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Posts posted by wutafreek

  1. I have NO idea what Award said/was trying to say, but I think it's a fairly good idea Ruutu. We'll probably have to clear it with Hunter first, though.


    I wouldn't mind doing it for Elv since I logon a lot, but it doesn't really matter to me. :sleep:

  2. Already congratsed ya in game, had to say agn CONGRATS and how jelious i am! i was missing 3 peices and i only had 3 hours to gather with shag before i had to go to work, ( But i saw you and your team working hard to get it done) But after all im happy as hell you got it and not some doush :wub:


    Wuta your tha man, and i think i remember the demon eye! was it from the demon me and you owned in pl?


    Grats agn dude, next time hopfully will be better timing for me to give you a beter competition :D


    We did work really hard, even taking a short break from the crusade to hunt for items. :blink:


    I don't think the demon eye was from PL, but it might've been...I really don't remember where I either of those demon parts. :lol:

  3. HP wands make para more effective for low mag warriors by making their paralyze hit more often. It really is more effective, because their paralyze's can hit mages easier.


    I mean hell, I might even use an HP wand on my battlemage when he's higher level just to hit mages better. :P

  4. Easy? EASY?! That wasn't easy! We just happened to have several of the key items already. If I wasn't a pack rat, I doubt we would've won. ^_^


    Anyways, thanks. It was fun switching between all my chars about 50 times just to acquire/trade for all the items and transfer them. :lol:

  5. While it's pretty useful in servers with a high max level (I've played with it too), I don't think it would work quite as well on a 180 server.


    What happens when a newb is low on pots, being chased by skeletons in RH? What happens when they get caught by a spawn in a bad spot? What happens when a TW randomly appears in town, and you don't want to lose a zem?


    When you have a person paralized, its not hard to keep them from recalling, you just need to figure out how.


    If they're running and recalling, well, that's a sad but important part of HB.


    Just giving you some things to think about. :sleep:

  6. Don't mess with the drop rate, because it can get screwed up VERY easily.


    A couple of events with zems as prizes, however, sound good. Just don't make them too often, and make sure you do some lowbie events with zems as prizes too.

  7. I'm drooling at the sight of Wednesday's event. :mellow: :mellow: :mellow:


    Awesome line-up hunter! Thanks so much! :D :wub: ^_^



    Also, are those times server time or EST time? Because I thought saturday crusades were normally at 7pm server time, which equals to 8pm EST...