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Posts posted by Muismat

  1. When people go invis and start walking for the purpose of ambushing the enemy, it defeats the purpose when the enemy can hear you walking (with either headphones or sound edits). I believe walking is a stealth tactic and thus the C8 sound for walking should be removed and a checksum placed.




  2. Its naked mostly because lag.

    The difference in lag will be Huge with no armors.

    Ppl will be able to play Mage and War event if Wish. But Only in 1 town.


    We will do what consider neccesary if the rounds are taking too long.




    Your connection is also part of the fight.


    Armor 2 win or at least capes

  3. Well, LAST TIMES I did about 10 levels in DE, the ground looked like that.





    And now it looks like that after 10 lvls. Im pretty sure that I wasn't just on a streak of bad luck.





    If it's possible, farjat, maybe it is some kind of punishment for laming pts at sade or something?


    you are weird