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Posts posted by wutafreek

  1. We're talking -50 on a player right?


    -50 on a player with any flamberge is impossible.


    You'd be lucky to even hit -50 with a bbh on a naked player.


    And this 80+ normal swing non-zerk is full of BS, my character who had a bbh+7, dm+5, dragon ring, and full hero couldn't even hit that.


    -50 on a player with a flamberge is actually quite possible. Look at the character simulator on www.hbportal.net and put 200 str on the character. Next, set the weapon to any flamberge you can think of, and look at the damage below the Skills section.


    You see? Add in a good ring and DM neck, and you have 50+ damage on a player. Now I know you'll have to consider the defense of the character, but with high enough damage items, it's still 50+ damage.


    So it actually IS possible, given a very good flam.

    Are you being serious? I don't know whether to laugh at you or feel sorry..


    Yes, I'm being quite serious. :)

  2. We're talking -50 on a player right?


    -50 on a player with any flamberge is impossible.


    You'd be lucky to even hit -50 with a bbh on a naked player.


    And this 80+ normal swing non-zerk is full of BS, my character who had a bbh+7, dm+5, dragon ring, and full hero couldn't even hit that.


    -50 on a player with a flamberge is actually quite possible. Look at the character simulator on www.hbportal.net and put 200 str on the character. Next, set the weapon to any flamberge you can think of, and look at the damage below the Skills section.


    You see? Add in a good ring and DM neck, and you have 50+ damage on a player. Now I know you'll have to consider the defense of the character, but with high enough damage items, it's still 50+ damage.


    So it actually IS possible, given a very good flam.

  3. after about lv 120 if you have pfm and zerk they are not that bad. Hell liches are worthless up close and ogres are slow.




    what gets me is those who take an anvil and a pick axe down there and craft their own weapons and armor, thus when a suit breaks they go up to d2 mine a bit and make a new set and go back down. And I thought I was obsessed. They farm the orcs for meat and pots if they need it. Never seeing the light of day...


    but then most dwellers tend to be very teritorial and gaurd their hunting grounds from anyone be they ares or elvine.




    It is not uncommon to see them labled as criminal.


    Good lord, people make their own armor when it breaks?! I thought you were obsessed too, Khelben, but this...my god. :mellow:


    On a side note, this doesn't sound like too bad of a career, in my opinion. ;) Excluding the making my own armor and weapons, of course. :wacko:

  4. well i agree he might be a lammer but the lvl thing is stupid, i got 53 eks being 80-, i didnt lame any ek and there was already lots of 100+ ppl, u just gota be smart


    You got 53 eks at 80- when there were still a lot of 80- people in PL. Now there's hardly any.


    Yes, it makes a big difference.

  5. So I've been doing some thinking, and I've got some ideas.



    Since there always seem to be times when a Guildmaster can't make a crusade for one reason or another, what if we had a special command to create a Guild Captain?


    What would a captain be able to do? Well, a captain would be able to take over for a Guildmaster in the event of a crusade, by setting the TPs. If possible, the Captain would NOT be able to accumulate recall points, because if both the Captain and Guildmaster were on at the same time, they would probably get double points. Also, the Captain would be able to switch between either Soldier, Captain, and builder, or just Soldier and Captain. That, or the Captain position would have the same damage rate as Soldier, meaning as long as the Captain was a member of that guild, that would be the only job they could take in a crusade.


    The way to make a Captain would be to go to the Guild Hall, and purchase a crystal or some other item used with the command to create a Captain. It would be a unique item for each guild, to avoid bugs, meaning the Guildmaster would have to take care of it or just not buy it until they wanted to create the captain. The item would be, for example, "';..;' Rawr Captain [Crystal]", meaning only the GM of ';..;' Rawr could buy it and use it. As for a command, /createcaptain [Name] would work as long as the designated person was online, and the Guildmaster had the crystal of their guild in his bag. The Guildmaster would only be able to buy one crystal, so if they lost it they would have to ask a GM for assistance in getting a new one.



    As for Co-Guildmasters, they would have the power to let people in the guild and ban them, but not be able to ban Captains or the Guildmaster himself. They would also not have the power to disband the guild. The way to create a Co-Guildmaster falls under the same principle as making a Captain, with the command being /createmaster [Name], but the Co-Guildmaster would need to have 20 Charisma to become one.


    The Guildmaster alone will be able to ban the Captains and Co-Guildmasters from their guild, but they will not be able to get another Crystal without totally re-making their guild or asking a GM for assistance, so they will still need to be careful about who they choose.



    Why am I suggesting this and not just suggesting letting people have access to the main Guildmaster character? Because a lot of people seem to have been having problems with getting their accounts stolen lately, and without (or even with) the password changer working, it can be a real problem. Once they know your account and password, they can probably figure out what your next password will be. The point is, some people just can't be trusted, and not everyone realizes that. With this, you can still keep your Guildmaster's account and password a secret, yet still have people be online for the Crusades when you can't be, and let people in the guild when you're not on. For example, if there's someone you've been trying to get in your guild for a while now, but you never see them online and the Co-Guildmaster does, the Co-Guildmaster could let them in the guild for you.




    Comments/questions/constructive criticism?

  6. These kind of hunts ARE pretty frickin awesome, and I'm also doing a bunch of smaller hunts within my own guild too.


    We've cleared out the big spawn catch point in D3 about 3 times now, and you guys have already seen screens of us trying to take on toh 2.


    The point is, there are plenty of things to do, but most people here on the forums are just too lazy to go in-game and do them. It doesn't take that long to hit level 100, when you can actually be a decent help to people hunting. So just get in there and do it! :ph34r: