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Posts posted by wutafreek

  1. Okay Farjat, my last record in ett pit was 200+ etts and no drop. Yesterday I decided to test the droprate even further, I hunted in ett pit for over 12 hours (i'm sad i know :blush: ), must have killed over 1000 etts, I only got 1 drop, strong plate w n/s. Even without an ett pit in Helbreath USA, I still managed to get BH drops on a fairly regular basis.


    Please please reconsider your policy on leaving the droprate as it is after the update, NOTHING DROPS!


    Who says farjat isn't changing to where more n/s items drop? He didn't say WHAT he was doing to the drop rate, just that something would change. Hopefully, that's what it will be. :sleep:

  2. Because the current strip rate on BBHs is extremely high, and after about 6-7 hits on my 134% manu chain+1, it starts stripping every hit. So is there any possible way you could work on fixing the strip rate, or at least give us an idea on when it will be fixed, if ever? I know I've asked this several months before and never have gotten an answer from you or Sexy, so I thought I would try again.


    It would make a lot of people happy if you could let us know about this. :sleep:

  3. Hunter, I have a theory myself. :o



    I've noticed while on Muta that during the crusade when I open my sade map thingy, there's a patch of blue south of ToH, yet when I TP there myself, there isn't anything there.


    The patch of blue is always in the same spot, and I first noticed it after a mana stone was set there weeks ago, and have yet to see one in that spot since.



    So what if the problem is that there's just a bunch of "ghost" buildings there that somehow count towards your construction limit? Theoretically, couldn't a server restart (as in restarting the computer that is hosting the server, not wiping it) or at least restarting the maps connected to ML clear that up?




    That's just my thoughts on this. :sleep: