisted of 120 elvs and 60 ares :D
  6. Dimora

    Sc Raiders .

    yes perun 100% agree. my friend told me yesterday that an elv ran to ares scorps and got 3 eks before got forced. ares gotta do a lot more to get those 3 eks on week. change the place of aresden scorp pit please :/ edit: before u start whining about the eks he got its not the main point. u know sc pit gives a lot free eks to elvines ON WEEK so it cannot be denied
  7. Dimora

    Byebye Hb

    oki bai cu in 3 weeks
  8. Dimora


    hard to make but i understand your point and i agree.
  9. Dimora

    2 More Lovely Suggestions

    yeah think about amp warr with 50% manu - COOL supporter !
  10. Dimora

    Ef And Rh

    kool idea.
  11. Dimora

    Monday 19 May Server Will Lag And Slow.

    thanks for info.
  12. Dimora


    but hes aim.
  13. Dimora

    Does Server Get An Event?!?

    yeh on saturdays sade there were 170+ online. im so glad to see new players joining the server ! welcome to nemesis II !!
  14. Dimora

    Unisex Potion/armor

    this suggestion wouldnt keep hb as original as it should be. nice idea tho but its against the principles :]
  15. Dimora

    Ma Program Helpers

    saturday 17th May** :D names of donators: Ronwe TheMisfits Ruutu CaRTeR Chance Pergolini Beth torana raMz KochaKoi (i donated to magicjoker)
  16. Dimora

    Sorry Folks....

    Yeah I've been working now as a guildmaster of Survivors when MilkCow has been in army. And I gotta say that I've done my best in leading the guild but it would have been a lot harder if I would have not followed your examples in leading the guild. Thanks Lew youre the man ! I hope u'll log in game sometimes to say Hola. Dimora / KochaKoi
  17. Dimora

    Picture Of Me (aealy/yarones)

    he = she :lol: ?
  18. Dimora

    About Heldenian

    i havent noticed any difference.
  19. Dimora

    Dear Elvs:

  20. Dimora

    Ma Program Helpers

    friday 9th of April: list of donators for this week: Isabelle Junonh Angelino Krakenz0 thanks for donating
  21. Dimora

    Bleeding Island

    thanks guys for supporting my idea and yes lets add the AB effect as well. so para / hold / ab to bisle.
  22. Dimora

    Ma Program Helpers

    these ones are really needed and warmly welcomed. theres lots of good warrior items in stash at the moment.
  23. Dimora

    Mp Armour

    oki wyv doesnt and dunno about hc tw but demon gg ww oggy ig frost clop troll hh(?) liche delf ettin mg beho direboar rudolph dunno about these nizies, lizards balrogs cents minotaurs
  24. Dimora

    Mp Armour

    any monster better than hh drops & pure luck
  25. Dimora

    Welcome Back Veteran Players

    we should get united ;) like manchester united?