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Posts posted by wutafreek

  1. I think mage are underpowered


    Need to increase dk endurance and make spell more damage


    If you mean every spell BUT Blizzard, I agree on that part.


    DK Endurance is fine.

  2. Concerning Group PVPs and higher paralyze time, that will do nothing to stop the mages from blizzing before para runs out. I can judge when a person is low on hp with several wars critting (when I'm paying attention), and higher paralyze time won't do anything to stop that.


    I disagree with raising the paralyze time, because doing that will do more than make it easier to kill lvl 180's, it will make every low level mage and low level warrior a free ek to any 180 with crits.


    Suggestions I have to change that?


    Lower blizz damage A LITTLE, and see how that works out.


    Raise damage of the non-Hammer weapons A LITTLE.


    Lower defense of DK sets A LITTLE.



    Get my drift?





    As for not letting people recall for 10 seconds after taking damage, here's another topic discussing that:



  3. Is there any chance you could take away "wutafreak"? I saw someone log a trav with that name earlier today, and it'll be rather annoying if they ever level that thing up (and switch the gender).


    I'll block the name on another account, I was just wondering if you could take that name so I could do that myself. :mellow:

  4. thats my point wuta lol.... People just go lml and take 1 min of raid to make "free" eks.


    Ares has more people, Elv has more Hero Sets. Simple, no? ;)


    (Just for the record, I do not 1 minute raid Ares scorp pit nor do I support it. Simply trying to understand a small fraction of the minds of the original game designers.)

  5. maybe stang but still Elvine can kill lots of ares just raiding 1 min over and over.


    Elvine has the advantage of 1 min raiding, but we're still generally the smaller town, with less inherent advantages. Maybe it was designed like that so we could get FH faster? :lol:

  6. Inmo Elvine scorp should be at slime pit (Elvine bottom near rml), so aresden will have same chance as elvines to raid scorp pit and do eks.


    Well Jaapy would probably need to put that in the notices section of the website, right? Because otherwise, it would confuse a lot of the newer players, like elguason said. It would be something like this, I'd imagine:


    "Elvine Scorpion Pit in town moved to the bottom of the map so Aresdens can get EK's during 1 minute raids just like Elvines can."


    Now tell me this, do you REALLY want something like that on the front of the Nemesis website? :glare:

  7. Milk Milk Milk......ah, good times, eh? From meeting you on Nemesis 1 when I was still a noob (like you remind me about once every other week), to where we're both at now, it's been a while. Always remember that we will definitely miss you, you were a great player and a great person. If you ever decide to come back, be sure to let me know, cause I'll be VERY happy if you ever decide to return. ;)


    That, and if you ever wanna return to Rawr, I'll be here til my Draggy leaves. :lol: :wub:

  8. Spyes, maybe giving need of level 140+ to blue chat? (excluiding PL)



    How about we just add in the different chats like someone had mentioned a couple months ago back?


    Leave ~ @ # $ and ^ all as they are now, then maybe use the % & and * for level-specific town chats.


    % could be for 140-. & could be either 179- or 141-179, and * could be only for level 180s. (They would all act as ~, but for the specific levels)


    It would solve the problem of people spying in town, but not spying in guilds. As for guild spies, just ban em. :P

  9. What about a section on the website featuring the changes Nemesis has made to make it a more unique server? Such as making PL Max lvl 140, information stating that we have a slightly different drop rate, telling how Gardens have more spawns, and stuff like that. I can do some research in the forums for the rest of it, if you want to add this feature and don't feel like scanning the forum. :P

    Sure. Help is always welcome! If you want, please do.


    I will put the above, and more, information on the information page.


    Will do! ^_^



    Here's a list of what I can think of/find for now:


    Beginners get X amount of gold per level until level (?) (Not sure what you put for that :P)


    Cannot enter enemy buildings, but not allowed to block with bodies!


    Able to Paralyze townmates on Bleeding Isle (Not as important, but some people may like it)


    10 seconds no damage Rule for Crusade Guild Teleport


    Cats and Rabbits removed from aresden and elvine. (Again, not as important, but it's a sad kinda thing :sleep:)


    No snow in Icebound!




    And that's all I could find/remember. ^_^

  10. What about a section on the website featuring the changes Nemesis has made to make it a more unique server? Such as making PL Max lvl 140, information stating that we have a slightly different drop rate, telling how Gardens have more spawns, and stuff like that. I can do some research in the forums for the rest of it, if you want to add this feature and don't feel like scanning the forum. :P

  11. i would have to say id like to see more people using different weapons other than blizz and bbh thats for DAAAMN sure. i remember back when hb started it was all about lightning strike and you mowed with it. but now everymage has 195 int war has 200str. i think it would be hard but if somehow balance all items with advantages and dissadvantages. even if u somehow made like battleaxe or something with a chance to hit a critical or something?? i like your ideas for recall. but the rest i dissagree with, although something sould be done to give players options of using other spells/weapons and not have such a DISSADVANTAGE


    The reason there's so many 200 str wars is because it's a simple build that can get quick EKs. There's other weapons that can do some pretty nice damage, but all people look at is the high strip rate and high damage of BBH's. If they lowered the strip rate on it, maybe people would try out some other builds, other than just BBH's BBH's and more BBH's.


    As for mages, they would probably have to raise the damage of the other spells if you wanna see anything other than a 195 int mage. Blizzard is by far THE best damage spell (excluding ESW, a rare drop), and the other spells don't even come close in terms of damage and incapacitation (freezing) that Blizzard has.

  12. Well as you might remember Lew, I started out late in the life of Nemesis 1, but even though my time in Damnation was short, it was definitely one of the best. You were a great GuildMaster, and even though I didn't get to be around you much while you were a GM, you were still awesome. I hope one day you'll find enough time in your schedule to play some HB again, it would be great to see you back in-game. Always remember that we'll miss you. :wub:

  13. I like #1, but there's too many other factors to put it in, IMO.


    #2 Isn't bad, I like the idea.


    I disagree with #3. There's already been some nice drops from Ettins without pits, and if you add pits the number of those rares will skyrocket. If they're going to put Ettin pits back in the game, at least do it somewhere that can be raided 24/7. Otherwise it's gonna be waaay too easy to get those rares. :sleep:


    I have to completely disagree with #4. Without Blizzard, I doubt we'd be seeing ANY mage be able to stand a chance against a 180 war 1v1. The other spells just don't do enough damage. BBH is fine IMO, (except for the strip rate on it), just learn2shieldcast and find some PA if you're worried about it doing a lot of damage to mages. Remove AMP? No, just no. How do you expect anyone to hunt Ice Wyverns without AMP? Unless they all have IE necks or something. Warriors ARE dependent on their items, yes, but it's not like it's extremely hard to find an mr21 set, emmy ring, and a little bit of MA armor. Besides, any 2 decent wars with good fps can down a mage pretty easily, if they know what they're doing.