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Posts posted by wutafreek

  1. By reading what you both had just said, i have concluded you both are blind. (look at the ss's, or go play on a MAGE and see how easily it strips).


    So many noobs in the server now...



    any way its just the same as HBUSA atm is it not or maby bugged??!?!?!? call me noob i dont care i saw the SS if its lowerd any how it will corrupt what aready is hard PVP warr vs warr now is anyway. your a MAGE RUNNNNNNNNNNN :ph34r:


    Go play a mage against a BBH war and say that again. :glare:



    To Farjat:


    Thanks so much for trying to work on it! If you can't figure out how, well, we'll get over it eventually. :rolleyes:









    First of all, turn off caps lock please. It gives people headaches.


    Second of all, add up your current skill %'s, and make sure the down arrow is on something that has more than 0%.


    Third, check out www.hbportal.net and check if you have the right stats to get the skill(s) you want.


    Fourth, after you hit 50% in ANY skill, it takes a heck of a lot longer to raise it. Just be patient.



    Hope that helped. :rolleyes:

  3. he deserves a ban just for being stupid, im not defending him, just telling that if he doesnt answer u or ariel doesnt mean that he was using macro, since i play hb i train my skills far away from shop wh or a place that player can be near, is really annoying when u are training a skill and some idiot come up and start to hit u, summon u poison u etc etc etc.


    ' date='Apr 27 2007, 02:24 AM' post='184221']

    I hope they do check.,..


    AND there is ONE reason to be where he was... I TP'd to the coords to look...that reason is to macro and not get busted. No other...its too far from shop for pots, too far from pits for a quick AFK.


    its a macro spot...period.

    He could be out in the middle of nowhere so no one would bother him while he raises magic %.

    agree ^_^


    The problem is, it looks very much like macroing when the person who is doing it doesn't say ANYTHING AT ALL. Especially if it's in a spot far away from everyone else, no matter if he isn't macroing and just doesn't want to be bothered. It just looks odd. :huh: (I say odd because it won't let me post sus picious. O_o)

  4. Look at the bright side Ezekiel. Now that there are no IG pits, BBH wars will have a hella time leveling up, unless they have a lot of dex. In which case, it shouldnt be too hard to down them playing as a mage.


    But yeah, getting stripped EVERY SINGLE HIT would probably suck. :sleep:

  5. Do you get stripped with EVERY hit? Or do you just get one piece of armor stripped on the first hit, then nothing stripped for several more hits?


    Think about it. Any war with 200 str will have some big disadvantage on a lvl 140 server. Either low dex - wars can hurt them a lot more, or low vit - mages AND wars can kill them easily. Or both.


    So they may deal more damage in the long run, but they're easier to take down in the short run.


    Just my two cents. B)

  6. It wouldn't have been any better had they left it, Elv would have just continued to take advantage of it, and get even farther ahead on average.


    Very true. I mean, what, would aresden just suddenly take the pits over if IGs came back? I don't think so. Aresden players have found other places to train, and now it seems that Elvine players will have to do that now too.

  7. We Bought tHe Santa and nw gone 18k .. Gm should pay us back~.


    No, you change your contents so you could buy it, you did something illegal.


    Instead of an award, you should be punished.


    This is the first time I've agreed with you kay0. You're 100% right on this. :sleep:



    As for IG pit being gone, yes, I'll miss it, but I'll get over it and so will the rest of elvine. Farjat just killed the future training pit of my bmage though. :lol:

  8. I know whats wrong!


    Everyone is jealous of everyone else for some reason or another, and every one of those people wants to change it, except Hunter. Go play some HB and get over it. At least Hunter has a good head on his shoulders. :rolleyes:



  9. ok new suggestions:


    1. mining rocks should rare-drop x stones, m stones, and zems (lower than mithril)

    2. using rare monster parts/farming items? like demon meat/heart/leather and unicorn meat/leather you should be able to use alchemy to make rare dyes.


    pink dye: unicorn meat, red grapes

    gold dye: unicorn leather, ginseng root, gold ore

    crimson red dye: demon heart, helhound tongue, tomato

    black dye: demon leather, helhound leather, mellon

    ivory dye: demon leather, troll claw, mushroom


    it makes sense, this would make getting skills more worthwhile and fun. this would also make rare dyes not event-only items while making them quite rare. they can be made more rare by requiring more than one rare ingredient if desired.


