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Posts posted by wutafreek

  1. Demon and Dragon rings..need to remain extremely rare...same as ROAM


    Xelima rings need to remain very very rare


    but ogre rings? they are not a rare drop....on USA and int'l they are as common almost as ROM is.


    Agreed, but the problem is also that we don't have ROGMs at all. They should be dropped more often than ROAMS and therefore those drops should be fixed.


    My idea was just to give some scale for things.


    Very true about RoGM's, what even drops them? :huh:

  2. to be honest dragon and demon might be overpower for wars. All mages will complain. Ogre is decent compared with rom


    Agreed completely, we dont need dragon and demon rings dropping a lot at all. :sleep:


    Having TW drop ogre rings a little less often than HC's drop RoW's might help the balance a little.

  3. gold rate is connectet to the exp. i think, if you lower gold drop amount you lower exp.

    (im not 100% on this but i think this has been discussed b4)


    you got a exp counter just hit ctr. it gives you the constant % tnl.


    They figured out how to lower gold rate on Nemesis 1 without lowering XP, so I'm assuming it's possible on Nemesis 2 also. :mellow:

  4. I always thought it was the more you contributed in a sade (ie. killing enemies and destroying bases) the more experience you get. I have noticed considerable exp increases on sades when I kill a lot of buildings or get more eks than usual. At the same time I am pretty sure that the more you die in the sade the less exp you get. So if you get 10 eks you may get 1kk exp but if you get 10 eks and die 10 times too you may only 100k exp.


    I know that the more stuff you do in sades gives more experience, seeing as how I can sometimes rack up 1 million XP on my GM when I stay on him during the whole crusade. About dying, I'm not too sure. :mellow:

  5. Is there a way to make it so you only get EXP if you get (crusade) contribution points?


    You get those by killing any enemy building, or an enemy player. Killing a building gives a LOT more than a player, so maybe if there was a way to base the XP you earn on how much contri you get it would make people more inclined to attack bases and the like.

  6. ...Of course it's not going to translate slang properly. That should go without saying. Technology has its limitations, and rightly so.


    My original idea was to have the entire forum translated, but since you have to login to the forum every time you visit it, that doesn't work.

    Also, I can't change the title of the topic for some reason, which I was going to do after I figured this out.


    But, like others have said - it's better than nothing, and it's also one of the best free translation services available.


    You don't have to login to the forum every visit if you never logout! :P


    And normal users can't edit topic titles here, only moderators can.

  7. You know, King has a really good point here.


    Why should a weapon that you have to get 137 majestics for be able to be owned by a Blacksmith weapon? Sure, it may take some time to get a decent + BBH, but it's still a lot easier than getting 137 majestics.


    I think putting 30k Endurance back on DK Sets would be fine, because even without them being able to strip easily, the PA and DR were already removed from the sets, I think. Farjat mentioned something like that a while ago, didn't he? :mellow:


    Anyways, I have to say put the DK sets back to 30k Endurance, and still raise the damage of all spells but Blizzard. Make it so mages can have a bit more variety in their builds other than BLIZZ BLIZZ BLIZZ *Dead*. Or at least so they can damage those pesky IE neck wars. :sleep:

  8. I think this is a great idea, and I'd love to help out with this too, but I won't be here this wednesday. Next time you set a time I'll try to make sure I'm online. ^_^



    I can help with Boss Monster Hunting, Regular Hunting, and showing people the pits and how to train in them.

  9. I think HP Formula was changed to what USA changed to, right?


    Anyways I have one more thing to say, if you're going to raise GS/Flam/GiS/BH Damage, then equally raise the damage of the other spells (NOT BLIZZARD).


    Or set BBH back to normal and raise the damage of the other spells anyways, because no one uses anything but EWS, MMM, and Blizzard any more. :sleep:

  10. I never used a BBH here on Nem2, but I thought I remembered BBH's having 30k end on Nem1.


    Anyways, the point I was trying to make with that was that Sexy and farjat couldn't figure out how to lower the strip rate of BBH's on normal armor. Then I suggested that lowering the endurance of the BBH would lower the strip rate, and maybe a month or so later I saw that BBH's had a max of 4.5k endurance, making me think it was lowered. (I have yet to make a BBH war)


    Of course, my whole point would be invalid if BBH's were always at 4.5k end. :sleep:

  11. Well well well, talk about a blast from the past, eh?



    DK Armor was lowered so that BH's would be able to (over time) strip DK armor. BBH endurance was lowered from 30k to 4.5k to decrease strip rate of BBHs because normal armor was stripping way too much.


    Another thing that contributes to the strip rate is damage. The more damage a war can deal with a hammer, the more endurance will be taken off of your armor with each hit. Learn2shieldcastlikewuta. :lol:


    In other words, its fine IMO. Just repair your DK more often. :P


    its not about that


    its about this "DK Armor was lowered so that BH's would be able to (over time) strip DK armor"


    Why? if thats not the hammer's task? Over time is 10 minutes when fighting multiple people. Again, hammer was implemeted for another thing (stripping stated sets), not stripping dk armor. Thats why they gave dk armor 30k endurance, so it doesn't get stripped so easily!!!


    That's also why they gave BBH 30k endurance, so DK COULD be stripped! :lol:


    Another thing, King. BH's do low damage, right? *I* think the point of a BH is to strip statted armors, and break normal armor so you can switch to a sword.

  12. Well well well, talk about a blast from the past, eh?



    DK Armor was lowered so that BH's would be able to (over time) strip DK armor. BBH endurance was lowered from 30k to 4.5k to decrease strip rate of BBHs because normal armor was stripping way too much.


    Another thing that contributes to the strip rate is damage. The more damage a war can deal with a hammer, the more endurance will be taken off of your armor with each hit. Learn2shieldcastlikewuta. :lol:


    In other words, its fine IMO. Just repair your DK more often. :P

  13. no jaapy arow tower arent considered magics, i believe they are considered long ranged crits in game

    and lorth, thats not a bug, fire wall never worked in town and now fire bow doesnt because lots ppl complained, dun remenber right, and during sade, city is considered a battlefield just like ml or ib, so u can fire wall or fire bow there


    You can also cast Cloud Kill, Spike Field, and Ice Storm in town during a crusade, too. I think Fire Bow effect in town was removed because of people complaining about losing EKs to people Fire Bowing the paralyzed people. Something along those lines. :mellow:



    Also, to Jaapy, people can still run into enemy Farms to get TPed out of town, just like buildings, as evidenced by XIS doing that to run away from us in Elvine last night. Would it be possible to change that too? ^_^