    I like this idea, but if the GM's decide to do this or something similar, make more ingredients necessary. Even with those, peple will be all over them in a few weeks. :huh:

  10. Here's my opinion, might not like it, so don't read it.


    Please stop fking crying like little kids, so what if STD guild talks sh*t to you? there is /tooff for a reason, you fking m0rons, why are you giving them the attention they desire?


    If you just stfu and stop making fourm topics about them, the problem will soon go away. I haven't had to 'deal' with any STD members(thank god) from what I've heard, they are complete as$holes, what you can do is, to stop giving them attention, easy as 1-2-3. /tooff them, if they bother you, let them be, recall and go to a different pit, there are more than 1 training areas. Yes I know it's eaiser said than done, but ELVs, stop giving STD guild members what they want, for you to get angry and cry on fourms, while they laugh in guild chat, at how stupid and immature you guys can be, don't scoop to their lvl. Rise above it, ignore them.


    P.S: Crying on fourms, won't actually get much done, it just causes more conflit, tooff ignore them, let them crim, they lose rep, therefore less items for them, more for you. When you point a finger at somebody there's 3 pointing right back at you, so stop blaming STD guild for your problems. You probably provoked them, you probably said "Fking noob stop ks me" that's what caused them to own your *censored*.


    Go here:





    We didn't do a THING to deserve getting chased out of those pits and killed. :glare:

  11. A town only for Damnation??? sound good ^_^

    But we are elvines and need cooperate with the city. Is true that soo many people hate us but these isnt a reason for quiting the city.


    And now with the exp event of today ALL Anihilation ( or some like that) hate our guild ONLY for a stupid that kill the member of anihi. and one of our guild got the position and the drop. The next minutes all people say "f*cking noob, stupid guild, noobs" and all these sh*t :angry:


    And if another member of other guild take the drop, dont insult that member ??????


    Hey if you wanna take drops of TW, HC, Wyvs, you have the chance that other noobs kick you with critis and spells.


    If the people dont make these things we will make a good town -work, but the thing that is see today ... that is sooooooo far :sleep:



    I do agree with you Arkaine. We can't abandon Elvine completely. And it's not only the Annihilation guild, its the STD guild too. They seem to be waging a personal war with us. :mellow:


    As for the HC drop in Elvine today, my beef with that was that PhoeniX was standing above the HC, not doing ANYTHING AT ALL. (I know, I was watching him while I was casting) Then, after the HC died he jumped it. That's the lamest thing I've ever seen an Elv do before. I mean, if he was hitting it, I couldn't care less that he jumped it at the end to get the drop. It's just that he was just waiting for it to die, and not doing a single thing to help. If you want a chance at the drop, do something to help. If not, just stand far far away. :sleep:


    Then of course, him and half of elvine had to start whining about Nuts getting the drop after PhoeniX died. :mellow: I seem to recall someone saying to me after I tried to explain what PhenioX did, "go fk yourself fking ****et". If any GM wants the name, I'll be happy to provide it from my stash of pics. :unsure:


    All in all, Elvine seems to have become rather noobish lately. Hopefully it will change, or the noobs will just leave. B)


    :wub: Damnation!


    Edit: Found PhoeniX's exact name and fixed his name in my post. :ph34r:

  12. Can Damnation have it's own Town PLEASE!?!?!?!?!?!?


    Perhaps you could settle yourself and you buddies to bleeding island and make your own village with shops there? "Damned Island" with Damnnation ;D


    That. Is. PERFECT!!!!!! :wub:






    Yes, I'm dead serious. ^_^

  13. The zerk time is fine for a 140 server. Read above for some good reasons. :rolleyes:


    Para time is fine also. Paralyzed mage=dead mage in most cases. :mellow:


    As for the other things:


    Cast bug needs to be fixed ASAP! :wacko:


    Party bug also needs to be fixed.


    But the santa costumes are perfectly fine! :rolleyes: *hugs his EWS mage*



  14. fixed



    Thanks so mufh Farjat! You rock so hard! :wub:


    Cya guys in-game. B)



    EDIT: You said the acc creator on the website is working, correct? Because I made an acc there but it says non-existing ID in the game...Maybe I just need to wait a bit longer or something?